To My Regretful Majesty


Chapter 19

With a swift exhale of smoke, Flora’s heart tightened. No need to bother.

“I called you today to say those words.”

As Johann spoke, his face seemed endlessly affectionate.

However, it only intensified Flora’s unease.

“What do you mean, Your Highness? I am your concubine. If I don’t make an effort…”

“I heard you went to see the Empress.”


Flora froze on the spot.

Why is this topic coming up all of a sudden? To conceal her perplexity, Flora forced a brighter smile.

“Yes. Still, as a lower-ranking person, it seems proper to greet the Empress first…”


Johann nodded as if understanding everything.

But Flora could sense.

“Don’t make an effort, Hwangbi. Just be comfortable in this palace.”

Johann was consistently affectionate and courteous, but…

“That is Hwangbi’s only duty.”

He was thoroughly indifferent to her.

Flora’s face turned red.

After a week of patiently waiting outside the door, this was the result.

Clutching the hem of her clothes tightly, she struggled to hold back tears.

But it seemed like tears would flow any moment now, and Flora couldn’t help but speak.

“Why is it that the Empress can become, but I cannot?”


Johannes’ hand came to a stop.

“Her Majesty, while summoning me for breakfast, I-”


Johannes sighed deeply before smiling.

“It seems you didn’t understand my words.”

The smile was peculiar, to say the least. In some ways, it seemed genuinely concerned and kind, as if sincerely worrying about Flora, but…

“I didn’t make a request to you.”

It could also be seen as a predator’s satisfied grin, abandoning its prey.

“The weather is so nice.”

Putting the book aside, Anel said.

The sunlight pouring down warmly made it impossible to read. It was a peaceful day, now that she didn’t have to see Johan. When was the last time she had such a peaceful day? Anel was finally enjoying the rest she had longed for.

In truth, she was worried. Worried that if she avoided the breakfast gathering, Johan might forcibly call her. But Johan said nothing.

He had finally given up.

Well, there was no reason for him to continue pursuing her with that lofty pride. Perhaps it was just a momentary amusement, or maybe it was a political strategy.

Thinking about it that way eased her mind. Anel closed the book and basked in the sunlight.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to take a walk, Your Majesty?”

Her new chambermaid, Verdi, asked.

Verdi was the maid who came to fill Geselle’s vacant position.

Also, Verdi was Anel’s distant relative.

Thanks to that, Anel could treat Verdi comfortably.

Just having a face was a great comfort.

“A walk?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. You haven’t stepped outside the palace for a week. You haven’t received any guests either.”

Guests. The word stung like a prick to the bookshelf. Since Flora’s incident, there had been only one guest who came to visit her.


Anel didn’t know with what intentions Geselle came to the Empress’s palace.

But she didn’t particularly want to know. So, she declined the meeting with the excuse of being unwell.

The fact that Geselle became the Empress caused quite a stir in the palace.

She wasn’t a maid, nor a noblewoman, but she became the Empress!

Most people found Johan’s decision very strange.

But no one openly opposed it.

Everyone seemed satisfied with the peculiar decision.

“Well, if she’s a maid, she can’t step forward so boldly.”

“Of course not. Who would acknowledge someone as Empress just because of the title?”

The nobles gathered, agreeing that they would prefer a humble-born empress for their daughters rather than risk having their daughters become empresses under Johann’s rule. Meanwhile, there was a widespread fear of Johann, as his decisions were perceived to be ruthlessly calculated.

“Alright, let’s take a walk.”

Except for Anel.

Anel intentionally took Verdiman with her to the garden. The garden of Debita Palace was adjacent to the Potentia Palace, practically a shared space between the two palaces. It used to be romantically thought of as a shared space. Samuel used to suggest walking in the garden together every evening, even on days they had fought, to remind each other that they were on the same path.

Thinking of Samuel, her heart felt heavy once again.


“Yes, Your Majesty. Is there something you need?”

“By any chance-”

Have you heard any news about Samuel? Has he returned to his territory?

Anel almost asked, but she couldn’t bring herself to. It wouldn’t be good to reveal that she was concerned about Samuel.

“Are both Empress 1 and Empress 2 unharmed? I didn’t pay attention to the empresses.”

Verdi immediately raised his hand.

“Don’t say that, Your Majesty. This morning, His Imperial Majesty finally allowed Empress 1 to visit the palace. The entire palace was in a buzz because the two finally had breakfast together.”

Finally. Anel smiled brightly.

Things were slowly getting back on track.

Now, if only Johann’s attention could shift to Flora.

“It’s not a pleasant matter, Your Majesty.”

“Well, Verdi, I find it enjoyable.”

Verdi sighed as if it were regrettable.

Verdi knew well about the exile of Morata, the Grand Duke of Bai, by Johann’s doing. That’s why Anel didn’t like him.

But distancing the emperor like this was more of a loss for the empress.

Even today was a clear example.

Upon hearing that Johann had breakfast with Flora, several maids expressed their desire to go to the 1st Empress’s palace.

“Of course, Flora Empress didn’t seem too pleased, but…”

Originally, the mischievous Empress 1 always had a chubby expression.

The maids and servants were in a dilemma.

Since the power dynamics in the palace had not been established, many were confused about whom to serve.

“At times like this, you should show that you get along well with the Emperor. Especially when the power struggle in the palace is not clear.”

Verdi looked at Anel with concern.

Avoiding the Emperor so openly would undoubtedly make Anel lose in the power struggle within the palace.

“Is there nothing else happening in the palace?”

“Well, I’m not sure.”

Verdi pondered deeply and let out a small sigh.

“2nd Empress Mama is being quite neglected, I hear. Even though she’s in her own palace.”

Verdi raised his head as if finding the situation amusing.

“She betrayed the Emperor and climbed to her current position, but His Majesty the Emperor doesn’t show any interest. It’s only natural. People who don’t appreciate favors…”

“…How is she being neglected?”

Anel asked with a heavy heart. After all, she was once Anel’s closest confidante, even if it was a self-inflicted situation. Jezelle was just one of the victims used by Johann.

“Well, there aren’t many people willing to stay in that palace, so I don’t know much. But it seems that due to her limited knowledge… she’s easily manipulated. It seems she can’t handle the palace budget on her own.”

“Don’t the maids help her?”

“In the first place, who would willingly become a maid in the palace of the 2nd Empress? No one recognizes a commoner-born empress. Only those who entered with the intention of using her end up there.”

Anel fell silent.

It wasn’t unexpected, but hearing it directly made her feel even more uncomfortable.

“What should be done to resolve this?”

“What? Your Majesty, are you worried about 2nd Empress Mama? I find it irritating just to say the word ‘mama’ to that girl.”


Despite Anel’s reproachful tone, Verdi only snorted in response.


Even in Anel’s reproachful tone, Verdi just snorted disdainfully.

“If only His Imperial Majesty would favor us with his presence. It seems there is no other way at the moment. The imperial palace holds all the power. Empress Mama of the First has the glory of being the wife of Lord Rodion, but Empress Mama of the Second has nothing.”

“His Imperial Majesty…”

That was something Anel couldn’t do anything about. Anel sighed.

“Alright. Let’s go inside and think about a plan-”

Suddenly, Verdi bowed deeply and signaled with a gesture.

“Presenting His Imperial Majesty.”

Anel was taken aback and raised her head. Indeed, there was Johann. Anel, in surprise, also bowed.

“Your Majesty.”



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