Toy Lady

Chapter 8

He held on to her slender waist with both hands and began to raise his waist frantically.

Puck, puck.

The sound of promiscuous copulation filled the office, and the sounds of cracked breathing were occasionally mixed in between them.

The speed of penetration from bottom to top became faster and faster, then slowed down for a while. Heloise felt like she was going to lose her mind due to the never-ending shoveling of weights.

It would be better if I could just lose my mind.

In fact, I fainted several times while receiving him. But her merciful owner never let her do that.

Risid knew how to push her just the right way. He knew exactly where she would eventually lose her temper, and he made sure that she doesn’t lose her mind in the first place.

Even if he pushed her like crazy, he often slowed down and gently soothed her, over and over again.

Like right now.

“… … Ah, Your Highness, Your Highness.”

“You were rude. Now…. call me by my first name.”

He said, while chewing her earlobe near his mouth.

“Risid, hmm… … Ugh… … .”

“… … .”

“Stop it, okay? Please forgive me. Never again, never again… … .”

Heloise pressed her tear-soaked face towards him, frantically searching for his lips and rubbing them together. She stuck out her tongue and licked his cheek, the bridge of his nose, and his lips without stopping.

It seemed ridiculous, but she knew that sometimes it worked.

Risid is weak to her own pleas.

As much as he knew about her, she also knew more about Risid than anyone else.

Haven’t I already been serving between his legs the whole time?

I gave my breasts to him as much as he wanted, let him bite them, and suck them. Since she had done enough, it was natural for him to gradually give up his fierceness, but seeing him being particularly persistent today made me feel like his mind had been completely twisted.

That’s why Heloise clung to him even more and begged him. She pressed her breasts against him, rubbing them and whining.

“please… … .”

I felt like I was sick of the fact that the only weapons I could wield were tears and pleas, but I couldn’t help it. Even a small drop of water can break through a rock if it continues to fall, so she hoped that her tears would do their job.

As if the wish had not been in vain, his gaze as he looked down at the crying and clinging face was softer than before.

The waist that had been teasing her like crazy was now poking her lower part with only a slight friction. His size still hadn’t decreased, and the veins were protruding from his swollen genitals, which had not yet been completely healed.

But unlike the lower part, which looked very unbearable, his face

was extremely calm. The face, which rarely showed signs of embarrassment or anger, shone even in moments like these.

“Risid, Risid… … .”

He laughed lowly at the sound of her crying and calling him.

Of course, he knew that this was an obvious ploy. He knew that the tears were an attempt to somehow escape the situation.

However, it was difficult to stay cold and angry the whole time when this pretty thing started to touch and kiss me. It was a moment when a self-mocking smile appeared on his lips.


Heloise was startled by the sudden feeling of her body being lifted into the air and looked at him. She was lifted up in the same position as she was hugged, facing him.

“Yes, I forgive you.”

He looked at her with a rather benevolent smile.

“Yeah, ugh!”

Every time he walked, her pelvis bounced, causing what was

inside her to make big waves.

He felt like he was going crazy from the feeling of being violently stirred inward and then stabbed again, but he calmly kicked the door to the bedroom attached to his office as if it was not his intention at all.

“Please… … .”

The lips that were whispering were immediately swallowed by him. With both the top and bottom filled with his own, Risid strides toward the bed.

He placed Heloise down on the bed in the same position he was holding her. The body lying down with a fluttering sound was pierced by him.

Heloise gasped as if she would lose her breath at any moment due to the intense shaking that immediately followed.

The dress was a mess, and his pants were half down, but neither of them were completely naked yet.

At that time, only the sound of flesh clashing against flesh was echoing throughout the bedroom.


Just as the clothes blocking the two began to feel cumbersome, Risid tore off Heloise’s dress.

Heloise looked embarrassed as she watched the dress, decorated with lace and frills befitting her status as the crown prince’s exclusive maid, being torn in vain in his hands.

“Is it because it’s a waste?”

When he saw Heloise’s expression, he burst into laughter.

“That is… … .”

Her room was full of dresses and accessories that even the most noble ladies would envy. All of the things Risid bought were luxurious and flashy.

“Because it’s too, too expensive…. … .”

Anyway, she was a maid. She was a maid, but even after her usefulness expired, she did not leave the imperial palace because she became a maid who served the crown prince.

“Is it too expensive and not worth it?”

He repeated her words as if thinking them over. A slow smile appeared on his lips as he heard her crying.

“Think carefully about who you slapped while wearing that dress.”

“That… … .”

It was unfair. It was truly unfair. Is it really a good idea to push things like this after just having a few words of conversation?

“The count glanced down at your body covered in that dress several times with his sinister eyes. If this wasn’t the crown prince’s palace, he would have tried to take your clothes off right away.”

The more I heard the sounds that came out of Risid’s mouth, the more shocking they became.

“It can’t be…Tsk.”

Heloise made a squeaking sound and arched her back at the feeling of it being rubbed underneath.

“How would you know?”

Risid’s voice slowly turned edgy.

“Even when you’re in my arms, you’re thinking about protecting someone else.”

“I didn’t… ….”

Heloise whipped around and hit his chest with her small fist. He burst into laughter and pushed his waist even deeper as his hands clapped down.

“Should I gouge out his eyes?”

The sound of whispering as they wriggled close together was scary.

“Don’t do that… Sigh.”

Heloise cried and hugged him.

“It wouldn’t be a bad thing to be recorded as a tyrant who cut out the eyes of a nobleman because he was blinded by his maid.”

“Because I was wrong… … please… … .”

Thump thud, the speed of hitting downwards became faster and faster. Héloïse begged, holding a lot of his things underneath.

“Never again, never again…… .”

“Never again, what?”

He said, lifting his waist all the way. The gestures demanding an answer became more and more forceful.

“Never to meet him… … Even if I do, I won’t see him. Even if we run into each other, never.”

I promised and swore like crazy. His eyes, that were looking down at me, were full of disbelief.

Anyway, no matter what I said, it was difficult to completely erase what happened today. I she decided to avoid the immediate situation.

“Soon, it’s meeting time.”

Heloise stopped him, squeezing out as much of the conversation she heard earlier as possible. The moment she was away from him while I was choosing his clothes was the only time I could calm him down.


His eyes narrowed, as if wondering what the big deal was.

“If your clothes get dirty… … .”

“That’s right.”

He chuckled and reached for the lock around his neck.


Risid frowned at the sound she made.

“You said I should take it off.”

“But to put it back on… .”

It takes time. Since the crown prince’s uniform was to be worn for formal work, it had to have authority and dignity, and the order of wearing clothes was determined accordingly, and all decorations on the top had to be neatly hung. Just taking it all off and putting it back on took quite a bit of time.

“You can put it back on.”

“… … .”

With nothing to say, she looked up at him blankly.

“Aren’t you better than anyone else at putting this on and taking it off? More than me.”


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