Take the Supermarket to Seventies, Uncategorized


Chapter 52

Yu Tong was about to be stunned by Wang Linlin’s thick skin, she smiled, said “OK”, turned around and went back to serve the plate. Many neighbors came out of their homes and lay on the fence to watch eagerly, just to see if Yu Tong’s family ate meat every day.

Of course, eating meat every day is an exaggeration, but eating five stewed pork for 20 days is already a good life.

As Yu Tong walked into the house, she pondered over Wang Linlin’s problems carefully. It was impossible to expect Wang Linlin’s character to improve. The only way for her to avoid these messy things was… to move? It seems that you still have to have your own home first. Of course, the neighbors of this family have to be normal people, Yu Tong doesn’t want to continue to mess with these abnormal people.

Yu Tong quickly walked to the eating place and brought out the plate containing the spicy hot pot. She smiled and said as she walked, “I didn’t expect my cooking skills to be so good that everyone mistakenly think that I eat big fish and meat. It’s a great honor. You are welcome to come to my house for dinner in the future.”

As she spoke, she showed the plate to everyone.

Everyone tilted their heads and looked into the plate. Not to mention, they really couldn’t see the meat with wide eyes. Only after carefully distinguishing, can we vaguely see a few pieces of meat, which are very pitiful compared with the amount of vegetables.

Yu Tong smiled and said, “Aunt Wang, don’t you want to say now that I knew in advance that you peeped at my house every day, so I ate all the meat right away? Don’t worry, I didn’t know you could do such a thing, so there was no plan to eat meat in advance.”

Yu Tong’s words attracted many people’s approval.

Just now, they only paid attention to the number of times Yu Tong’s family ate meat, and they didn’t even think about how Wang Linlin knew how many times they ate meat a month.

In fact, they don’t have to think about what kind of person Wang Linlin is, they still don’t know? A few years ago, Wang Linlin was staring at their house every day!

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little sympathetic, Yu Tong was really unlucky for eight lifetimes, and became neighbors with Wang Linlin.

Seeing Wang Linlin’s face turning green and pale for a while, Yu Tong continued without pausing: “My family has eaten meat a few times, but we know how to save, so we don’t eat too much every time, just want to separate and eat more. Is this pricking Aunt Wang’s heart? Aunt Wang, you usually eat better, sister Yang Yu is not easy, take care of her more.”

Yu Tong poked Wang Linlin’s flesh with a half-smile.

Wang Linlin was humiliated, not to mention slandering others, and was pointed at by her neighbors, her spine ached. Unwillingly, she said, “Then tell me, how do you two live such a good life even with the little money your mother earned?! There must be something shameful!”

“Aunt Wang, To live, the mentality is more important. It’s not uncommon for someone with a dark heart like you to feel that life is not good, but even if my mother and I sleep on the main road, as long as we can still be together, I feel happy! “

The words made the women present extremely moved.

Aunt Ma, in particular, was about to shed tears, “Look at Tongtong, what a sensible child, why is this Wang Linlin inferior to the two children? She is still so cruel to Xiaoyu… Hey, what a crime!”

Responding: “Sister Ma is right, Wang Linlin, don’t go too far, everyone still remembers the things you did before. Today is different, you better be careful, don’t force everyone to teach you a lesson together! “

Someone started to crusade against Wang Linlin more and more, most of them were angered by Wang Linlin during the campaign.

Wang Linlin is not popular, not only because she always sues, but most importantly, she once killed a man. Until now, everyone in the alley still remembers that day when a man knocked on the door of Wang Linlin’s house. The man was taken away by the red/guard/soldiers, and he was already out of shape when he left, and he probably didn’t live long.

“How many people were killed in the past few years, and now she is still destroying the innocence of this mother and daughter. This woman is really vicious!”

Wang Linlin didn’t expect that she would be the one to be criticized in the end. She thought that everyone would follow her to criticize Qiao He, which made Wang Linlin a little untenable.

To make matters worse, Zhang Jianjun saw all the hustle and bustle at the moment.

After Zhang Jianjun heard that Yu Tong had visited his house today, he specially came to thank her, but unexpectedly, he came across this scene. It turned out that everyone felt that Lin Xianglian’s job was unfair? That’s right, Zhang Jianjun gave Lin Xianglian a job ,with no background for a job that so many people were staring at, so someone must be gossiping. So what if it’s too much for someone with a background, isn’t it still going through the back door?

Zhang Jianjun looked at it for a while with a sullen face, without saying anything, walked over and said, “It’s so lively? It seems that I missed a good show!”

As he said, he pretended to see Yu Tong just now, and said in surprise: “Tongtong, why are you standing outside, what are you holding in your hand? It’s cold now, don’t stand outside to blow the wind.”

Yu Tong saw Zhang Jianjun, and was stunned for a second.

Then she said excitedly : “Uncle Zhang, this is the dinner I made. Come in and have a taste.” This is a small snack I bought for you, and there is some meat, let your mother put it away for you to eat later.”

In addition to Lin Xianglian, there are many people who work in the factory on this street, and they all know Zhang Jianjun.

