There Is No Paradise Where You Escaped

The Rodinia Castle


Today, the auction house was so crowded that there wasn’t even room to step. Although the crowd was somewhat expected, it was larger than anticipated.

I must be getting old. I can’t think straight,” Shaffer muttered as he wiped the sweat dripping down his face with a handkerchief tucked under his hat. The cause of the commotion was none other than the ultra-luxurious manor known as Rodinia Castle, also referred to as the Aveline Manor.

The manor’s owner was Lawrence Aveline, the man largely responsible for restoring the Mayr Dynasty in Preston. Ironically, after the restoration of the Mayr Dynasty, Lawrence was forced to accept the status of a fallen noble to avoid Mayr, who sought to take his only daughter as his mistress.

Lawrence Aveline probably hadn’t anticipated this fate when he built the manor. The manor, which once symbolized a new beginning in a new place, was now being ruthlessly pursued by the wolves of Neway.

I wonder if there’s any place to sit,” Shaffer thought as he pushed through the crowd, dusting off his rumpled clothes and searching for somewhere to stand. By a stroke of luck, a spot on a bench briefly opened, and his legs moved faster than the countless eyes also eyeing the seat, allowing him to seize the opportunity.

Although he was grabbed by the collar by a ruffian, standing through the lengthy auction would be a waste of energy. And today, his goal was to secure the Rodinia Castle. It was Anthony Shaffer’s first and last chance to repay the favor he had received from the Aveline family.

As Shaffer adjusted his collar, his elbow brushed against the person beside him.

Sorry about that. The space is so cramped,” he apologized, nodding at the man he had to look up to, even though they were sitting on the same bench.

He looks like a delicate young lady with that fair complexion.

In addition to his neatly combed black hair and light blue eyes that held a cold, icy light, he had a rather striking face. Swallowing his first impression of the young man, Shaffer put on a pleasant smile, and the man slightly nodded in acknowledgment of the apology.

As the cold gaze vanished, Shaffer slowly examined the man’s appearance. With long limbs, the cramped bench must have felt narrow to him. Shaffer consoled himself in that brief moment, feeling fortunate that he was short.

But I’m sure I’ve seen that handsome face somewhere before.

A small doubt began to sprout, and Shaffer forgot that it might be rude to closely scrutinize a familiar face.

Caspian, you said you were interested in Rodinia Castle, right? Or, to be more precise, are you more interested in Aveline’s only daughter? 

The shift of interest to the young man was triggered by the mention of the surname Aveline, which Shaffer heard from the bench right in front of him.

Are you trying to seize this opportunity because Miss Aveline rejected your proposal?

Enough with the creepy jokes. Not everyone here is gathered to marry her. They’re just thinking of keeping her as a mistress for fun, and when the fun wears off, they’ll just throw her away—that’s it, like an object attached to the manor. If she begs, I might treat her as such.

The only one who flushed at the somewhat vulgar joke was Shaffer.

As he prepared to admonish the disrespect toward Lord Aveline’s only daughter, he confirmed the man’s face but had to sit quietly on the bench.

You’re as mean as ever. Look at her, isn’t she a pitiful and fragile lamb?

Rumors say she’s bringing men into the manor for the sake of survival. How could she be described as a pitiful and fragile lamb when she behaves like that? They say people show their true colors when they hit rock bottom. Anyway, Benjamin, just because you’re somewhat acquainted with the Avelines, don’t take sides. I’m starting to feel resentful about our long friendship.

I wasn’t taking sides. I was just saying not to dwell too much on Miss Aveline’s rejection.

Those who spoke were Caspian Harwood, a nouveau riche, and Viscount Benjamin Quinlan.

The only person in Neway who could freely shoot glances at Viscount Quinlan, who joked so affably, was Caspian Harwood, along with a few dukes. This meant that no one else here could insert themselves into their conversation.

Anyway, it’s a real shame about Miss Aveline. Who knows whether her parents are dead or alive? I heard that Miss Aveline’s maid ran away with a stash of money.

