To My Regretful Majesty


Chapter 39

Samu had left, and Anel was left behind.

In the palace where she was being watched and scrutinized from all directions.

Anel envied Samu, who had left for the battlefield to the point of resentment.

Since the tea party a while ago, the glances restraining her and the eyes attempting to walk a tightrope had increased.

Nobles were now betting on Anel, Flora, and Jizel.

They gathered to discuss who should be supported, The entire social circle was buzzing with these discussions.

The ruthless emperor, young and beautiful, seemingly impervious to any harm.

And the three women by his side, with completely different backgrounds and personalities.

The courtiers found the dynamics of these individuals, with diverse status and temperaments, amusing to the point of fascination.

“Still, Morataji,  Even if he rots, he’s a Junichi. The empress is of impeccable lineage, flawless in every way. A perfect empress who has never caused a scandal. Moreover, she’s the only one who received proper empress training!”

“True, Right now, the grand duke is momentarily overshadowed due to the whims of the emperor, but ignoring that history is like ignoring all the nobility.”

The staunch conservative nobles still supported Anel, saying she was from the Morata ducal family.

Another reason was that she was handling the role of the mistress of the empire better than expected.

“The history of that guy, what kind of history is that? She’s just a woman from a fallen family,  It’s a fuss over nothing. If you have to pick the real deal, it’s undoubtedly Lordian Marquis!”

“Exactly! Moreover, the first empress has always been bold and sharp. The emperor will soon recognize her true value. The empress is too fragile. She’s barely holding on for now, but soon she’ll collapse because of that maid.”

The emerging nobles tried to support Flora.

Lord Rodian, who was also the leader of the emerging nobles, and Flora herself, were both well-known in social circles for being young and intelligent.

“Incredible, an empress from a commoner background. It’s so romantic! Our Emperor must be perfect . A marriage based on love without being constrained by origin!”

“Empress Giselle is truly the epitome of an empress. The other two seem like strategic marriages, don’t they? Only marriages based on love are real.”

And surprisingly, those who supported Giselle were commoners.

The common folk romanticized Giselle’s story of rising from a servant to an empress.

They wholeheartedly believed that Giselle had captured the heart of the young emperor.

Thanks to this, the story of Giselle and Johannes flooded the market, with the protagonists’ names changed, portrayed in romantic novels.

Most of the novels depicted Anel as an arrogant villain and Giselle as a beautiful and kind heroine with a lower status.

… Of course, not a single step closer to the truth was taken.

In this situation, Anel’s reputation among the commoners was not favorable.

The common folk all supported Giselle, hoping that she would eventually push Anel aside and become the true empress.

It was quite ironic considering that Anel was the only one actively trying to stabilize the empire and care for the lives of the common people.

Flora had never been interested in the well-being of the people, and Giselle, at the moment, had no room in her heart to care about such matters.

No, she didn’t even realize she had to take care of the common people in the first place.

“Did His Majesty the Emperor… suggest holding a festival in celebration of his birthday?”

That was the evidence.

Ern was taken aback by Anel’s declaration calling him from the morning.


“Are we not already holding a festival in the capital for His Majesty’s birthday?”

Ern couldn’t hide his perplexity.

Originally, a festival was held in the capital, Stein, on the Emperor’s birthday. While it might not be the grandest festival in the empire, it was still a significant celebration. There was a parade where the Emperor marched to the Imperial Palace, and in front of the palace, the Pope conducted a ceremony personally honoring the Emperor.

During that time, food was also distributed to the poor.

“I thought of expanding it nationwide.”

“Not just in the capital, but throughout Stein?”

“Yes,  Considering the recent change in imperial power, there has been a lot of turmoil. It would be good to stabilize public sentiment. I want to actively help the poor. In fact, the conditions in smaller territories might be even more challenging. So… even if we have to seek cooperation from the lords of each territory, I want to console their hearts.”

“I’m not sure if the budget will be sufficient…”

“If we simplify the parties held in the palace a bit, we should be able to cover it to some extent.”

Ern looked at Anel with slightly surprised eyes.

