There was No One Beside Her

Chapter 4

“You’re going to hit me with that?”

“Of course. We must correct the insolent way of speaking.”

“Ahh, I see. Do try hitting me once.”

After that, Cecile turned her head, once again fixing her gaze on the wall. She had nonchalantly suggested getting hit but didn’t even bother lifting her skirt and continued acting indifferent.

Dorothea’s lips quivered in embarrassment. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t anger at the young Cecile’s audacious behavior.

‘Why am I unable to move my arm?’

Despite her intention to strike Cecile with the whip, her body remained frozen, unresponsive to her intentions.

As if an intangible force held her in place.

Dorothea now felt a profound sense of fear. As the realization dawned upon her, her complexion turned pale.

‘I’m scared?’

The situation was ridiculous. Her body relaxed.

However, Dorothea lacked the resolve to lift her whip again. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead.

The maid reflexively took a step back. She was panting heavily, her chest struggling to draw in each breath.

Meanwhile, Cecile remained silent. Not bothering to turn around, she replied dryly.

“Why? Have you decided to quit?”


“I don’t mind being hit.”

Cecile’s words resonated differently with Dorothea.

It felt as if she were being reprimanded with words such as, ‘How dare you attempt to discipline me?’

Did it feel the same when she was a young child, scolded for misbehaving?

For a moment, Dorothea felt like she had gone back to being that very child.

She shut her eyes and lowered her head towards the Empress—an action that went beyond her own will.

“…I apologize.”

“As long as you are aware.”

Cecile remained silent, her expression still indifferent.

Dorothea, perplexed by the shift in Cecile’s demeanor, found herself unable to speak.

Cecile’s gaze remained fixed on the corner of the room, her eyes dreamy and unfocused.

Coupled with the unusually white aura surrounding her, she seemed almost divine.

‘…It’s not just a facade.’

As of now, the title of Saint carried no inherent power.

It was only natural, as there had never occurred a happening where the Saint exhibited exceptional powers.

Even the nobles were currently discontented with the fact.

‘What era is this? An Empress, chosen based on a myth that may or may not be true?’

Dorothea shared a similar sentiment. She believed that an Empress should hail from a more cultured and distinguished family, rather than someone like Cecile.

However, such a perception of her own gradually began to shift from this moment.

Dorothea scrutinized Cecile. Perhaps Serendi did truly exist.

That was the thought that crossed her mind as she observed the young Empress who had yet to surpass the age of nineteen.

‘Why did she suddenly change?’

Dorothea couldn’t fathom the reason behind the sudden transformation.

‘How can things suddenly change so much?’

‘Has she received a revelation from God?’

‘Is this what an Empress with the authority of a Saintess meant to resemble?’

Various questions swirled within Dorothea’s mind. However, she knew that all these hypotheses were inaccurate.

The same held true, even if she considered the present moment.

As soon as Cecile was born, the former Saint was cast aside and confined to a villa.

She ultimately concluded her life not long after.

While it was difficult to comprehend the reasons for such cruel treatment, historical records suggested that this was the fate of countless saints.

The Empress was unable to capture the heart of the Emperor, and so the nobles who couldn’t secure an imperial position for their daughters bode their time for an opportunity.

There was no way for a Saintess with no power to survive within the fierce imperial palace. In the end, as soon as a new Saintess was announced, the previous one would be cast aside.

The imprisoned Saints would die less than a year later.

It was not because of a lack of food or because the treatment towards them was harsh.

They starved themselves to death.

Unable to partake in any sustenance, they would lay lifeless, gradually wasting away like a dry tree branch.

As history constantly repeated itself, not one person hesitated at the thought of discarding the Empress, once revered a saint. It was even claimed to be the will of the God Serendi.

‘But if we’re looking at the current Empress…’

Dorothea furrowed her eyebrows. If it were the current Empress, perhaps history would take a different course.

However, that could never be the case.

It would pose a significant threat to Dorothea if Cecile were to solidify her position as Empress.

There was no way the Empress would spare a mere maid who dared soil her delicate body.

‘If so…’

Dordea stared at Cecile’s back and pursed her lips. It was time for her to make a decision.

Someone had broken into the Empress’s chambers, devoid of any forewarning or courtesy.

Yet, not one person harbored any inquiries. There existed only one plausible perpetrator of such audacious actions.

“Your Majesty the Queen!”

The attendants bowed respectfully in her direction. The Queen Dowager acknowledged their salutations with a sidelong glance and stepped inside the room.

As the mother of the reigning Emperor, she assumed her role with pride, ascending to the position of queen, despite not being born into sanctity.

Now, she reigned as the esteemed Queen Dowager of the empire.

She was fully dressed since early in the morning.

Her hair was fashioned into a vibrant bun, and her makeup was meticulously applied, leaving no room for a single blemish or wrinkle. The same applied to the folds of her exquisite dress.