As soon as the factory manager appeared, they were completely silent, and stood respectfully, not even daring to say a word.

“Why are you giving me things? Uncle Zhang, you have already helped me a lot, but you can’t do this.” Yu Tong frowned tightly and refused to pick up the things.

“You saved my father’s life, what is this thing? Do you mean my father’s life is not worth as much as this thing?” Zhang Jianjun said dissatisfied,

“You little girl, why are you like this now?” Zhang Jianjun He complained about Yu Tong in his mouth, but the meaning behind it was that she was really doing her best, even if you don’t talk about Lin Xianglian’s work, everyone will understand what’s going on. Of course, he didn’t say this clearly, and he wouldn’t follow the truth. Everyone knew it well.

Yu Tong naturally understood, she was a little moved. Compared with Li Xiu and Wang Linlin, there are indeed more good people.

Yu Tong’s eyes became hot, and she stretched out her hand to take it: “I’ll take it this time, and I can make an agreement in the future, and you are not allowed to bring any more.”

Saying this, Yu Tong welcomed Zhang Jianjun into the door, “Come in and try my handicrafts “

Zhang Jianjun walked in cheerfully, saw Xie Wencheng just after entering the door, and was stunned for a moment, “Isn’t this Director Xie? Why are you here too.”

Xie Wencheng smiled slightly, “Just like you, just to eat “

Zhang Jianjun said with a smile: “Then we both have a good time tonight.”

After Yu Tong’s house closed the door, there was nothing lively to watch, and everyone dispersed. No wonder Yu Tong’s life is going well, this little girl has a good heart, good deeds are rewarded, and she is friends with the owner of the supply and marketing cooperative, how can her life be bad?

Seeing that everyone left and no one paid attention to her, Wang Linlin turned pale with anger.

But what else can she do, she agreed to Yu Tong’s conditions just now, but she really didn’t expect that this little girl really didn’t put a few pieces of meat in the dish. She smelled the vegetables so fragrant, she thought she had put in a lot of them!

Wang Linlin returned home gloomy. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Yang Yu staring at her timidly, and said with difficulty: “Mom, from now on…don’t do this, this is not, it’s not good.”

Ever since Yang Yu had a serious illness and her brain was not working well, She doesn’t talk much anymore.

Seeing that her daughter was helping Yu Tong, Wang Linlin was even more angry, “Well, you are helping the mother and daughter, I won’t say anything in the future, okay?! I can’t compare to others, others have factory directors as backers!”

Yang Yu frowned and shook her head slightly.

Mom, she really can’t be saved.


On the other side, as soon as Zhang Jianjun entered the room, he took out something from his sleeve, “This painting was given to you by my father, this old man won’t let me fold it, he insists on rolling up my sleeves It hurts me to death.”

When Yu Tong saw the painting, she was startled: “This is not acceptable, it was painted by grandpa with so much hard work, I have already accepted one, and I can’t accept another one.”

Zhang Jianjun doesn’t know how much his father’s paintings will be worth in the future. In his eyes, this is just his father’s interest. As long as his father likes it, he can give it to whoever he wants. He laughed and said, “It’s just a painting, and it’s worthless. It’s just a gift from the heart. Don’t  you appreciate it?”

After hearing this, Yu Tong became even more difficult. She can’t just say that this painting will sell for millions in the future, can she? Although local tyrants may look down on millions, they can still change a few properties!

Yu Tong felt a little regretful, if she hadn’t noticed how good Zhang Yezhong’s name was, she would have accepted the painting without any pressure, and after many years, she suddenly found herself a multimillionaire… This feeling is beautiful to think about.

It’s a pity, she knows everything, how could she have the nerve to ask for this painting?

Yu Tong said solemnly: “Uncle Zhang, Grandpa’s paintings are very good. You should keep them carefully. They will definitely sell for a lot of money in the future. It’s too uneconomical to give them to me.”

” well, don’t be polite to me, your grandpa saw that you couldn’t put it down today, he knows you like it, so hurry up and take it.” Yu Tong said embarrassedly: “Actually, I also Know how to draw a little bit, I can see that grandpa’s works are different from others, and he will definitely make great achievements in the future.”

Zhang Jianjun was amused by Yu Tong’s words: “I know you are sweet, so please accept it quickly, don’t shirk it anymore. Don’t you just like the picture? Whoever likes it will be the most valuable in the hands of the person, no matter how much money it costs. It’s a waste of money for an old man like me to collect paintings in a rough way.”

What Yu Tong said was sincere, and what Zhang Jianjun said again seemed to be that she was being unreasonable. Yu Tong had no choice but to accept it.

Zhang Jianjun is not young anymore, he will be almost ninety years old in 2018, and it is not certain whether he will be around, and Yu Tong’s favor is still unclear.

Forget it, I can only help Zhang Yezhong and Zhang Jianjun as much as possible in the future.

Yu Tong thought for a while and said, “Uncle Zhang, sit and eat first, I’ll go and put away the paintings.”

“Okay, let’s go.”


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