To You Who Will Kill Me


Every night, the cold walls kill me. Stabbed five times, no air in my lungs, I begged through gritted teeth.


“Please don’t kill Isaac.


I don’t know if Isaac is alive or dead.


Travelling back in time is unimaginable to me as a human being, so sometimes I imagine that the future must have gone on after my death.


I wonder if Isaac would have survived and grown up in a world without me.


“Get a grip.


The point is, it’s breathtakingly difficult to look Noah Esford in the eye. I recognise the eyes that killed me. The killer who tried to kill Isaac is here.




My voice trembles. Stupid Scarlett White!


“He was scheduled to be my assistant student from the moment I slipped money into the principal’s pocket, but I pretended not to know and asked.” 


“…… my assistant?”


“That’s right, I’ll be with you at all times while you’re at school. I heard you’re not feeling well, is there anything I should look out for?”




I think you just need to be careful.




“I can’t stay in the sun for more than ten minutes.”


“I didn’t realise you were that unwell. You don’t look well. Let’s get you inside.”


The look in his eyes and the look on his face was so different from the one in my dream. The word ‘hunt’ didn’t apply to the man in front of me.


Still, just meeting his gaze was enough to make my legs go limp. I took a low breath and barely managed to answer.


“Just give me the timetable for my first class.”


“Oh, yeah. Here. First class is Introduction to Economics.”


“He handed me a piece of paper. The motion overlapped with an image of wielding a knife, causing me to instinctively hunch my body. tears welled up in my eyes.


Would he kill me this time, and if so, would I be stabbed again? Would it be because I tried to hit him?


My body trembled with fear. Noah Esford grabbed me.


A scream of surprise escaped from my throat. In response, he let go of me angrily, and reflexively asked, “Are you okay?


“Are you all right? Do you want a doctor-“


“Never mind! I know my own body!”


“But if it hurts a lot, tell me. That’s what I’m here for.”


“……Well, Dani, is there anything else you want to say?”


His blond hair gleamed in the sunlight. At first glance, he looked like he had no reason to kill me.


But his coppery, healthy tanned skin told me he spent a fair amount of time outdoors and needed the money.


I wondered if it was for money. Why the hell…….


Noah Esford hesitated for a moment before answering.


“Nice to meet you, ……?”


As if we were ever going to meet. My head went cold and I felt a surge of courage. Maybe the medicine was finally kicking in.


Noah Esford didn’t bat an eyelid at my mockery, but remained silent with a straight face. When I remained silent, he spoke.


“I’ve got a seat for you. Class will be starting soon. Let’s go.”


Noah Esperd led the way, and as I walked after him, I whispered to myself.


“I have to be strong. If I go down, Isaac goes down. I have to kill him first, and then everything will be okay.


At least he wouldn’t be stabbed five more times.


I felt for the self-defence in my hand. It was a specially-made magic bullet in the shape of a Zola pen, and he asked Scott.


“Is there a reason you decided to major in economics?”




Weekly current affairs magazines made many assumptions about the youngest member of the White family, about whom not a single rumor circulated, let alone in social circles, entering Iodes.


In the Norton newspaper, there was speculation as to whether I was planning to go full-blown into management like my brothers and sisters, and everyone had their own expectations about what field White would enter this time.


But my goal was to watch him from the sidelines and eliminate him at the right time, there was no other reason.


“Because the economy is fun.”


Noah Esperd opened the lecture theatre door, and dozens of pairs of eyes fell on me.


“Theo, this way.”


The guy in the front, who looked like he knew him, gestured. I walked straight to the back.


“I don’t sit in the front.”


I grabbed a seat in the far corner and sat down. The carriage ride was hard enough.


At the same time, I was creeped out by Noah Esford trying to sit next to me, so I reflexively screamed.


“Don’t you dare stay next to me until class!”


My heart pounded in my ears. My hands trembled slightly. He blushed slightly in embarrassment, then stiffened.


“I’m sorry. Are you uncomfortable?”


“No, no, I’m fine, I’m just a little nervous today.”


“Why don’t you take some more tranquillisers?”


“I’ll take care of it, don’t be a bossy ass.”


Eventually, he sat down next to me.


My heart was racing, my chest tight, and I couldn’t think about anything else as my attention was focused on the man next to me. The moment of my murder repeated itself for the tenth time.


I swallowed a mouthful of sedatives, but I couldn’t calm down. My body shudders, and he calls out softly.




“I’m fine.”


“The pills. Do you have them in your bag?”


“Never mind.”


It was bearable, for now.


John and Aaron, Susan, Scott, Andrew, Abigail, and Isaac.


I called out their names in my mind. Seeing their faces calmed me down.


But when I saw the murderer’s worried face, I felt a surge of anger, wondering how weak I was to be looked at like this.


Meanwhile, the professor entered the room and class began. Diego called each student by name and checked their faces.


“Scarlett White. Oh, if you’re White, you must be related to Aaron White.”


“Yes. He’s one of my older brothers.”


“He was a very good student. I still think Aaron would do amazing things if he stuck with economic research. Too bad he got caught up in corporate research.”