With a dignified countenance, the Queen lifted her head and scrutinized Cecile, who remained seated on her bed.

Upon noticing the thin robe, a frown marred her features, and she voiced her displeasure.

“Dorothea, why is the Empress’s attire so lightweight?”

She was clearly questioning Cecile. It was evident that the Queen was currently inquiring whether Cecile had dared to breach decorum by removing her robes before entering the bedroom.

Anticipating the question, Dorothea hastened to explain. However, the Queen disdainfully averted her gaze from Dorothea without hesitation.

Instead, she approached the still-seated Cecile and repeated.

“Empress, enlighten me. How did this transpire?”

Her tone carried an air of arrogance as if she found amusement in the situation.

The Queen Dowager did not view Cecile with favor. Having displaced her predecessor to ascend to the position, she believed to have earned her status as the Queen Dowager.

In her mind, she perceived herself as the chosen one for the elevated role.

Contrary to the outdated history books proclaiming Cecile as God’s daughter, Queen Dowager held a firm belief in her own qualifications as a true Empress who had earned her position.

This conviction extended to her recent endeavor—selecting the prospective match for the new Emperor.

The chosen individual was a refined and cultured child, possessing a complete array of familial and intellectual attributes.

‘The family is completely different from the Serendite household, who are incapable of sustaining themselves and rely solely on imperial connections.’

 A derisive sneer played on the Queen Dowager’s lips. She was anticipating the next Saintess to appear soon.

Should a new saint emerge at any moment, Cecile’s fate would be sealed.

In Queen Dowager’s judgment, the seemingly unworthy Empress with her unblemished face had outlived her usefulness.

The Queen Dowager was resolute in ensuring that Cecile would not forget her precarious position until then.

In her customary fashion, she planned to crush Cecile’s spirit, rendering her a voiceless, subdued figure akin to a helpless infant.

This would enable the Queen Dowager to manipulate her like a puppet until the day of her eventual dethronement.

‘She must be shaking by now.’

Queen Dowager closed her eyes deliberately and gazed down at Cecile. However, unlike before, Cecile exhibited no signs of submission or fear.

She simply maintained a regal composure, seated with an air of unwavering poise.

The Queen Dowager, taken aback by Cecile’s apparent indifference, released a sharp, frustrated sigh, hoping to attract her attention.


However, Cecile remained unresponsive.

Rather than being deterred, the Queen Dowager escalated her efforts, raising her voice even further.

“What is with that rigid demeanor? Have you heard anything?”

To her astonishment, Cecile’s response remained unchanged.

“How dare you disregard my words?”

Just as the Queen Dowager prepared to raise her hand, Cecile rose from her seat. It was an incredibly simple action.

In a different circumstance, one might have misconstrued Cecile’s action as a profound bow of apology. 

But not at this moment.

The Queen Dowager’s body tensed in surprise, as she found herself unexpectedly overwhelmed by Cecile’s formidable presence.

A grand, indescribable force seemed to permeate the confined space, causing the Queen Dowager to involuntarily lower her head as if in worship. Startled, she quickly raised her head again.

Meanwhile, Cecile calmly swept past the Queen Dowager, leaving only a trail of lingering astonishment.

The Queen Dowager hurriedly reached out, seizing Cecile’s arm as she witnessed the subtle swish of her delicate attire passing by.

She grit her teeth and erupted in anger, furious at the recent humiliation she had endured just a second ago.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

Cecile’s progress halted abruptly as her arm was seized firmly.

She then turned her head to meet the Queen Dowager’s gaze and calmly explained,

“I’m going to take a shower.”


The Queen Dowager’s surprise mirrored her confusion.

“It’s morning, so I need to wash up.”

Cecile’s response carried an air of tranquility, so subdued that it contrasted sharply with the earlier outburst from the Queen Dowager, leaving the latter feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Cecile’s silver-white hair shone a soft, pale gold against the sunlight. Her lips remained serenely closed, tracing a quiet trajectory.

The Queen Dowager’s brow furrowed in dissatisfaction.

‘We are not the same. How dare she act so arrogantly?’

“Are you being so arrogant just because you’re the Empress now?”

Her eyes sharply raised, trembling in profound anger.

Yet, Cecile remained unyielding in her silence.

Her countenance showed neither fear nor distress. Her poised stillness seemed almost mocking, as if amused by the Queen Dowager’s agitation over something seemingly trivial.

As the Queen Dowager widened her eyes, taken aback by Cecile’s unusual aura, Cecile’s lips curved into a subtle smile.

Breaking the silence, Cecile spoke with crisp precision.


I might start slipping up and call momma sh*t Dowager instead of queen. It suits her more too.


  1. Mai says:

    I bet the previous saints had something to do with her returning to the past and, even if they didn’t, she needs to take revenge for them too, their lives are so sad, used and discarded as if they weren’t even human.

    1. ashbabyy says:

      I agree, no one deserves a life like that. Praying on everyone’s downfall

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