That maid was smarter. If her parents were alive, would they really abandon their precious daughter, who practically sells herself to survive?” 

On the edge of Harwood’s lips, Miss Aveline, the only daughter of the Aveline Family, was mercilessly exposed, naked and distorted.

Shaffer, who didn’t want to hear anymore, frowned and closed his eyes tightly. He tried to push Harwood’s vile desires out of his mind by forcing other thoughts into his head.



The warm afternoon sunlight filtered through the wide glass window, casting a gentle glow.

Viviane’s shimmering blonde hair resembled the surface of a lake, rippling in the sunset’s light. Although her hair had already lost some of its luster, Theo found it even more beautiful and softer than silk.

Theo, holding the dome dish, snapped out of his daze when Vivianne’s gaze fell on him as she concentrated on her embroidery.

Have you been embroidering all day?

Vivianne, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, had a face full of gratitude. Ignoring her affirmative smile, Theo set the dome dish and a fork down in front of her.

Please eat, my lady. You’ll need the strength to continue embroidering.

Thank you, Theo.

For Miss Vivianne Aveline, the cherished daughter raised in luxury, the only one left was Theo Evans, a tailor from a small village.

The strong walls that once surrounded Vivianne had long crumbled. Weighed down by deep emotional pain, Vivianne Aveline, who grew thinner by the day, no longer resembled the cherished only daughter of a prestigious family.

You don’t have to come here every day. It would be a shame if you left your shop unattended because of me.

Have you forgotten? Until they return safely, I’m supposed to take care of you.


You can’t eat if I don’t take care of you, and you need to put on weight. Otherwise, I’ll be scolded by them.

Theo gently placed the fork in Vivianne’s fingers. A mere tailor from a small village couldn’t dare to touch the hand of a noble lady so freely. However, Vivianne accepted his kindness with a bittersweet smile.

So many people have suffered because of me. If I had just become Mayr’s mistress, my parents, Mr. Shaffer, and you, Theo… Everyone wouldn’t have had to suffer.

Her sudden, dispirited smile stabbed deeply at Theo’s heart.

I thought this place would be a paradise to escape to. If I had known it wasn’t, it would have been better to live as Mayr’s mistress there. 

Theo didn’t know the full details of what had happened in Preston, but he knew that the king of Preston had wanted the Marquis of Aveline’s beautiful only daughter, which caused her to flee to Neway.

Theo, who only knew the outcome, couldn’t even begin to imagine what the Marquis of Aveline must have felt when he turned his back on the king he had helped crown and fled into exile.

Why are you using such weak words that don’t fit your character?

Theo, do you think Mr. Shaffer will be able to win the bid?

The glimmer of hope Vivianne showed gave him a brief sense of relief. But a chill wrapped around his shoulders as the uncertainty of what might come next loomed over them.

But, my lady… do you really not know the source of the money that Madame Aveline entrusted to Mr. Shaffer?

Lawrence Aveline went missing after losing all of the family’s assets in a failed business venture. Unable to repay the bank loans, the manor was put up for auction, and Madame Aveline also left Neway, leaving her daughter, Vivianne, behind. However, before leaving for Neway, Monica Aveline, whose credit was at its lowest point, borrowed 700,000 mori and entrusted it to Shaffer.

I don’t know either. I have no idea where my mother managed to borrow such a large sum.

Even if Mr. Shaffer successfully wins the auction and the immediate crisis is averted, I am concerned that unless Madame returns soon, some creditor may come to cause trouble…

Theo found himself at a loss for words after seeing the despair in Vivianne’s ashen eyes, which were silently filled with resignation. The shadow cast across her face under the spring sunlight highlighted the mistake Theo had made.

Vivianne neatly placed the fork on the table again. Theo, feeling both apologetic and conflicted, took the embroidery hoop he had set aside and placed it in Vivianne’s hands instead of the fork.

He put the sincerity of his concern into the cold reality that she was told to work, not eat.

