There was No One Beside Her

Chapter 8


“To live such a miserable life like yours.”

Cecile had no desire to prolong the conversation. She ordered, turning her head.

“Escort the Duchess out.”


Upon Cecile’s command, her mother let out a scream, grappling with internal turmoil.

“To even betray your blood-bound family, divine by heavenly law, and because you rose to the position of Empress! How did I raise you!”

A shrill cry reverberated throughout the room. However, it didn’t inflict any pain to Cecile’s ears.

It felt so normal that it was almost strange.

Cecile turned to gaze at her enraged mother.

“Is it heavenly law, as you claimed?”

“Of course it is! The way you conduct yourself is very…!”

“The one who made a personal remark regarding my birthday’s insignificance is disobeying such a heavenly law.”

A faint smile graced Cecile’s lips.

For the Duchess, this was a spectacle more shocking than any display of anger and resentment.

She was left frozen, unable to utter a word. Meanwhile, Cecile, who had stood silent for a moment, slowly continued.

“Even a passing dog would laugh, Duchess.”

The Duchess’s mouth quivered. Meanwhile, Cecile’s serene smile persisted.

The door was shut, and the Duchess was kicked out. After that, a considerable amount of time passed. It seemed like the perfect moment for Cecile’s deeply rooted emotions to surface and torment her.

But nothing occurred. Only a fleeting notion entered her mind and then dissipated.

‘I’m disappointed.’

Cecile toyed with her newfound understanding.

She wasn’t familiar with herself. When she had been informed that, as a saint, it was only natural for her to sever ties with family, she simply complied.

She chastised herself, convincing herself that her birthday held little importance and that she would quickly forget it.

However, it appeared that wasn’t the reality.

‘I felt disappointed.’

She was somewhat taken aback by this realization.

But that was it. Cecile blinked her silver-white lashes once and averted her gaze from the window.

Night descended swiftly upon her.


Cecile spent the night with her eyes wide open.

Teresa, who stood guard, glanced at her mistress and asked.

“Are you feeling alright?”

In response to the simple inquiry, Cecile silently nodded.

“It’s nothing.”

“Is that so?”


“But your Highness doesn’t seem okay to me.”

It was an unnecessary intrusion. It was not something a guard knight, let alone a commoner, could casually dare to say to someone of such high status as Cecile.

However, It was not uncommon for someone to reprimand Cecile for not living up to her position as Empress.

Cecile silently contemplated Teresa’s words and offered a soft smile.

“Does it appear that way to you?”

“My apologies. I was presumptuous.”

“How presumptuous of you. To utter something like that.”

Cecile shook her head. Then, almost absentmindedly, her gaze fell upon a mirror in the corner of the room.

The woman reflected against the mirror possessed a worn-out expression. She was beautiful but with a hint of listlessness.

Cecile absentmindedly lifted her hand and brushed her cheek. Then, despite the awkwardness, she chuckled.

It was only then did it felt real.

‘Ah. I am alive.’

It felt bizarre. As she continued to breathe, such a realization struck her now and then.

Everything was strange. During the whole time, it felt as though she wasn’t inhabiting her own body. She felt randomly angry, randomly indifferent. Like she was trapped in a recurring dream.

She wondered how she should come to terms with this, but it seemed as though she hadn’t fully grasped a sense of reality yet.


Belated tears came. The tears flowed incessantly, forming pools and then bursting.

Her face was drenched with an endless stream of tears. Still, not a single sob escaped her mouth.

The only witness inside the room was her Knight.

Even though Cecile could freely let out her loud cries inside the vacant bedroom, she refrained.

After having observed the scene in silence, a quiet question flowed from Teresa’s lips.

“Your Majesty. Do you wish to escape?”


“If you desire to live freely, I shall assist you.”

Cecile turned her head and gazed at Teresa, wondering if she had misheard.

However, Teresa’s expression remained steadfast.

She was extending an offer to Cecile that could jeopardize her life.

“As you know, an emergency evacuation route is also hidden within the Empress Palace. Because a significant portion of the Royal Guards were deployed for the current ongoing event, entry and exit from the capital are currently unguarded.”


“I am offering my help.”

What Teresa voiced was clear.

Should she continue living like this, or should she seize the opportunity to escape? The choice lay before Cecile.

However, Cecile was too accustomed to this life to ponder over its pros and cons.

She was unfamiliar with life beyond the imperial palace. After all, she had lived here since a very young age, and before that was confined within a mansion.

From the moment of her birth, she was designated a saint, and so her life unfolded accordingly.

Cecile found herself wondering about the outside world—what people said, how they dressed. But she knew nothing.

In response to her hesitation, Teresa remarked.

“Aren’t you curious about what a normal life would be like, not as an empress?”

Cecile unwittingly nodded. The thought of a life beyond being an empress had never crossed her mind.

It was only when she acknowledged this realization that the tears, which had been flowing incessantly, came to a halt.


It was late at night, the expansive window shrouding in darkness.

A commotion unfolded thanks to the Queen Dowager who had made her way to his office. Arbeuta, wearied, set aside the paper he had been reading and raised his head.

Only then did the Queen Dowager speak.

“Why have you come to the Empress’s palace?”