Aaron didn’t like Professor Diego. As a foreigner, he had a strong sense of entitlement and often discriminated against students based on class. He stroked his white beard and eyed me carefully.


“I didn’t realise Aaron had a brother so young.”


“In our generation, the White family was highly respected, and there were no scandals before our time. My mother and father were a rumoured lovebird couple, and the affair of my father, Alex White, had caused a stir in the capital at the time.


I know very little about my mother’s premature birth, but given my age, I can’t help but think about it. So I changed the topic.

“I’ll give my regards to Aaron.”

“Oh, yes. And please tell him that I am enjoying the wine I received as a gift last Thanksgiving. really. “I heard your health is not good. Are you okay?”

“yes. “Don’t worry.”

While Professor Diego was distracted by me, Noah Esford was flipping through a book. My stomach twisted in anger at the way he kept his eyes on me.


“Someone who knows me well enough to sign me up for a helper, so I’m lucky.”


“Oh, you have a helper.”


Noah Esperd looked up, his face briefly flickering with embarrassment.


His eyes met mine. He forced a smile. Professor Diego’s gaze fell on him.


“What’s your name?”


“Theo…… Grisham. There must be some misunderstanding, but me and Miss White are not acquaintances-“


“So you’re the senior!”


Professor Diego interrupted and exclaimed.


“What is your relation to Miss White?”


“We’re childhood friends.”


I answered for him.


I figured it was better to say childhood friends than strangers so that he’d be sympathetic to my future troubles.


After all, if you’ve known someone for a long time, you’ll do whatever it takes.


“Oh, I’ve never heard of the surname Grisham before….”


“It’s a family that’s about to make a name for itself.”


“Hahaha, that’s right.”


Professor Diego moved on without asking more about Theo Grisham. He seemed to assume that, although he was now Korean, he was interacting with the White family because of the connection.


Diego took a moment to judge his students before he began his lecture. Throughout the class, some students’ gazes met. Curiosity was probably not the only emotion in them.


“The next paragraph is for Miss White to read.”


As I fumbled through the paragraph, Noah Esford spoke up next to me.


“Professor. Miss White seems to be nervous and unwell as this is her first day of class, so would you mind if I, her helper, read it for her?”


“Oh, of course, please do. I see you’re an old friend.”


He smiled awkwardly.


I was ashamed of myself for accepting help from Theo Grisham. As we were moving from class to class, I called out to Noah Esperd.


“Your help earlier, it was unnecessary.”


“Yeah? It looked like you needed it a lot.”


His tone was sarcastic, and it bothered me. He might have been annoyed at being bossed around, but I was annoyed at him.


I hadn’t even met Noah Esperd, and his mere presence had turned my life upside down, so what was the point of being a patient if he was lying to me?


Anger flared in my stomach, making me forget my fear of him.


“I don’t need your help.”


“Then I’ll have to cancel your help.”


Maybe he’s trying to make himself look easy, just as I’m trying to make myself look easy in front of him.


From what I can tell, he needs a lot of money. He was in debt and needed to make ends meet and pay for my mother’s medication. A bitter laugh escaped from me.


“Money, you need it. Can you afford it if you quit?”


His eyebrows shot up. I asked again.


“Didn’t you ask me to be a helper because you needed the money?”


“Yes, but if you don’t need it-“


“I decide what I need, not you. All you have to do is stand by my side.”


“A handyman? I’m not a handyman.”


His glowing eyes, moulded by pride, turned to me. A wry smile crept across his face.


I took a step toward him. The closer I got, the clearer I could see the blue eyes, but I fought back a shudder.


But weren’t Noah Esford’s eyes purple? They weren’t the same colour as in my dream. But it didn’t seem to matter.


It’s not uncommon for people’s eyes to change colour with age, and my own vision was not normal after being chased and covered in blood.


“You’re a servant, you should be a slave.”


His eyebrows wiggled.


“You did a background check on me?”


“Why wouldn’t I?”


“I’ll make a formal report to the school. This is unacceptable.”


“No. You can’t.”


I grabbed Noah Esford’s arm as he tried to walk past me. Goosebumps crawled up my arms.


“Because you owe me.”


I owe him for existing. I was born prematurely because of his mother. As if that wasn’t enough, he killed me.


“What’s that…….”


I had an idea. A good way to get revenge, a very good way.


“What makes you think I don’t know?”


“What are you talking about…… no way…….”


“I’m dying because of you and your mother, how could I not know you?”


The corners of his mouth turned up, and his face hardened, darkness settling over it as if he’d heard something he couldn’t.


“I’ve missed you a lot.”


Andrew often said to Scott. “Forgiveness is the best revenge.” But I believe it’s a lie. So I’m not going to forgive.


I’ll just fake it, give you everything, take it back, and throw you in a gutter. Then you can die the same way I did.


I will beg you not to kill my mother as I begged you not to kill Isaac.


I’ll make you wait for the moment when your breath is snuffed out in a pool of my mother’s blood.


“Nice to meet you.”


I will kill you, and you will go to hell, and I will remove you with these hands,


“noah esperd.”


I will live in the same hell as you

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