Toy Lady

Warning – This is a psychological based adult novel. There might be some rape, violence and forceful love making scenes which might be uncomfortable for some readers. If you don’t like such contents then please avoid it.

Chapter 5


It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay. Because she just came to place flowers… … .


She stopped trying to convince herself. No matter how much she reassured herself, her anxiety didn’t go away.


A weekly political meeting would be convened soon, so all I had to do was change the flowers in the vase in the meantime. But… it can be done later, right? when I made up my mind and turned around, A long arm stretched out through the open door without making a sound.


“uh… … .”


In an instant, the arm that wrapped around the waist quickly dragged the target inside.




After a while, the place where Héloïse was standing was only littered with a few flowers that had fallen through the closed door again.


* * *

“… … The construction of the villa is progressing without a hitch.


It is expected to be completed before Her Majesty’s birthday celebration.”


Risid was listening to the report from his chief aide, Balek. The hands that were intertwined on the office desk remained motionless throughout the report.


“As you instructed me last time, I changed the blueprint for the western part of the unfinished villa. It is a structure suitable for blocking sea breezes. The Duke of Penscher took charge of the construction, so it will probably come out in a perfect shape.”


Risid carefully examined the cross-sectional drawing of the villa that is to be built on the beach, brought by Count Asher.


“What about the interior decoration?”


“The interior decorators were also chosen by Her Majesty the Empress. The work is progressing smoothly.”


“I want you to place fresh lilies on the balcony every day. Because it’s my favorite flower. It would be a good idea to add lilies to the door handles and window frames.”


“But the lilies…… .”


When Balek hesitated, Risid looked at him as if asking why.



“Why? Are there still people who are ominous, thinking that lilies belong to foreign royal families?”

Even after marrying into the empire, Empress Kali used the same lily flower emblem that she had used in her home kingdom as her signature.


The facilities and palaces she sponsored were all carved with vivid fleur-de-lis patterns, and the number gradually increased.


A symbol of a benevolent, wise and beautiful empress. While some people said the same thing about white lilies, there were others who complained that a foreign empress was arbitrarily desecrating the symbol of the imperial family.


“How dare you hate my mother’s symbol. I didn’t know my aide thought that too.”


A perplexed expression appeared on Balek’s face for a moment. He cleared his throat slightly as if he had made up his mind and continued speaking.


“It is not because of antipathy toward the Empress, but it is not advisable to openly use symbols of competing countries.”


Risid just smiled at Balek’s remarks. There was truth to what he said.



The flower that has been used in the Ibelik Empire for generations is not the lily, but the rose. The rose combined with the griffin, the exclusive emblem of the imperial family, was the traditional symbol of the imperial family.


Nevertheless, I heard here and there that the intention of using the lily, a symbol of his mother’s family, was impure. However, the Empress dismissed their suspicions, saying that she was simply using her favorite flower as a symbol.


It wasn’t just the lily crest that increased. During the seven years that the Empress ruled as regent, the imperial family grew with a number of officials who were either from the Kingdom of Vichet or were on friendly terms with them by marriage.


Most of the high-ranking officials, including Count, who was a close associate from when she first got married, were nobles who were directly or indirectly related to the empress.


“I will instruct you accordingly.”


Balek wrote down all of Risid’s instructions in his notebook.


“I hope you like it.”


“We are taking care of everything so that there is nothing




“That’s right. It’s a special gift from my father.”

“If His Majesty hadn’t suddenly collapsed, it would have been completed long ago.”


“Because my mother refused.”


Risid lifted his clasped hand and knocked on the desk a couple of times. Although it was just building a separate palace, it had a special meaning.


The southwestern beach of the Ibelik Empire was the private property of the imperial family and was famous for its beautiful scenery.


The villa built there was a wedding anniversary gift from the emperor to his second wife, Empress Kali. It was a beautiful villa where the best architects and interior decorators were mobilized.