“Didn’t I advise you? That woman is nothing more than a facade, so don’t pay her the slightest attention.'”

Arbeuta’s expression twisted at the Queen Dowager’s resonant voice.

The Queen had no qualms about openly displaying the irritation on her face. Instead, she raised her head stiffly and argued with an arrogant demeanor.

“She may have a fair face, but is her allure truly more captivating? If so, do enlighten me. I know plenty of women whom you may enjoy without any hesitation.'”


“Why are you so flustered? Isn’t it a natural desire?”

It was an audacious act.

Whether then or now, the attempt to control every aspect of him remained the same.

Arbeuta was tired from it. His head throbbed at the numerous thoughts weighing him down.

He listened to the Queen Dowager’s yap and reflected on the events that ensued earlier today.

‘Why has everything changed?’

It was undeniably not the Cecile he knew. The atmosphere, attitude, and tone of voice were unmistakably different.

It felt as if he were encountering a completely foreign person.

‘They said she was in pain.’

He was anxious. Despite knowing he shouldn’t pay it much mind, his eyes kept leaning towards her.

‘Where did it hurt?’

He received a report that she had awakened, but Arbueta found no solace in it.

He wanted to rush over this instant and inquire over her well-being.

The urge to question the medical attendant about her reported weakening earlier had almost overwhelmed him.

But he couldn’t. It shouldn’t be that way.

Arbeuta clenched his fists in an attempt to resist his impulses.

Meanwhile, the Queen Dowager continued to speak loudly.

She lashed out when she received no response, venting her frustration.

“Are you now disregarding your mother’s words?”

“… I’m busy.”

Arbeuta returned his gaze to the documents. There was not a single emotion in his cold face.

He covered his ears as he immersed himself in re-evaluating the document he held.

In response to his cold demeanor, the Queen Dowager tried to quell her anger by pressing her palms with her sharply manicured fingernails.

Then she began to console Arbeuta with a friendly tone.

“Take a moment to look at your mother.”

“I said I was busy.”

“You must be concerned. I understand you’re upset. After all, who are you? Don’t fret and rest assured. This mother will be a steadfast supporter.”

Arbeuta’s lips remained sealed in cold silence. He offered no response.

A sly smile crept across the Queen Dowager’s face as she observed his demeanor. She believed the Emperor comprehended her words well.

“Then, have a good night.”

Only then did the Queen Dowager leave the office, though the stinging scent of her potent perfume persisted in the air.

Arbeuta, with an expression of clear annoyance, muttered.

“Open the window.”


His eyes flickered, weariness evident on his face.

He tried to rest his head on the chair, but even that proved futile.

Even the simple act proved challenging when his mind was filled with incessant thoughts.


Arbeuta conjured an image of Cecile in his mind.

It was the Cecile who seemed so delicate, to the point where a gentle breeze would whisk her away. However, since the previous night, her demeanor had undergone a significant change.

‘That can’t be.’

Arbeuta took a deep breath as if a realization had struck him. Then, he quickly opened the locked drawer.


In the meantime, an attendant hurriedly entered the Emperor’s chamber and delivered his report in urgency.

“Your Majesty. It’s urgent.”


“Her Majesty has disappeared.”


At that moment, Arbeuta’s eyes, soaked in fatigue, flashed brightly.

The attendant’s eyes quivered in embarrassment as he struggled to continue his report.

“Moreover, the moon has vanished.”


Upon hearing the incomprehensible words, Arbeuta hastily peered out his window.

The view outside was engulfed in darkness. The moon, which should have bathed everything in silver-white radiance just the day before, was nowhere to be seen.

Just yesterday, the sky had been clear with no trace of clouds, and a large, round moon was illuminating its surroundings.

But somehow, the moon had disappeared. Chaos had already erupted beyond the palace walls.

Arbeuta, however, knew the reason.

‘It’s because of Cecile.’

Because she disappeared, the moon vanished alongside her.

Upon reaching this conclusion, he quickly retrieved a pendulum from the partially opened drawer.

A fine crack marred the surface of the otherwise pure white pendulum. Arbeuta’s fist clenched tightly around the broken timepiece.

Through gritted teeth, he uttered the command.

“Track the Empress immediately. Seal off the capital and deploy the imperial guards.'”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

He didn’t expect Cecile to run away.

“Cecile, why in the world…”

His voice trembled. He continued to utter her name, a name he dared not call.

“Cecile, Cecile.”

However, the pendulum remained unresponsive. In its cracked state, all it did was emit a pure white light.

Arbeuta, who had fixated his gaze on the pendulum, abruptly rushed outside.

He stopped a passing servant and issued a command.

“Prepare my horse.”

Only then did the cracked pendulum slowly turn black. It was a significantly slower response than before.

It was evident that the delayed reaction was a result of the demonic energy seeping through the crack.

‘At last.’

A dull glow emanated from his bright red eyes. The hand gripping the pendulum tightened.

Perhaps the end of a long-standing curse was drawing near.


Note- Is he a demon? At last what?? Also, I knew I liked Teresa for a reason.


  1. Mimmo says:


    1. ashbabyy says:


  2. sadbeech says:

    Thank you for updating <3

    1. ashbabyy says:

      Of course!! <3

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