There Is No Way You Love Me

In accordance with Kieran’s wishes, the punishment of the head maid was carried out very swiftly.

Alyssa immediately took out her sword and had the head maid thrown into the underground prison.

Kieran was unable to hide his astonishment at the rapid pace, which was so quick that it made him feel embarrassed for having rushed the process. Alyssa, who had been watching with a puzzled expression, eventually nodded as if she understood.

‘She wouldn’t have done it alone, would she?’

Muttering briefly to herself, Alyssa then rounded up the head maid’s closest allies—those who had consumed the estate’s wealth just after the head maid herself.

From identifying the culprits to imprisoning them and seizing the hidden assets, it took less than three days.

Seeing Alyssa manage all this on her own, Kieran adjusted his previous assessment of her, which likened her to a mouse.

‘The title Monster Duke of the North isn’t just for show, after all.’

The individuals responsible for the embezzlement were quite powerful within the estate.

Even for the highest authority, dealing with them all at once carried significant risks. If any of them harbored rebellious thoughts, it could have easily led to a dangerous situation where the tables might have turned.

However, Alyssa punished every single one of the guilty parties without resorting to any form of persuasion or compensation.

It was a solution as simple as it was brutal. Kieran didn’t entirely disapprove of this approach, though he did have some concerns.

Would this punishment make those people, and the ones who remained in the estate, genuinely fear Alyssa?

Ruling through merciless punishment relies on instilling fear of overwhelming force. However, this only works if the subjects fear their ruler.

Governance through fear of force collapses the moment that force is gone. No matter how powerful Alyssa may seem now, it’s unlikely that just this one incident will make the castle staff fear and obey her.

‘It seems they’ve been underestimating her quite a bit.’

Kieran’s concern soon became a reality.


A sharp sound echoed through the quiet dining hall. Kieran’s plate had shattered into pieces on the floor, but none of the maids, who should have been attending to his meal, approached him.

When he looked at them, they hesitantly moved forward, as if reluctantly, clearly displeased. Kieran gazed at the servants with a cold, piercing look.

The idea that only a select few had been disrespectful towards Alyssa, while the rest served her faithfully, was nothing but a fantasy.

The fact that Alyssa, a duchess, had been living a life worse than that of a stable hand was only possible because everyone in the castle had either tacitly approved or actively participated.

While some had been more shameless in their greed, ultimately, everyone in the castle had disregarded Alyssa while looking out for their own interests.


The maid, approaching reluctantly, placed a single plate down with a thud before turning away, leaving the shattered pieces on the floor untouched.

The attitude that had once been limited to hostile glances when the head maid and her minions were imprisoned was now becoming increasingly blatant.

Servants expressing their dissatisfaction by refusing to serve their master properly—such behavior was unthinkable.

However, even if a complaint is unjustified, if it’s the opinion of the majority, it becomes justified. Just like what’s happening with them.

To the servants, Kieran was nothing more than the villain who had taken away their privileges. As a result, no matter where he went in the castle, he was met with hostile glares.

Everyone in the castle was against him. It was a familiar yet unpleasant feeling.

“You, come here.”

Then, a cold voice rang out.

Even the maid who had been ignoring Kieran flinched at the call.

Across from him, Alyssa was emanating a menacing aura.

“If broken dishes are left on the floor, His Grace might get hurt. Clean it up.”

Fear spread across the maid’s face upon hearing Alyssa’s words. However, a hint of defiance still lingered.

The maid, who had been hesitating with an indignant expression, quickly turned and strode towards the door. She then abruptly turned her head as if fearing that Alyssa might draw a sword.

“I’m just going to get a broom!”

As the maid left, the remaining servants also rushed to follow her out of the dining hall.

Seeing this, Kieran sighed. Although the servants were a bit more afraid of Alyssa, they didn’t fully obey her, as evidenced by their recent behavior.

‘They won’t come back.’

Just as Kieran got up to clean up the pieces himself, he heard a clattering noise.

Alyssa, who had hurriedly risen from her seat, quickly approached him. Before Kieran’s hand could reach the broken pieces, she swept them up with her own hands.

“There’s no need for this, Your Grace!”

Seeing Alyssa on her knees clearing the pieces like a servant, Kieran exclaimed in surprise. Alyssa seemed startled by his call but continued gathering the pieces without pause.

“It’s all cleaned up.”

