Unbeknownst to Me, I'm Secretly Dating the Emperor

It had been four days since I last saw Connie.


The rumors that had simmered down, thanks to the influence of Count Renkels family name, began to spread once more.


“Honestly, the nerve of her. If it were me, I would’ve resigned and gone back to my hometown by now.”


“Right? I don’t know how she manages to show up for work every day with a straight face.”


‘So they think they have nothing to fear as long as they keep their attacks focused on me, huh?’


“Well, just because she was close to Connie doesn’t mean she committed a crime too, right?”


Even the words that were supposed to defend me only served to completely vilify Connie.


‘It takes about a week to travel to and from the capital using the teleportation circle from Duke Camelot’s territory.’


I figured it was about time for some results.


I kept telling myself to hold on a little longer.


‘At most, one more week.’


I bit my lower lip and clenched my fists.


I could tolerate those who were simply ignorant and going along with the rumors. But I had no intention of forgiving those who maliciously spread gossip with ill intent.


‘Especially you three gossipmongers. Just wait.’


Once everything was resolved, I would teach them a lesson, even if it meant using my fists.


‘Maybe knocking out their front teeth will make them think twice before gossiping again.’


I sharpened the blade of revenge in my mind, ready to strike.


Fortunately, the waiting period wasn’t long. A week later, rumors began circulating that many nobles under Duke Camelot had been arrested.


The very next day, Connie was released.


She returned with words of sympathy for the ordeal she had gone through, having been falsely accused.


To spread the truth, I started a rumor that Connie’s imprisonment had been a ploy by higher-ups as a diversion.


As a result, the three gossipmongers couldn’t even make eye contact with me anymore, fleeing in the opposite direction whenever they saw me.


Even those who had aligned themselves with Donovan began treating Connie and me as if we were the new power to be reckoned with.


‘Especially since Connie was released and Donovan was taken away in her place.’


Donovan was just a small fry, currently held in a temporary holding cell within the palace. But if Duke Camelot was found guilty, Donovan, as his subordinate, would be finished as well.


‘Unlike Connie, he won’t be enjoying a vacation-like imprisonment.’


It was said that after the trial, Donovan would likely be sent to a labor camp, probably in a place like a mine.


‘There’s almost a 100% chance Duke Camelot will be found guilty. The only question is which labor camp he’ll end up in.’


While the Emperor was arresting every last one of Donovan’s subordinates, the Duke himself had managed to escape direct punishment, but he couldn’t avoid responsibility entirely.


‘It seems the Duke has decided to acknowledge his crimes and focus on minimizing his punishment.’


There were already rumors that several of his prized estates would be confiscated and that he would have to pay a fine substantial enough to shake his household.


In a swift turn of events, the influence of Duke Camelot had been significantly diminished due to charges of tax evasion, bribery, and embezzlement.


‘The Duke should consider himself lucky just to be alive.’


But the Emperor’s judgment didn’t end there.


Rumor had it that the Emperor had summoned Duke Camelot to the grand hall to personally execute him, only to be dissuaded by his loyal nobles, who reminded him that the Duke’s family had served the Empire for generations.


They said the Duke’s head was almost cut off without a trial, which sent shockwaves throughout the palace, not just within the finance department where a high-ranking official had already been dismissed.


‘I’m beginning to fully grasp just how ruthless the Emperor can be.’


The Emperor was known for being a formidable ally when on your side but terrifying when against you. That reputation was well-earned.


‘And right now, I can safely say that the Emperor and I are somewhat on the same side.’


Thanks to that, Connie and I were the only ones walking around with our heads held high.


“Praise the Emperor,” Connie said as she opened her coin pouch for the twenty-first time, marveling at her reward.


“Is it really that good?”


“Yes, no matter how many times I look at it, it’s still great.”


Connie shook the pouch, listening to the jingle of coins with her eyes closed as if it were the most soothing sound in the world.


‘Is this some sort of gold coin therapy?’


I chuckled to myself.


Connie’s exaggerated display of pride was partly to show off to those who had belittled her. The other half was genuine happiness.


Thanks to that, even those who had looked down on her for being a common orphan were now trying to get on her good side.


‘Riding the coattails of power is the best.’


Recently, work had never been more enjoyable.


Connie and I exchanged smiles, both of us grinning from ear to ear.


