To My Regretful Majesty


Chapter 11

As Magnum, the Grand Duke, put his poem to his lips, Ern set fire to it.

The smoke emitted by the seven men quickly filled the room.

Each one harbored a sense of unease.

Now, who would take the remaining seat?

“It would be satisfactory for you to settle for a woman of moderate qualities, neither too outstanding nor insignificant.”

Duke Magrot spoke, exhaling smoke.

The best option would be a young lady from a very moderate household.

Not too outstanding, providing no grounds for opposition.

The worst option would be a lady from a ‘mediocre’ household, hoping to enter this position.

The seven nobles desired that the current power dynamics would not be disrupted under any circumstances.

There was nothing more to divide.

“Moreover, what is the reason for Her Majesty’s sudden change of heart?”

“I also do not know well.”

Ern responded with a perplexed expression as if he really didn’t know. However, inside, he thought of something else.

Surely, until this morning, the emperor had planned to postpone the designation of the empress quite a lot.


‘He suddenly changed his mind after meeting Lady Morata.’

Lady Morata.

The woman to become the empress.

Ern was well aware of her reputation.

The prospective empress nurtured through the collaboration of the Morata Ducal Family and the imperial family.

“Did the empress change his mind because of the empress?”

“It makes sense. Is the emperor someone who would change his thoughts based on just one woman’s words?”

“The greatest Johannes De Nego in the world? That’s nonsense.”

“Even our house dog would laugh at that.”

The question someone threw was instantly brushed aside and ejected.

Anel Morata was once a woman who received a lot of attention from society, but now she was not.

Her value had plummeted to the point where she wasn’t even mentioned in this place.

The ducal family was famous, and the emperor had no interest in the empress.

No, at least until this morning.

“What did she say to change your mind?”

Ern lowered his gaze.

Lady Morata. She was not particularly noteworthy, but it was necessary to take a closer look.

The day before the coronation ceremony. In the central palace where the coronation would take place, Anel was checking everything one last time.

Fortunately, due to her extensive lessons in becoming the empress, preparations were not as difficult as expected.

Except for one thing.

The designation of the empress’s companion.

“It’s really absurd…”

Jezel grumbled next to Anel as they arrived at the palace.

“Even though it’s the young lady’s coronation. They keep delaying the work to me, even though they say I have to escort the young lady.”

Jezel was expressing more anger than Anel, the person directly involved.

It was understandable. Jezel was now openly sympathizing with Anel.

At the same time, he found his own position, which had become more troublesome, annoying.

“Sorry, Jezel.”

Anel apologized in a soft voice.

“I know that because of me, other maids are being ignored.”

That was it. The most infuriating part for Jisel was this.

When Anel’s position in the palace became narrow, almost to the point of being as insignificant as a nail, naturally, Jisel’s position also diminished.

Jisel expressed his irritation, but when Anel apologized, he unexpectedly felt sorry.

“No, Miss. It’s not your fault.”

“If I had been stronger, you would have been more comfortable.”

People get ignored because they are kind and clingy like that.

While comforting Anel, Jisel thought that inwardly.

Being so weak, how could she endure in the palace in the future?

Jisel sighed at the dark future ahead.

It was to the extent that she felt like standing in line at Hwangbi Palace, where there was still no owner like other maids.

“But, Miss. So, who will you designate as the Lady of Hwangbi?”

In response to Jisel’s question, Anel gave a wry smile.

“I don’t know that yet. Perhaps Her Majesty will tell me tomorrow…”

After the unpleasant conversation with Johannes, Anel had no choice but to flee back to the Imperial Palace.

Otherwise, it seemed unbearable.

His gaze, breath, voice, even his laughter – everything about that man was unfamiliar.

Being so close to someone like that was a first for her.

Even Samuel had not approached her recklessly.

The unfamiliar sensations and feelings made her uneasy.

Because of that, she couldn’t resist, not even once. Especially when he mentioned appointing her as the Empress at the coronation ceremony.

‘I should have spoken up then. That’s a crazy idea. No noble would accept that.’

Anel regretted it. But soon, she complied.

It wasn’t something she could handle anyway.

All arrows of blame would be directed towards the Emperor.

No one blamed Anel, who was nothing more than a puppet. They only offered sympathy.

