There Is No Way You Love Me

Alyssa was startled by Kieran’s words.

She had assumed that he would naturally prefer to learn from the head maid rather than from her. After all, Alyssa had always been in a position that made others uncomfortable.

…He did say he didn’t dislike me, but still.

The treatment she was receiving was unfamiliar, but without hesitation, Alyssa accepted his suggestion. Regardless of her own feelings, there was no way she could refuse Kieran’s request.

And so, the management of the estate was handed over to Kieran, with Alyssa overseeing his work—a somewhat ambiguous arrangement, but one that placed the estate’s affairs in Kieran’s hands.

While it was a reasonable decision for the sake of the estate, Alyssa worried whether Kieran might feel upset about having to seek her approval for handling the estate’s affairs.

However, Kieran seemed completely unfazed by her concern and appeared to be quite pleased.

As soon as he received Alyssa’s approval, he immediately, as if someone might try to steal the ledgers, had her accompany him to retrieve them from the head maid. He then promptly shut himself away in his office.

Although Alyssa knew that Kieran was busy reviewing the ledgers, she couldn’t help but worry that he might overexert himself.

Although Kieran had been given the best rooms in the castle, including his bedroom and office, they still wouldn’t compare to the warmth of his quarters in the capital.

On the fourth day of anxiously pacing back and forth in her damp and poorly lit office, Alyssa heard an unfamiliar set of footsteps approaching from outside the door.

Having been attuned to the sounds of approaching footsteps since childhood, Alyssa recognized the steps of everyone in the castle. But the footsteps she heard now were unfamiliar. They weren’t filled with anger or dragging with melancholy.

The sound was so quiet that it could only be heard if one listened closely—a soft tapping of men’s shoes, like the low crackling of a fire in the hearth.

Despite the unfamiliarity of the footsteps, Alyssa immediately knew who it was, even down to the small sigh he let out, as if carrying something heavy.

In a rush, Alyssa ran to the door and flung it open. Standing about three steps away in the hallway was Kieran, looking startled.

“Your Grace?”

“…I’m sorry.”

Kieran seemed startled by the sudden opening of the door. Bowing her head in apology, Alyssa hesitated before taking a step closer to him.

“Let me… carry this. Excuse me.”

Carefully, so as not to accidentally touch him, Alyssa took the stack of papers from Kieran’s arms.

As she felt the weight, heavier than she expected, her expression darkened.

‘How did someone so delicate manage to carry something this heavy?’

While the frail Kieran from before his regression might have struggled, the current Kieran was a healthy, well-built adult man.

However, to Alyssa, who had spent her days surrounded by beasts and the monster-like knights who hunted them, Kieran still seemed fragile, as if he might break with a mere touch.

Though it wasn’t entirely untrue—if Alyssa were to strike him, the outcome might indeed be similar—Kieran, who suddenly found himself relieved of his burden, looked a bit awkward.

“Your Grace, this is heavy.”

“Yes, that’s why I should carry it. Where would you like me to put it?”

At Alyssa’s firm insistence on being the porter, Kieran sighed softly. He didn’t quite understand why she was being so stubborn, but it felt awkward to forcibly take the bundle back.

“I brought it to show you, Your Grace. Could you please place it on the desk in the office?”

Without another word, Alyssa placed what she was holding on the table. Only then did she notice the contents of the papers.

“These are the ledgers up until now.”

Kieran spoke before Alyssa could even ask. She looked slightly uneasy, realizing that he had come to have his work reviewed, just as he had mentioned in front of the head maid.

It made sense, given that Kieran was still unfamiliar with managing the estate. This was the right approach, yet Alyssa couldn’t shake a sense of unease.

Who was she to question or interfere with what he was doing?

Still, as the Duchess, it was something she had no choice but to do. Ayssa sighed softly and picked up the ledger.

At first, when she turned the initial page, she was filled with worry. It was bound to be a mess since it was likely his first time doing this. How should she phrase her feedback without offending him?

However, as she continued flipping through the pages, Alyssa’s expression gradually changed. By the time she finished reviewing the ledger, she couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.

“…This is…”

The ledger was impeccably organized. There was nothing that needed to be added or removed—it was perfect.