Kieran exhaled in exasperation. “Didn’t the servants say they were bringing a broom? Why are you doing such a trivial task yourself?”

When he brought up the maid’s somewhat unbelievable statement, Alyssa, who had hesitated slightly, answered somewhat awkwardly.

“It’s not trivial. I was just clearing the shards from where they were around your feet. I was worried that if I waited for the maids to arrive, you might get hurt…”

Alyssa, who had lowered her head deeply, fidgeted with her fingertips. On her scarred hands, there were red marks from where the shards had scratched her.

Kieran tried to say something but felt as if someone had clamped his mouth shut upon seeing her hands.


If the situation were reversed, Kieran would have ignored Alyssa’s wellbeing entirely. He was certain he would have offered only a formal consolation if shards had embedded themselves in her foot and she had bled profusely.

But why is she…?

A sense of inexplicable discomfort tightened around Kieran’s chest. He couldn’t stop his gaze from being drawn to her hands, stained red with blood.

“You are injured.”

Kieran’s words, filled with an unclear mix of reprimand and concern, made Alyssa hurriedly clench her fist and hide her hand behind her back.

Seeing this, Kieran slowly reached out and grasped Alyssa’s wrist, pulling her hand toward him.

Alyssa tensed at the sudden contact but made no effort to resist or pull away, quietly allowing herself to be drawn closer.

Her pale, trembling hand was tightly clenched into a fist. Kieran gently unfolded her hand.

The small hand, clearly much smaller than his, was rough and uneven. Blood trickled from the small shards that she had inadvertently pressed into her palm.

“I-I’m sorry. It looks terrible.”

Kieran firmly held onto Alyssa’s wrist as she tried to pull her hand away. He carefully removed the embedded shards and then took out a handkerchief to press against the wound.

“It’s not terrible.”

His words were sincere. The scars and the blood, mixed with sweat, made the hand seem rough, but it was still warm.

“Thank you.”

As she expressed her gratitude softly, Kieran was enveloped in a strange feeling.

Even though everyone in the castle seemed to be hostile towards him, this one person in front of him was not.

Kieran still did not fully understand who Alyssa was. Her inexplicable kindness was as bewildering as it was unexpected.

“By the way, I have one more request.”

It seemed like he could trust her a little more.

“…The knights?”

As Alyssa showed reluctance, Kieran tilted his head slightly.

“Is it really difficult?”

“No! It’s not that. But…”

Despite shaking her head quickly, Alyssa hesitated again. It was because she was more concerned about Kieran than about herself.

‘Asking to bring the knights to the estate.’

The Benoit Knights’ quarters were located outside the castle walls, not within the castle itself.

Although this was to protect the estate from frequent monster invasions, Alyssa was relieved about this fact for another reason.

Alyssa and the Benoit Knights were as notorious as the monsters that slaughtered people.

The fearsome appearance of their monster hides and their scent instilled dread. More than anything, the atmosphere of those who had been in battle for so long made most people wary of them, much like they would be of monsters.

Unlike Alyssa, who was avoided even by people from the same territory, the knights within the Benoit were considered relatively normal estate inhabitants. However, this would not be the case for Kieran, coming from the capital.

“I don’t mind, but… are you okay with the knights entering the estate?”

“Is there any reason why it wouldn’t be okay for me?”

Kieran responded nonchalantly to Alyssa’s cautious inquiry.

Alyssa nodded quietly. When she thought about it, he was someone who could face even the most terrifying things with composure.

“Even if it wasn’t okay, it would have to be. Because I need them.”

At those words, Alyssa froze, and her face instantly turned serious.

“May I ask what the reason is?”

For Kieran to feel that something was lacking was a significant concern for Alyssa.

She hoped that whatever Kieran wanted was within her capacity to resolve and awaited his answer.

“It’s because I’ve been thinking I need to manage the servants.”

Fortunately, Kieran brought up a subject in which Alyssa excelled.

“I plan to use the knights’ military power.”


Thank you for reading~


  1. spooky says:

    Thanks for the translation! 🥰 I’m loving this story.

  2. Mier says:

    Their past life sucks, can’t wait for all that trash to be kicked out.
    Love both leads. It’s nice seeing Kieran communicate with his wife, even if the initial reason was for a better life.
    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Haru says:

    They’re taking such good care of each other! 😭😭

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