Toy Lady

Chapter 11


The cat hid in a dark corner and wouldn’t come out for a while until its fur had grown a bit. Trying to stuff my favorite snacks didn’t help. It wasn’t until later that I heard from a veterinarian that animals also feel ashamed.


“That’s why I said.”


“… … .”


A look of despair flashed across Heloise’s face at the careless answer. He agreed that he had done the same thing to her as he had done to the cat.


When she realized that he had not completely relaxed after treating her like that all the time at his desk, in his office and in his bedroom, she felt like she was sinking into the ground.


“If I leave you naked like this, you won’t be able to think about running around shaking your butt carelessly.”


“… … I’ve never done that.”


Her face turned red and she lowered her head.


“It’s unfair.”



Isn’t it possible to meet someone in the garden?


“I just wanted to get some fresh flowers.”


“Then you must have gone to greenhouse.”


“You’ve seen a lot of flowers in greenhouses. I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see flowers growing outside at least once. The air outside, the rainwater… … How pretty are the roses that have grown with all these things.”


“What does that have to do with anything? As long as it’s pretty to look at, that’s enough.”


“That… … .”


Heloise quietly bit her lip. It was only then that I realized how foolish what I had done was.


In his eyes, they are all just the same flowers.


There is no way the beauty of flowers that are full of life after being hit by rain and dew in the early morning could not be conveyed to him.


When I went to the greenhouse, there were always beautiful


flowers overflowing and ready to be picked. So much so that you don’t have to go to the trouble of picking flowers in the garden.


But sometimes, looking at those flowers took my breath away. I didn’t know why.


Inside the extremely cozy greenhouse, looking at the flowers receiving nutrients and receiving water sprayed at the right time, I felt a tightness in my heart at some point.


It was unknown when these symptoms began. Just vaguely, without any reason, it would come without warning even when I was walking around the imperial palace, arranging flowers, embroidering fabric, or serving the crown prince.


That may have made it even more frustrating to look at the flowers in the greenhouse. Rather than sunlight passing through glass or water that someone had to give me, I wanted to touch and smell the flowers that bloomed freely at least once.


However, it was no different from the flowers in the garden. The only difference is whether it is outside or inside.


The flowers in the garden were also carefully managed by dedicated gardeners, watering and pruning them.


She realized with a sense of futility that it was meaningless to try


to determine which of the two was more vibrant and beautiful.


“I’m sorry, I was short-thinking.”


The tail wasn’t even running and the ears seemed to be drooping. It was so cute to see her so downcast and talking about her sins, so he quickly hardened his expression.


“I won’t go out carelessly.”


There was a lot of strength in his hands holding the sheet.


“Why don’t you take my name?”

“What… … ?”


“Risid,” he said.


“… … .”


“Call me, Risid.”


He drowsily closed his eyes and opened them. It looked like a cat wanting to communicate.


Of course, Heloise did not say this out loud. Because I didn’t know what kind of retaliation would come if I did that. She decided to just keep her thoughts to herself.





While she was hesitating, a hand reached out and grabbed her breast, which was tightly covered with a sheet.




She screamed without realizing it. It was an unexpected attack because she was tightly covered.


But I couldn’t shake off that hand. She had no such authority. The choice was always up to Risid, so she could only follow.

Risid, who had been massaging her clearly prominent breasts on the thin sheet for a while, took his hand away and pulled the sheet she was holding tightly, taking it off.


Then, the white and thin breasts that were barely covered came out as if they were going to burst. One side was swollen red from the abuse of his hands and mouth, and the other side maintained its natural color.


Risid’s gaze moved to the breast he had bitten and sucked earlier.


Like a peach left after a bite, the dark kiss marks he left on her white skin were extremely erotic and provocative. Risid’s face,


looking at it closely, gradually began to glow with excitement.


While receiving his gaze, Héloïse’s face turned redder than before. Either way, after tasting it, he reached out his hand again towards her chest.




It was a stronger force than before.


“Ah… … .”


The field’s breath burst out of Heloise’s mouth. Her heart, which had become very sensitive, was so painful that tears streamed out. Still, she couldn’t resist at all.


He grabbed her peach-red breasts with one hand and started massaging them harder.


Héloïse blushed, not knowing what to do, giving up one side of her breast to him. Every time the tip of his thumb brushed against a pointed nipple, a moaning sound came out.


The fire on her body that he had lit earlier had not yet been extinguished. The senses of my body, which had become very sensitive due to being touched here and there, started to wake up like wildfire as soon as his hand touched it. In the end, it was


Heloise who lost.


“Ri, Risid.”


Pretending not to hear the small sound that came out, Risid continued to massage her breasts with a calm expression.




“Stop, stop this… … .”


She twisted her body and pleaded.


“It seems bigger than usual.”


When he spoke in a calm tone without even changing his expression, Héloïse felt embarrassed and wanted to die.


“Yeah, it sure looks big.”


He tilted his head again and said. In the end, Heloise had no choice but to answer his curiosity.


“Soon, soon it will be that time….”


Heloise muttered with the area around her neck dyed bright red.




He nodded slightly as if he understood.


“I think it’s a little late this time.”


Risid’s eyes narrowed.


“Yeah, kinda… … .”


Heloise answered and lowered her head.


There was nothing that he didn’t know about Héloïse. Among them was the monthly periods.


Is the cycle speeding up or slowing down, and when is the most dangerous time? … . He knew everything. So on days when her chances of conception were high, he would avoid holding her. Unless it’s a day like today where the top turns.


So it was nothing new that he knew about the most sensitive parts of Héloïse’s body.


“Sometimes it’s irregular.”


“Why do you care? It’s natural. Every time… … Because it’s not the same.”



I wish he would stop asking. Even though she had been living as his woman since the first time she saw blood on her underwear, she was embarrassed to talk about such intimate details.


This was despite the fact that he knew quite a few things, as he had even assigned his court doctor to report on her health in detail.


“You couldn’t sleep?”


The hand that let go of her chest came down to her small, white face, and the fingertips rubbed the slightly darkened area around her eyes.




I answered quickly, but it was difficult to avoid his keen gaze. As his eyes asked the reason for her sleeplessness, she felt as if the saliva in her mouth was drying up.


“It’s just, a little… … .”


Heloise hesitated, unable to finish her sentence. It was true that she hadn’t been sleeping well lately. Her heart was pounding for no reason and she felt uneasy.


Even when I finally managed to fall asleep, I couldn’t fall asleep and would toss and turn for a while, only to fall asleep when the light of dawn came.


Then, when she opened her eyes, it was time for the crown prince’s daily routine to begin.


She hastily changed into her clothes and waited for him, she often got tired. Above that if it overlapped with the night shifts then…


That was why I fell into a deep sleep after being held in his bedroom until I passed out. Both the insomnia and the bad sleep were his fault. But I couldn’t say that.


“I said being weak wasn’t fun.”




The lips that responded obediently were still swollen from all the biting that he had done. When his hand, holding her chin, moved down to brush the corner of her lips, she fluttered her eyelashes in response.


“I have no hobby of holding a broken, creaky body.”


“I’ll be careful.”


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