There was No One Beside Her

Cecile stood before the mirror inside the dressing room. The mirror reflected an image of her, different from what she was accustomed to.

She was dressed in clothes Teresa had given her.

The simple dress, devoid of any extravagant embellishments, provided unparalleled comfort. It seemed to have been tailored for flexible movement.

The wrinkle-resistant material of the skirt snugly hugged her waist, allowing the hem to gracefully rise to knee level. Her slip-on sandals added an extra touch of comfort.

It was her first experience wearing something like this.

Initially, when Cecile first looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a sense of awkwardness. However, over time, that discomfort seemed to transform into a newfound ease.

Her heart raced. Engaging in this act for the first time in her life ignited a dormant desire.

The foreign emotions swirling within her could not be fully expressed in words.

‘How exciting.’

Cecile’s eyes narrowed slightly.

But there wasn’t much time. Teresa busily moved about.

She tied Cecile’s hair and powdered it a darker color, then wrapped a turban to conceal it.

The young dame must have been anxious, as Teresa meticulously arranged Cecile’s robe, fully concealing her hair within.

In an instant, Cecile became an entirely different person.

Of course, a closer inspection would still reveal her as Cecile, but she could now blend seamlessly with the crowd. That was sufficient enough.

Teresa also imparted a series of precautions towards Cecile.

Given the young woman’s limited knowledge of the outside world, she needed to be educated on even the minutest of details.

“As soon as you exit the secret passage, inform the coachman and head to Alcaden in the south.”

“Alcaden… The trading port by the sea?”

“Yes. It’s a bustling trading hub with a massive port. Remain there and catch a departing ship at the appropriate time. The first goal is to leave the continent.”

“Yes, I will.”

Cecile nodded in agreement.

Teresa tucked a bag containing various items in Cecile’s bosom and continued.

“I’ve gathered the jewels void of an imperial seal. When you must, sell them to raise funds, but do not accept an amount less than 10 million won.”

“…Thank you so much.”

It was a level of thoughtful consideration that surpassed Cecile’s expectations. She had never fully grasped how much Teresa cared for her because the knight simply stood in the background and served as her escort.

However, Teresa simply responded without further words.

“Now, go. There is no time.”

Teresa pushed the large landscape painting from the wall, revealing a secret passage large enough for one person to traverse.

The passage was shrouded in darkness, devoid of any light. However, Cecile felt no fear.

On the contrary, her heart pounded vigorously. A smile adorned Teresa’s face as she observed her.

“Now, you look like a living person.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Your Majesty, please stay happy. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of greater assistance.”

Teresa bowed deeply. This farewell may have been their last.

Only then did Cecile begin to worry for Teresa.

‘She might get punished for helping me.’

Cecile couldn’t comprehend why Teresa was being so kind to her. Knowing her status as a commoner, it was evident that if repercussions were to come, the knight would have no one to aid her.

In a calm voice tinged with worry, Cecile inquired.

“What will you do?”

“I’ve already established an alibi. So, please, leave quickly.”


“The sooner you depart, the easier it will be for me.”

Teresa insisted persistently. Cecile reluctantly took a step.

Only Teresa knew whether such words were sincere or deceptive. But her expression remained resolute.

It was as if she would not permit Cecile to hesitate.

“…Fine. I will see you again.”

Cecile moved forward, offering her parting words.

Only after Cecile’s figure had completely vanished did Teresa reframe the picture. However, her gaze lingered far beyond the frame, towards the spot where Cecile had disappeared.

“I shall see your Majesty again soon.”

Once more, she respectfully bowed her head in the direction where Cecile had gone.


Each step felt awkward.

Cecile hadn’t left the imperial palace since the ripe age of seven.

The passageway was dark. She needed to navigate cautiously, with only a single lantern to aid her.

It was a space where every inch ahead of her remained unknown.

The pitter-patter of water and countless indistinct noises surrounded her. Occasionally, she caught the squeak of a mouse.

Although she had never experienced anything like this since birth, Cecile didn’t hesitate to move forward.

She deliberately quickened her pace, recalling Teresa’s words to hurry her way out.

The urgency in her mind pushed her physical limits to the brink of exhaustion.

Her stamina was lacking, and waves of nausea threatened to overwhelm her. A metallic taste of blood lingered in her throat.

She leaned her body against the wall and quickly wiped away the hot sweat from her forehead.

By the time her erratic breathing had settled, she found herself laughing, breathlessly.

“Ha, ha, ha…”

She was out of breath, so the laughter felt awkward and disjointed. However, the more it happened, the broader the smile on Cecile’s face became.

The corners of her mouth twitched, and Cecile repeatedly touched them.

‘Am I smiling?’

Without a mirror, she couldn’t be certain, but perhaps the smile on her face was like that of any other person in the world.

Cecile turned her head and looked ahead.

A bright light emanated not far away.

It was outside.


She couldn’t fathom it. The only time Cecile ventured outdoors was when she moved from her residence to the imperial palace.