The villa was built in the style of the Kingdom of Vishe, the home of Empress Kali, rather than the style of the empire. It was a gift to comfort his wife, who always missed her home country even after getting married.


However, the Empress stopped all the construction. It was when Joseph, the former crown prince, died young due to a sudden




As soon as the funeral was over, the emperor collapsed from the shock of losing his beloved son and lay in his bedroom for a long time, almost like a half corpse.


He could barely move his eyes, and unless someone fed him and looked after him, his life could not be extended.


Even under such circumstances, the Empress eventually gave up on the villa, saying that she could not bear to see the palace, which had been planned as a wedding anniversary gift, being built.


The people of the empire, who knew this fact, sympathized with the empress who lost her husband and son overnight.


In addition, her popularity skyrocketed as she donated all of the emperor’s personal funds that were used for construction to relieve the poor and supported orphanages.


This was the background to the fact that a foreign empress was able to assume the power of regent in place of the virtually empty throne.


In addition, when news spread that her biological son, Prince Richid, was shocked by the successive deaths of his father and


half-brother, and that his mental age was lowered and he even lost his speech, public sympathy for her quickly ignited.


She was in a position where she was loved by the people of the empire, which was rare for a foreign empress.


The detached palace remained in its unfinished state for a long time like a ruin. The place began to come alive again when Risid regained his sanity and started speaking.


Risid, who began to formally participate in politics, was given various powers befitting a crown prince. Power, which had been entirely vested in the Empress Regent, was gradually transferred to Risid.


As he began his duties as crown prince in earnest, he ordered the construction of the villa, which had been halted.


Although the empress had dissuaded the construction, the construction was able to proceed thanks to Risid, who gave instructions that the villa belonging to the empress could not be left as an eyesore forever.


Since the construction was halted while it was already almost in shape, it did not take long for it to be completed. In places where less construction was done, the design drawings were changed and supplemented, bringing the project to a much


more complete state than before.


The somewhat ugly villa that remained on the beach began to take on a more beautiful appearance, and was soon scheduled to be dedicated to its owner, the Empress.


“For this birthday party, Her Majesty the Empress will celebrate her first birthday after resigning from her position as regent, so we are making special preparations.”


“Who said that my mother would give up her position as regent?”


At that moment, a cold voice of laughter split the air in the office.


“That is… … .”


Balek looked a bit troubled and chose what to say in response. Risid was smiling, but in reality, he had learned from his long experience as a counselor that those times were when he was mostly in a bad mood.


Ever since Risid was very young, he had been personally taking care of Risid under the orders from the emperor. Before Crown Prince Joseph died, he had been a prince, so it could be said that they had been spending quite a long time together.


Because he was an aide appointed directly by the emperor, he


was able to keep his position even when the people around Risid were filled with the empress’s people one after another.


“Everyone knows that. Now is the time.”




“Your Majesty.”


Balek looked at Risid with a serious face.


“My mother has never expressed her intention to relinquish her position as regent. I can’t tell her to go down first.”


“But Your Highness is sane now. It is already time for you to abdicate the throne. Rather… … .”


Balek, who had hesitated, spoke quickly again and then stopped.


“You are already late in taking up the throne.”


“… … Does that mean I should personally kick my mother out on the spot?”


“That’s not it.”


“But since you two are in a mother-son relationship… … .”



Balek then paused before continuing.




“… It’s a political rivalry.”


“It’s pretty tragic.”


Risid said with a grin. His face was full of fun, as if he was listening to someone else’s story.


“My mother is truly a pitiful person.”


“… … .”


“One day, her husband suddenly collapsed, and the crown prince died… All she was left with was one young son, and he was crazy.”


“Your Majesty was sick for a while at that time. It is difficult for anyone to endure emotional trauma. Besides, weren’t you only fourteen? It was because of the loss of your father, who gave you so much love, and your brother, whom you were very friendly with, at the same time.”


Balek said with a solemn face.


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