After shaking the pouch until her arm nearly gave out, Connie finally sat down and, as if remembering something, asked, “By the way, Rina, what are you doing for the Emperor’s birthday celebration?”


“It’s already that time of year?”


It felt like time had flown by recently.


“This year’s celebration will be huge since it’s the first one after the Emperor’s return.”


Connie, who was always in the know, listed off the events planned for the festival.


“They’re distributing food to the poor, holding prayer meetings at the temples, and there will be fireworks and a masquerade ball. They say the fireworks this year will be the best in thirty years. There’s even a rumor that if you watch the fireworks with someone you meet at the masquerade, you’ll fall in true love. Nobles from all over are flocking to the capital.”


In this era, magic was often used to create elaborate fireworks displays. However, due to the shortage of magicians during the war, fireworks had been omitted from festivals for the past eight years.


Now that the war was over, it seemed the Empire was going all out to lift the somber mood.


“I heard the fireworks at the victory celebration were underwhelming.”


“Exactly! But this time, over 300 magicians are working on it!”


Connie clenched her fists in excitement, eager not to miss the opportunity.


“Want to go watch together?”


I was also a bit disappointed that I had missed the victory celebration fireworks.


“Sure! The fireworks are on the last day of the festival, so let’s spend the whole day together.”


“Sounds good.”


Connie and I whispered our plans for the festival, plotting out the best ways to enjoy it while avoiding work.


Once we finalized our plans to eat, drink, and have fun, Connie went back to her desk, determined to finish her remaining work.


“I’m going to work super hard from now on, so don’t stop me.”


I waved her off absentmindedly.


I was in the same boat as Connie—I had to work non-stop if I wanted to fully enjoy the holiday.


During major events like this, the finance department was always swamped with work.


‘If I hurry, I might be able to take two out of the three festival days off.’


But the desire to have fun can push a person to their limits.


Time flew by as I threw myself into work, and before I knew it, the festival had begun.


My initial plan had gone awry, and I found myself working on the second day of the festival.


‘I have to finish everything today.’


The only silver lining was that if I finished today, I wouldn’t have to work tomorrow.


As I focused on my work well into the evening, I took a break to ward off sleepiness by brewing a strong cup of tea and heading out to the small garden behind the building.


Today, the second day of the festival, was the day of the masquerade ball, which most of the capital’s nobility attended.


The empty outer palace felt dark, but the lights illuminating the nearby imperial palace could be seen even from here.


‘The Emperor and the Saintess first met at a masquerade ball during a festival like this one.’


I tried to recall when exactly that was as I walked back and forth along the path between the trees. Before I knew it, my cup was empty.


‘Should I go back inside and make another cup?’


“Miss Diaz.”


Just then, a dark figure emerged from the shadows of the trees.


The man was dressed in all black, blending into the darkness so well that I could hardly tell if he was human under the dim streetlights.


‘What is this? An intruder?’


I recoiled as I noticed the white mask covering the man’s face.


I thought of running toward where there were people, but my legs wouldn’t cooperate.




Instead of retreating, the figure stepped closer to me.


‘Is this how it ends? An extra who witnesses an assassin in the palace and gets killed for it.’


The distance between us closed in an instant. The man reached out his hand toward me.


Terrified, I opened my mouth to scream for the guards, but it was immediately covered.


“Shh, it’s me, Miss Diaz.”


The dark figure hesitated for a moment before adding,


“Everett Roxas.”


It wasn’t until I heard the familiar voice that I recognized who it was.


Sensing that I had relaxed slightly, Everett whispered,


“If you scream now, it’ll cause some trouble for me.”


I nodded.


Everett slowly removed his hand from my mouth.


I, still shaken, whispered with tear-filled eyes, “You scared me.”


My voice was small, but it was thick with compressed anger.




“Never mind!”


I grumbled as I wiped away the tears that had welled up, and Everett flinched.


“I didn’t think you’d be this frightened.”


Everett awkwardly scratched his head, his hand bumping into the mask.


“Oh. Is it because of this?”


Everett finally removed the white mask covering his face.


He then roughly pushed back his disheveled hair with his hand.


At that moment, the thick clouds obscuring the moon were blown away by the wind.


The near-full moonlight shone down on Everett’s head like a spotlight.


“Better now?”


In that instant, what had seemed like suspicious black attire transformed into a look of decadent elegance.


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