He thought she was interested in the people’s livelihood, but he didn’t expect her to be this interested.

Moreover, Anel’s reputation among the common people is not very good.

Currently, Anel’s only support comes from the traditional conservative aristocrats.

But reducing the scale of the royal ball and asking the local lords for money?

Anel might lose even her last ally. Is she willing to take such a risk?

“Are you serious, Your Majesty?”

Ern asked, wondering if Anel was unaware of the public opinion outside the palace.

“In fact, the outside-”

“I know what concerns the Queen Dowager.”

Anel cut off Ern’s words.

She didn’t want to hear the facts she already knew confirmed by someone else.

“I may seem ignorant of the news outside, but that’s not the case.”

Anel had been consistently receiving information about the situation outside from the steward at Morata Manor.

Since the steward handed over the news directly to Verdi, its reliability was as certain as it could be.

“I know it well too, I just don’t want to be swayed by such things.”

“It’s a risky choice, Your Majesty.”

Ern spoke with a serious expression.

“In the future, Your Majesty will need the power of the nobles a lot. Not just for trivial matters, but for crucial decisions as well. Do you really need to offend them from the start?”



The positive response that came out so easily relieved the tension on Ern’s shoulders.

“So you’re asking me to persuade His Majesty, right, Marquis?”


Ern finally understood. So, it’s not a request from the Empress but a directive from the Emperor.

The Emperor plans to personally organize a nationwide festival for his birthday.

If the nobles are told to cooperate on their own…

It was a statement that no noble could resist.

Cunning, Ern clicked his tongue.

But even the cunning Empress was unaware of something.

“There’s a problem, Your Majesty.”

“What is it?”

“His Majesty doesn’t take my words kindly. No, does he ever take anyone’s words kindly? You must know that even the Empress doesn’t have the privilege of having her words taken kindly by him.”

With a rather drastic expression, Anel quickly blinked her eyes.

They knew that the two of them had a strained relationship, but they didn’t expect it to be this intense.

“Well… Even so, Marquis’s words are the only ones he listens to.”

“Well, while others can only say a few words to Her Majesty the Empress, I can say a thousand words! Among those thousand words, if even one word is accepted, can’t we say that it truly got through?”

Ern vented the accumulated resentment and anger.

“…Then there’s no choice, I’ll personally deal with the nobles-”

“No, Your Majesty,  How can you be so stubborn?”

This time, me?

Anel was taken aback by Ern’s directness towards himself.

“So, do you have a better solution? You seem to be making it difficult for Her Majesty, perhaps afraid that I, a close friend, might be the one talking tough.”

“Do not involve me and Her Majesty! Do you realize how impolite that is?”

“I know, Trust me, Marquis. I understand better than anyone in this world.”

The two locked eyes and shared a wry smile.

Both had experienced their share of troubles because of Johannes de Nigelle.

“Speak directly to the Emperor, If it’s from the Empress, he will listen.”

“…You mean my words?”

Anel smiled bitterly.

“You speak the truth, Marquis. We all know it’s not false.”

“No, Your Majesty, I may speak falsehoods, but I do not flatter.”

Ern spoke confidently, Anel was almost suspicious of how confidently he spoke; he was questioning his own ears.

“Believe me,  If the Empress approaches first, the Emperor will undoubtedly take action.”

“Why do you think so? Until now, Your Majesty has never… ”

“Your Majesty.”

Ern adjusted his posture and stared directly at Anel.

“Your Majesty doesn’t know,  How much Johannes hated and despised Gaius Gong.”


Ern unleashed the pent-up frustration and anger.

“…Well, then there’s no other choice. I’ll personally handle the nobles-”

“No, Your Majesty, Why be so stubborn?”

Even me this time?

Anel was taken aback by Ern’s directness towards him.

“So, do you have a better way? You seem to be making it difficult for Her Majesty, perhaps afraid that I, as a close friend, might be the one talking tough.”

“Do not involve me and Her Majesty! Do you realize how impolite that is?”

The two locked eyes and shared a wry smile.

Both had experienced their share of troubles because of Johannes de Nigelle.

“Your Majesty.”


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