To My Regretful Majesty


Chapter 21



Late at night.

Five men gathered in the Potentia Palace,  playing poker.


“These crazy bastards.”

At this late hour, someone complained.

Among Stein’s novices, they were the ones with the least fear, fearless newcomers.

“I can’t understand Her Majesty.”

Duke Magrot, Bill Magrot, clicked his tongue.

He was a relative of Johann, holding a high position in the royal family.

So, he was the one who spoke most casually to Johann, regardless of his status.

Regardless of Johann’s intentions.

“Flora Rodian? Are you serious? Knowing her personality.”

Bill was the one who first introduced Flora to Johannes when they debuted at the court.

At that time, he didn’t know it would become a complicated situation,  Bill clicked his tongue.

“Flora Rodian over Rose Kenneth. Your Majesty, you truly are an unavoidable politician.”

“Why, Lady Rodian is at least a beauty, isn’t she?”

Count Cran, Theodore, shrugged and turned the cards.

“It’s not about the face. It’s about her strange personality. She’s been obsessed with Your Majesty since the old days.”

Bill chuckled and clicked his tongue.

“Her? To Her Majesty,  Bill.”

Ern, who had been quietly listening, reprimanded him.

However, Bill seemed unfazed, sneering.

“She’s not even the empress, just a mere empress consort. She should be ashamed, even if she’s attached.”


Theodore also warned Bill with a gaze.

“Even Her Majesty hasn’t said anything. Why are you all making a fuss? It’s been 20 years, comrades. Isn’t that right, Your Majesty?”

With an indignant expression, Bill asked the man who had placed the most bets in the game.

Upon this, Theodore and Ern also tensed up, watching Johannes’s reaction.

“Place your bet, Bill.”

However, Johann’s response completely contradicted their expectations.


“I think I’ll raise.”

“Do you see my hand?”

Bill hesitated and covered his hand. It wasn’t in a visible position to begin with.

But upon closer thought, it wasn’t a bad situation. Raising the stakes implied confidence in winning with his hand.

Johann had never lost in the game before.


Excitedly, Bill immediately increased the stakes. The stakes had become overwhelming.

“At this point, it’s enough money to sustain a territory, Your Majesty. Are you instructing to raise the stakes?”

Theodore raised both hands, folding. Ern sighed, called, and matched the bet.

It wasn’t because he thought he could win; it was because he read something in Johann’s eyes.

Whatever his intention, it was irresistible.

“Now, only one person is left.”

Johann slowly took in the situation.

Then, without saying a word since the game began, he suddenly exhaled smoke towards the man who remained.


To the man who had changed a lot in a short time.


Samu responded with a slightly shadowed face.

Upon hearing those words, everyone except Johann flinched.

“This is what you call a call? Leaving that budget in the Geass Zone-”


Ern glared at Bill with a fierce look, silencing him with a hmph.

However, Johann and Samu seemed to ignore Bill’s words from the beginning, focusing only on the cards.

“Flip the cards.”

At Johann’s words, the remaining four people flipped their cards one by one.

Theodore and Ern had messy hands, but Bill’s hand was quite good.

Good enough to win in a different game.

“Ah, darn.”

However, as soon as Samu’s cards were revealed, Bill couldn’t help it.

It was because Samu’s hand was much better.

At this rate, Samu’s victory was certain.

“Now only His Majesty’s cards are left.”

At Ern’s words, Johann turned his gaze towards Samu instead of flipping the cards.

“Geass Zone.”



John took out a poem from the poetry box and handed it to Samuel.

The others exchanged glances, excluding the two of them.

John had never given anything of his own to others, not even a mere poem.

Samuel was surprised because he knew this about John, but he still accepted the poem.

“Ern, ignite.”

Ern also quickly regained his composure and set fire to Samuel’s poem.

“Sorry, but I have to deliver some bad news.”

John spoke in a languid voice.

“Your petition has been rejected due to opposition in the council.”

“…Is that so.”

Samuel put down the poem with a despairing face.

The petition was Samuel’s last hope.

The Gears Territory was currently crumbling.

Thanks to the mess the predecessor made, the people of the territory were suffering.

For mere money.

It felt as if all limbs were cut off because of money.

Experiencing powerlessness for the first time in his life, Samuel felt desperate.

Had he ever agonized so much over money?

He couldn’t hide the bitter smile, feeling miserable.

At that moment, Johann continued speaking as if his words had not yet concluded.

“The game seems to be in your favor.”


Samuel raised his head in surprise.

Johann was casually flicking through his cards as if shuffling them.

His cards were buried in ashes, making it difficult to recognize their shapes due to the filth.


The room fell into a sudden silence.

No one dared to utter a word or even breathe.

“Congratulations!  You’ve won the money.”

Johann smirked with a sly smile.


“Ha, ha! Well, Your Highness! You told me to raise, and look at me. Ha!”

Bill interjected with a playful tone, sensing the atmosphere.

“There are times when even Your Highness can be wrong!”

“Well, that’s true. If I had intervened, I wonder what would have happened, haha.”

Theodore also forced a laugh, eagerly joining in.

The only ones not laughing were Samuel and Ern.

“This amount of money may not solve everything, but it should be enough to resolve some issues.”

Johannes spoke earnestly.

Samuel sensed that this money was a consolation prize for his sympathy.

“So, it’s time for you to rise to power over your territory.”

These words were a decree given to him.

Johann roughly grasped the money and handed it to Samuel as if bestowing a favor.

“It’s a game where everyone wins.”

Everyone wins? Samuel gritted his teeth.

No, only you win, Because you took everything from me.

Would anyone not know that in the Gearse territory, which should naturally receive support, not a single penny of aid has come due to your exploitation?

And that this money is not for me but rather a gagging bribe.

Would anyone not know that it’s money given for the forced reconciliation with the Cold War country and the unwanted alliance with the foreign relatives?

Overwhelmed with emotions, Samuel simply uttered,

“…Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“He had to swallow it again, for it was the only choice given to him now.’’

“Join the breakfast tomorrow.”


This time, Ern’s eyes widened as well.

“Even though you had a distant relationship with the Empress, shouldn’t you at least greet her before leaving?”

Samuel pondered.

He wondered who had declared those green eyes as a symbol of nobility.

To him, it seemed there was no color more humble than that.

Samuel shivered at the thought of having the same color in his eyes.

He couldn’t imagine anything more pathetic and disgraceful than losing his woman to those eyes.

Anel !

”Samuel silently called out the name of the woman he couldn’t have.”




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