To My Regretful Majesty


Chapter 51

With affectionate smile, Anel felt even more headache.

“Is it your first time?”

“What, applying lipstick on a woman’s lips?”


Anel stared at Johan.

He was familiar with his sarcasm and didn’t bother paying attention to it in the first place.

But it was annoying to see him pretend that it was his first time applying lipstick.

“It’s my first time.”

“For someone like you-”

“I have talents in more than one or two things.”

Johan lifted the jewelry box that had been resting on Anel’s lap and pressed the button.

With a click, the jewelry box opened.

“I could teach you each of my talents one by one.”

“No need.”

He took out the accessories that were sleeping in the jewelry box.

Then he put a necklace decorated with diamonds and sapphires around Anel’s neck.

The warm touch of his long fingers and the cold touch of the heavy jewels crossed.

He took out earrings and put them on Anel’s ears.

Even with this, Anel burst into a bitter laugh.

Is this man not skilled at handling women?

“It suits you well.”

Johan thoroughly ignored her bitter laugh and narrowed his eyes.

It was an attitude as if he was giving some kind of aesthetic appreciation.

Johan turned the chair around and made her look into the mirror.

“I like the way you look.”

In the mirror was a perfectly groomed man.

“Do you like yourself?”

There was a woman who suited that man very well.

Unlike earlier, her cheeks were flushed and her lips reddened, making her look much livelier.

Anel said nothing in response.

But Johan , as if he had already heard the answer, reached out his hand to her.

“Now shall we go.”

The world beyond the carriage window was truly magnificent.

The imperial citizens all held the flag of Steine.

As soon as they saw the emperor and empress in the carriage, they vigorously waved their flags.

“Long live Johan  Denege, Your Majesty!”

“Long live Steine!”

Johan  was much more beloved as an emperor than she had thought.

Anel realized anew the popularity of the man sitting across from her.

Of course.

He had always been at the center of attention since his days as Duke Magnus.

After the revelation of his unfortunate birth, he had become the very embodiment of Steine’s love.

It was not strange that he received the cheers of the imperial citizens.

Anel smiled and waved her hand towards the window.

Even though she knew that these cheers were not for her.

“Your popularity is quite remarkable.”

“My popularity?”

Anel couldn’t hide her astonishment.

Did he not know that all this acclaim was directed at him?

“Are you talking about yourself now?”

“Oh, you think my empress considers me beautiful?”


Anel felt like slapping herself.

She always ended up tangled like this whenever she was with him.

“It sounds nice to hear.”

“What do you mean?”

“That you’re revealing your true feelings.”

“It’s not my true feelings.”

“Then what is it? Was it a lie?”
“Anel’s heart fluttered with excitement.’’

She knew she had to respond, but she didn’t really want to.

The man was handsome.

Did he not know that himself?

No,  He probably knew better than anyone else in the world.

There were times when he wielded that knowledge like a weapon.

“We’ve arrived,  Please disembark, Your Highness.”

“Once again, you ask in such a boring manner.”

As the carriage door opened, Johan, who had ended the conversation, stepped out first.

The newly built opera house was elegant and grand.

And the man standing in front of it was elegant yet sinister.

Countless people stood on either side of the carriage.

They had gathered to catch a glimpse of the imperial couple’s dignified appearance.

Johan, matching their expectations, looked at Anel with an expression of love.

Even she wore a sweet smile that could deceive.

“My lady.”

As he extended his hand.

Anel looked down at that hand.

A beautiful trap set by him was reaching out to her.

“Your Highness.”

Anel threw herself into that trap.

“Today’s protagonist has appeared.”

If the outside of the opera house belonged to the commoners.

The inside of the opera house belonged to the nobility.

They had gathered here solely to see the imperial couple.

The high-ranking nobles sat in the box seats, while the lower-ranking nobles sat in the regular seats.

However, there were hardly any nobles with low influence.

Only newly rich nobles could enter this place.

In other words, just being present here was a testament to their influence.


“I received a personal invitation from Her Majesty the Empress.”

“I also came after receiving an invitation from Lord Johann.  Considering that he is the only person trusted by Her Majesty the Empress, it’s practically the same as being invited by Her Majesty herself!”

They were all guests invited by the imperial couple.

It filled them with pride.

“The Empress looks beautiful today as well.”

“Look at the necklace she’s wearing. With that, you could probably buy a mansion in the capital!”

“The Emperor doesn’t let go of the Empress,  Their relationship seems much stronger than I thought.”

Throughout receiving greetings from guests,

Anel was taken aback by Johann suddenly becoming affectionate, but she played along appropriately.

“Your Highness.”

At that moment,

“Duke Magnem And… Viscount Rodian.”

Johanes’ stepfather and Duke Magnem appeared together.

Beside him was Viscount Rodian, the father of Empress Flora.

“It’s quite burdensome to meet face to face like this.”

Duke Magnem spoke reproachfully in a quiet tone.

Anel, though his stepfather, didn’t know how to treat the man who was soon to become his father-in-law and stood silently. In truth, Anel had hardly ever conversed with him.

“If you had requested my presence, there would have been no reason to refuse.”

“It’s rather bleak to make such a request between family, It’s gotten to the point where I can’t even sleep.”

Johan and Duke Magnem exchanged cold glances.

There was a strange chill between the two.

“Haha,  Let’s not push the family squabbles too far. Doesn’t it trouble Her Majesty the Empress?”

At that moment, Viscount Rodian interjected.

“I’ve heard that you take good care of our child, Your Majesty.”

Surprisingly, Viscount Rodian was treating Anel with great kindness.

“Empress Flora doesn’t need anyone’s care. If anything, I’m the one who benefits.”

Anel replied with a forced smile.

Honestly, Flora was of no help at all, but it was not in his place to spit on a smiling face.

“Your Majesty, if I may be so bold… Can I speak to you privately?”

Viscount Rodian spoke to Johan.

“If it’s something bold, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to do so here  Viscount.”

“…Then I’ll find another time to speak.”

“It would be better if you didn’t.”
Johan  caught the implication of what Lordian Marquis was about to say as if he knew it well.

“Your Majesty,  There is nothing good about mistreating your loyal subjects.”

At that moment, Duke Magnem intervened.

“Isn’t that right, Your Majesty the Queen?”

“…Her Majesty always cherishes her loyal subjects.”

“But sometimes you forget to take care of your family, Be it your old family or your new one.”

Magnem’s words pointed out his attitude of treating the Duke Magnem’s family and the first empress Flora as if they were non-existent.

“It seems you have many grievances, Duke.”

Johan  smirked.

“I believe I’ve advised you to be moderate.”

With a gentle warning, Johan rested his hand on Kalpen’s shoulder and leaned forward, lowering his voice so that only the four of them could hear.

“Your Majesty.”

“Tonight, let’s enjoy an opera and return.”

Johan chuckled, tapping Kalpen’s shoulder.

“As you wish, I’ll take care of my family then.”

Johan looked down at his diminutive uncle.



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