But, ironically, as soon as the rumor spread about appointing her as the Empress on the day of the coronation, the gazes of the maids subtly changed.

Previously, they were close to the exploratory gaze, but now there was a subtle mixture of disregard.

The fate of the Empress, not respected by the Emperor, was just like that. Not respected by the entire palace.

The palace flowed solely according to the Emperor’s will.

No one overtly ignored her yet.

But as the Emperor’s attitude continued, Anel’s position would become increasingly precarious.

That was her fate.

“Still, a decent person like Lady Hwangbi should become the Empress.”

Jizel glanced at Anel.

If someone even slightly harsh came, there was a possibility that Anel would be pushed aside or even permanently discarded.

It seemed like Jizel had miscalculated. Jizel sighed as if tired.

“Regardless of who comes, it’s something we have to endure.”

“Miss, you really… have a good heart.”

Jizel stuck out her tongue.

“Lady Morata.”

At that moment, there was a voice calling Anel.

“Viscount Lars.”

Ern Lars.

The name was one that Anel was familiar with.

After greeting him, Anel raised her head.

The Emperor’s right-hand man was quite a handsome man.

Despite thinking he might exude an air of scholarly demeanor, it was not so.

“Nice to meet you. I am Duke Ern Lars.”

“…I have heard of your reputation.”

He gave off a solid and composed impression in various ways.

His neatly combed gray hair and gray-brown eyes were clearly thin-lined but gave the impression of being ‘mature.’

Despite being about ten years older than Anel, he had a considerably serious demeanor, and his eyes were difficult to read.

When Jezel, who was quite handsome, appeared, Anel was surprised enough to sneak a glance at him.

“Is the coronation ceremony proceeding smoothly?”

“Thanks to your concerns, it is progressing smoothly.”

“I should have been more helpful, but I couldn’t pay attention as I was busy with state affairs.”

Ern said with a hint of regret, but there was no trace of sorrow on his face.

Anel nodded with a bitter smile.

“No, it’s my duty.”

Ern was the one who seemed surprised by her obedient response.

Despite being raised as the future empress, she was still young.

That’s why Ern had prepared himself for some squeamishness, but Anel was surprisingly calm, almost nonchalant.

“I heard that you are having difficulties due to the designation as the Empress.”

“…It is my duty to follow His Majesty’s will.”

Ern felt intrigued by the woman before him.

Now that he heard she had just crossed the age of twenty, her eyes seemed like those of someone who had experienced the whole world. Resigned, yet with a certain resilience.

‘The kind that the Emperor would strongly dislike.’

Ern swallowed his laughter and turned his gaze to the maid next to him.

In truth, he did think he should take a look at Anel at least once, but not today. The reason he approached her was because of the insolent maid. While she had a fairly attractive face, she was still just a maid. It was not her place to speak in such a disrespectful manner to someone who would become the Empress tomorrow. Feeling irritated by her arrogant tone, he unintentionally intervened.

“I understand that it might be exceeding the boundaries, but may I offer you one piece of advice?”

Advice? From this man? Anel nodded in surprise.

“It is good to be a compassionate Empress to those below. However, you should not let those who cross the line go unchecked.”

In the firm voice of Ern, Gezell’s face visibly tightened.

Anyone could tell that Ern’s words were aimed at Gezell.

Anel looked at Gezell with a perplexed expression.

Of course, Anel knew that Gezell sometimes crossed the line.

But Gezell was the only maid brought from her family’s estate.

Having been a maid since childhood, she held a special place in Anel’s heart, so Anel often overlooked Gezell’s occasional misbehavior.

However, receiving direct criticism like this was a mistake on her part.

This wasn’t the Duke’s mansion, and given the watchful eyes around, Anel should have been more careful for Gezell’s sake.

“This girl has never been outside the Duke’s mansion. She made a mistake. I will make sure to teach her a lesson.”

“You should. She is not just a servant; if the fact that a mere maid speaks like that to the Empress becomes known, it will be troublesome for Your Majesty.”

Ern spoke coldly and threw a warning glance at Gezell.

Gezell stepped back behind Anel.

It was embarrassing. It was embarrassing. Gezell clenched her fists so tightly that her nails dug into her palms.

“Then, we will meet again at the coronation ceremony tomorrow, Lady Morata. I hope fortune favors you.”



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