Was Kieran a genius? She had always thought of him as a capable person, but to be this flawless in even something like this? Alyssa was astonished.

“It’s exactly as you see,” Kieran said, his tone brimming with confidence, as if he knew how impressive the work was. His voice even carried a hint of weariness.

Given how well he had done, it was understandable that he might find it tedious to have his work reviewed. Alyssa nodded in agreement.

“It’s an absolute mess.”

“Yes. Really… What?”

And then she stopped.

Surprised, Alyssa found herself alternating her gaze between Kieran and the ledger. However, Kieran did not repeat his words, and the ledger remained unchanged.

“Which part…?”

In her confusion, Alyssa’s thoughts spilled out. She quickly flipped through the ledger again, wondering if she had missed something.

But it was the same. The funds for the welfare of the estate’s residents and the support for the knights were appropriately allocated.

The amount designated for internal expenses was indeed quite high. However, this allocation was essentially Kieran’s private funds, and the remaining money was what had to be distributed, so it was not a concern.

“Don’t you understand?”

Kieran asked, looking somewhat incredulous as Alyssa remained puzzled despite checking the ledger again. Alyssa nodded with a slightly apprehensive expression.

“I’m sorry. I’m not perceptive enough to notice.”

The tone in Alyssa’s voice, which had softened slightly, became as formal as when she was addressing the former Duke. However, instead of raising his voice or making demands, Kieran let out a small sigh.

“There’s no need for you to apologize. But don’t you find it strange?”

Kieran pointed to the section where the budget was organized with the tip of his finger. Alyssa hesitated before slowly nodding.

“For both welfare and the knights… The amount spent on the estate is just slightly more, but isn’t the budget appropriately allocated for the necessary parts?”

“That’s the problem.”

Kieran sighed again, clearly frustrated. He hadn’t expected to have to explain this in such detail.

“The budget for the upkeep of the estate is essentially a matter of maintaining the owner’s dignity. Yet, look at your office. I can’t discern where that money has been spent.”

Despite his attempt to explain calmly, his words ended up sounding sharp, partly due to recalling the opulent furnishings of the head maid’s office.

“This ledger is one that I haven’t revised the budget for. And until now, it was the head maid who managed the internal affairs.”

Kieran’s gaze swept over Alyssa. Unlike her, who wore a worn-out shirt and no jewelry, the head maid was adorned with rubies.

“What I’m saying is that the head maid has been embezzling from your personal funds.”

At this statement, Alyssa’s expression hardened. If this ledger was indeed prepared by the head maid, it changed the context of the issue.

The head maid had no right to spend the family’s assets according to her own wishes. Such actions violate the rules.

“I will have the head maid punished. I’ll handle it so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Alyssa’s response, without any hesitation, was precisely what Kieran had hoped for.

However, Kieran couldn’t shake off an air of uncertainty. It was due to Alyssa’s composed demeanor.

‘Have you really thought there have been no problems until now?’

According to Alyssa, the budget allocated to the people of the estate and the knights was properly managed, so they might not have noticed any issues.

But Alyssa herself could not be so unaware.

Since his return, Kieran had faced many new experiences.

For instance, eating meals with his wife or visiting her office.

Although he did not show it, Kieran was quite surprised each time.

The tableware was chipped, and the office was as dark and damp as a storage room.

With moldy furniture, tattered blankets, and cracked windows, it was a space so shabby that it was hard to believe it was not meant for a servant.

Just from a brief glance, it was clear that despite the servants and the housekeeper’s polite demeanor, they had been dismissive of Alyssa.

Yet Alyssa remained calm despite the scorn directed at her from all sides.

She acted as if none of this had ever happened, as if she had never faced any injustice at all.

As he looked at her pale face, Kieran was reminded of his previous life—his wife, who had seemed like an emotionless statue.

“Why are you like this?”

Aren’t you angry?

Kieran swallowed the question that lingered on his tongue. It was unnecessary to ask.

Even if Alyssa passively endured the injustices, Kieran had no reason to be angry on her behalf.

“…No, never mind. Please expedite the punishment for the head maid.”

Since it had been resolved, it was time to move on.

Kieran buried his lingering curiosity deep and fell into silence.






Thank you for reading~


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