To My Regretful Majesty


Chapter  29

The greenhouse garden was filled with flowers, but the atmosphere felt as cold as a tomb.

The ladies, busy assessing the situation, were excluded. Anel had an indifferent face, so she wasn’t the cause either.

The real cause was Flora.

Flora seemed ready to kill Jezelle at any moment.

The maids standing behind Jezelle could only bow their heads, unable to utter a word.

The only ones standing here with heads held high were Anel, Flora, and Jezelle.

If you were a citizen of the Stein Empire, everyone knew about the ‘Eye of the Sun.’

It was a jewel looted from Kartar for Emperor Ahvalt I’s proposal to the empress. Moreover, the ‘Eye of the Sun’ was the most famous coral-colored diamond in the empire.

A diamond the size of a child’s fist, the jewel around Jezelle’s neck exuded a presence as if it were insane.

The reason Flora was angry was that this jewel was hidden in the deepest part of the palace, and it symbolized the emperor’s favor and love. It could only be taken outside with the emperor’s permission.

And Jezelle had it hanging around her neck.

So how could Flora endure this without going crazy?

“That jewel… is that correct?”

“To a former maid becoming the empress and wearing the Eye of the Sun. Unbelievable. What is the emperor thinking? Moreover, in a place like this.”

“No, even if the empress were in her right mind, she shouldn’t have worn that here.”

“The sound of ladies gasping in astonishment could be heard from behind.’’

Anel sighed quietly to herself.

However, it wasn’t for the same reasons as Flora.

The jewel hanging around Jezel’s neck was a double-edged sword.

To Stein, it was a gem announcing the beginning of the empire, but to Cartar, it was a jewel symbolizing a great insult.

Originally, the ‘Eye of the Sun’ was Cartar’s most precious gem.

And the fact that the Emperor of Stein had taken that jewel from Cartar was a tremendous offense.

‘To bring that in a gathering inviting the wife of Cartar’s ambassador.’

And to proudly wear it around the neck.

Anel, with a throbbing headache, only asked for water from Verdi.

I wonder if that child knows the significance of what she is wearing around her neck.

She was angry.

Of course, Jezel probably didn’t bring that jewel of her own accord.

It must be mixed with Johann’s orders.

That means Johann desires it.

He wishes for this party to fail.

“I present to you the moon of Stein.”
At that moment, Jiselle approached and bowed her head.

Jiselle’s maids, too, followed suit and bowed their heads.

To appear without any maids and with the Emperor’s favor, such was the presence of the ‘Sun’s Eye,’ Hwangbi.

The noblewomen couldn’t help but let out ironic laughter.

To think that a mere servant-born woman would surpass the Empress and Hwangbi, who hailed from a prestigious and influential family in the empire!

“There were rumors that the Emperor visited the 2nd Hwangbi first. I wonder if that was true.”

“They say the 1st Hwangbi Mama doesn’t even meet him at all, but there are rumors that the 2nd Hwangbi has already met him twice. And at night, no less.”

“They say Her Majesty only meets him in the morning due to official duties. Does that mean the Emperor truly favors that servant-born woman?”

“A jewel never lies.”

“But still, is that really the case? Does Her Majesty have no intention of reconciling with Kartar?”

“Who knows? The 2nd Hwangbi might have put on that necklace on her own accord.”

The noblewomen speculated on various possibilities, but none could come up with a decisive conclusion.

“Thank you for gracing us with your presence, 2nd Hwangbi,” Anel greeted politely.

Stirring up trouble here would only make the situation more difficult to handle. Anel’s current issue wasn’t Johan’s favor or anything of the sort.

His concern was ensuring that Lady Kartar didn’t misunderstand the situation.

But how on earth could he achieve that?

He thought tearing apart Kartar’s flag and putting it around his neck would be a better option at this point.

Anel racked his brain to find an excuse to gracefully send Jiselle away.

But before he could come up with a thought,

“The wife of Ambassador Cartar and the Marchioness of Sodel has arrived!”

The real protagonist of the party entered.

In truth, Giselle understood the significance of jewels very well.

Her role was precisely to ruin the party.

Of course, it wasn’t a decision she made unilaterally. Initially, Giselle wasn’t that knowledgeable about politics and social circles.

The one who wanted the party to fail was Johannes.

The night before, on an ambitious night, Giselle went straight to the Potentia Place.

And confidently told the guard, who was guarding the Emperor’s office, that she had come to see the Empress.

“…You say you’ve come to see the Empress, Mama?”

“That’s right.”

Filled with disdainful and scornful eyes, Giselle felt her confidence waver as she was looked at by the guard.

Although she mustered the courage to come, the reaction was not as positive as she had thought.

Was it a greater offense to come to see the Empress at this hour?

Giselle recalled the word ‘etiquette’ she had learned since coming to the Imperial Place.

“I understand that His Imperial Majesty has no plans to meet anyone today.”

“I know. However, I have something important to say, so I came.”

Garden couldn’t hide his uncomfortable feelings as he looked at the impolite and insolent Empress.

Although more than 30 years had passed since he became the chief eunuch of the imperial palace, he had never heard or seen such a situation.

The Empress coming to the Emperor’s office at a time well past midnight?

If she wanted to meet the Emperor, shouldn’t she have sent a maid in the evening to inquire about the Emperor’s intentions?

This was worse than any commoner’s insolence.

Garden explained to Jezel, suppressing a sigh that naturally came out.

“The Emperor does not receive guests after midnight, Your Majesty. Unless it is a matter so urgent that it will decide the fate of the country.”

“It is that urgent.”

In fact, it wasn’t urgent at all.

Jezel spat out the words as soon as they came out.

And naturally, Garden didn’t believe her at all.

Just as he was about to refuse her again, at that moment,

“His Majesty instructs that whoever the guest outside is, just let them in.”

One of the guards opened the door and conveyed the message to Garden.


Garden’s face was smashed, but Jisel’s face brightened considerably.

Jisel shot a look of disdain at Garden with those purple eyes and confidently entered the office.

Even in the early morning, Johann was impeccably dressed, focusing on his work.

Jisel, feeling tense in the face of his composed demeanor, greeted him nervously.

“Imperial Sun, I greet you.”

“Just get to the point.”

Johann stared at Jisel with truly emotionless eyes.

As if disdain itself was a luxury for her.

Much colder than expected, Jisel unconsciously trembled in the face of this severe rebuke.

They say someone who values human life as much as a fly’s. Did I make a mistake, perhaps?

Despite such doubts, her lips began to move on their own, independent of her thoughts.

“Please hire me.”

Even with Jisel pleading, Johann remained motionless, his gaze unwavering.

“However you want, just hire me, and I’ll do exactly as you say.”

“Speaking as if you were interviewing for a maid position.”

Johann spoke with a plain tone, devoid of mockery or disdain, just stating facts.

Yet, it was enough to turn Jisel’s face red.

“What do you want?”

Without a moment to let her reddened face settle, Johann interjected, “Power.”

Giselle had anticipated a mocking response from Johann, but he did not mock her. No, he didn’t even look at her. He simply lowered his gaze, his vacant eyes seeming to contemplate something.

“How much power do you desire?” he asked.

How much power? Did such a thing exist?

Giselle, having never experienced power herself, found it difficult to gauge how much power she truly desired. After a brief moment of contemplation, she replied, “Enough power so that no one would ignore me.”





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