Though even at the time she was simply seated in her carriage. She had never witnessed anything beyond the confines of her mansion and the imperial palace.

How ordinary people lived, what they discussed, and the sensations of exchanging money and trading goods—Cecile knew nothing about it.

But it wasn’t frightening.

On the contrary, a thrilled shudder coursed throughout her body.

“It feels like even the air is different.”

Cecile managed to stand on her trembling legs and took a step towards where the light and wind seeped through.

Eventually, Cecile found herself inside an alley behind a bustling main street, a remote place she could never have imagined was connected to the imperial palace.

She soon merged with the lively crowd.

Despite her tight disguise, no one recognized her.


Although the atmosphere was lively due to the festival, it was not an easy feat to spot a coachman.

Nonetheless, Cecile was fortunate.

Contrary to her concerns, she navigated the unfamiliar surroundings adeptly. She quickly located a carriage parked on the street.

She could tell it was a hired wagon since it lacked a family emblem and seemed worn out.

Just then, a man who was likely the carriage owner appeared.

Cecile approached him without hesitation.

“Is a ride still available?”

“Oh, I’m in a bit of a bind right now.”

“I’ll pay double the usual fare.”

“Money isn’t the issue. The streets are so congested with people that it’s tough to move.”

Cecile glanced at the road indicated by the coachman and nodded in agreement. She then calmly continued.

“There must have been as many people for the past few days, and there’s no way you could have taken a break from work at such a high peak. Shall I pay more?”

It was an astute observation.

The coachman capitalized during the times when customers were overflowing, and unless one was willing to pay several times more the wage, he wouldn’t budge.

Therefore, he thought Cecile would back down at his remark.

After all, Cecile’s attire did not exude wealth, no matter how put-together it appeared.

‘But could she be a wealthy woman?’

The coachman scrutinized Cecile blatantly.

However, no matter how carefully he observed, her outfit appeared remarkably ordinary.

Her robed appearance was difficult to discern, and there was no trace of money on her thin, seemingly undernourished body.

Still, an odd sense of discomfort lingered. The coachman identified its source.

There was an unusual air of assertiveness in Cecile’s voice, and her every movement was precise, devoid of any extravagance.

During the recent banquet, the coachman encountered many who carried the scent of wealth. These individuals, distinct from commoners, exhibited restrained and clean movements, often accompanied by a naturally condescending tone.

The coachman sensed a similar aura now. Though he feigned ignorance regarding Cecile’s identity, he felt that Cecile’s noble status was evident.

‘This woman is different.’

Such individuals had no concept of monetary value. They would pay without protest, whether the fare was doubled or multiplied by twenty.

Upon this realization, the coachman adjusted his hat and put on a friendly smile.

“Of course, ma’am. Please get in.”

“Then please excuse me.”

Cecile climbed into the carriage without hesitation. She clutched the hem of her skirt as she waited for the journey to commence.

‘Something bad could happen.’

This is what Teresa had warned.

As she said, the coachman might divert her to an unfamiliar location.

If that occurred, Cecile would be defenseless. Even reaching Alcaden would pose its own set of challenges and dangers.

Her money could be stolen, leaving her penniless, or she might encounter bullies.

The need for vigilance weighed heavily upon her. Cecile had to remain constantly alert to her surroundings.

‘But why am I so thrilled?’

Cecile lifted her hand and placed it against her chest.

The relentless, pounding movement of her heart transmitted through her palm.

She couldn’t quite decipher why her heart raced to such an extent. What was evident, however, was her desire to savor this moment.


Cecile managed to escape the capital unscathed and make her way to Alcaden.

In truth, she was fortunate.

The imperial messenger had failed to deliver the Emperor’s message due to a sudden stomachache, and many royal guards, responsible for guarding the capital gates, were absent from dealing with a crime nearby.

Furthermore, a riot broke out among drunken individuals queuing in front of the gate.

The guards, fatigued by the never-ending incidents, failed to scrutinize the seemingly ordinary Cecile.

Thanks to these fortuitous circumstances, Cecile successfully departed the capital for the first time in her life.

The moon, gradually fading as Cecile distanced herself from her imperial palace, was now hazy and indistinct.

The further she traveled, the more the back of Cecile’s hand infused with a soft silver-white glow, mirroring that of the moon overhead.

The moon, with its rounded and delicate lines, rested on her left hand, not fully suspended from the sky.

She was taken aback for a moment. However, Cecile swiftly covered the back of her hand with the cloth she had brought, attempting to conceal the light.

Unsatisfied, she extended the hem of her sleeves and tucked her hands inside, ensuring her left hand was completely out of sight.

Only after concealing her hand did Cecile glance out the window.

The world outside was immersed in a deep, dark blue, devoid of any visible light.

Cecile muttered in a hushed tone.

“The moon is gone…”


Note: Phew, I’m glad things are progressing smoothly. My mind is stuck on Teresa’s farewell after Cecile left. Is there a hidden meaning behind that, or am I just overthinking… we shall see!


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