It seems like you don’t have much appetite. You’re saying things that don’t suit you, and that’s making me worry too. So maybe you should focus on embroidering. This can actually bring in money. Worries and thoughts don’t make any money, do they?

The sadness in her ashen eyes had vanished before he knew it. As a familiar, comforting smile broke out, Theo’s heart felt lighter as well.

You’re right. What good does it do to keep worrying? Father and Mother will return soon, and Mr. Shaffer will win the bid. 

We’ll get through this together. I’ll always be by your side. Stay strong but don’t let worries weigh you down. Isn’t that what Lord Aveline always used to say?

Yes. My father did leave us with some wise words. I’ll be strong. I’ll maintain my resolve and let go of unnecessary worries.

Vivianne picked up the needle again. Theo quietly closed the domed dish and pushed it aside. As she settled into concentration, the ashen hue of her eyes sparkled brightly once again.



Next up is the Rodinia Castle! We’ll start the bidding at 200,000 mori!

Finally, the star of today’s auction, Rodinia Castle, made its appearance. As soon as it did, the price skyrocketed. Starting at 200,000 mori, the price quickly rose to 400,000 mori, and after briefly stalling there, climbed to 500,000 mori. As the bids surpassed 500,000 mori, the number of competitors began to decrease one by one.

And the bidders who dropped out began to mock those who remained.

Shaffer understood the true feelings behind their anger. The silent beauty they could not have, and the men with dark intentions reaching out for that beauty—hypocrisy was rampant, as they masked their disappointment by disparaging others.

Anyway, what mattered was that Shaffer expected to win Rodinia Castle without much difficulty and alleviate some of the sadness that had fallen upon the Aveline family.

Hey, young man. Who do you think will end up with this manor?

Shaffer suddenly leaned in and asked the man sitting next to him. He was eager to engage in conversation, but when the man’s blue eyes pierced his forehead, Shaffer began to think he had chosen the wrong person to talk to.

605,000 mori! 605,000 mori! Going once, going twice! Any more bids? 

      Oh no. It’s time to make a move.

No matter how much people rave about old money or new money, no fool would be willing to pay such a skyrocketing price, especially for a manor located on the outskirts of Rodinia and not in the capital.

      If there is one, come out! I will write ‘idiot’ on your forehead and call you that until you die!

700,000 mori!” 

When Shaffer raised his paddle and shouted, everyone’s eyes turned toward him. Many were curious about the identity of the person bidding 700,000 mori.

One day, Madame Aveline had unexpectedly handed Shaffer a large sum of 700,000 mori. He had wondered where she could have possibly borrowed such a huge amount, especially since she had no place to turn for such a loan. However, despite his curiosity, Madame Eveline remained tight-lipped about the source of the money, pleading earnestly with him not to ask.

700,000 mori! Is there no one else?

Judging by the irritated look on Caspian Harwood’s face, he had given up. That guy, and the others—they were all giving up.

The legendary Rodinia Castle would be sold for 700,000 mori, and once the sale was final, the long battle would be over.

I guess you must really want Rodinia Castle.

A calm, even voice sounded next to Shaffer, who was eagerly anticipating the end of the auction. Even his appearance was elegant, and his voice had a clear and dignified tone that suggested a noble lineage.

Shaffer was a bit surprised that the man spoke to him, but he quickly regained his composure.

I want it very much. It’s practically a lifelong dream of mine. Hehe. By the way, do we know each other? Your face seems familiar, but I can’t quite place it. Oh, right. I’m Anthony Shaffer. Nice to meet you.

I feel bad for what I’ll say, seeing how excited you are.

His smile was as precise and flawless as if measured with a ruler. Shaffer felt awkward, unsure of what the man could be apologizing for, and awkwardly let his hand hover in the air.

Haha, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

I’m sorry to tell you that you won’t be able to acquire Rodinia Castle, Mr. Shaffer.

The man’s words were like pouring cold water on Shaffer’s joy—there was no other way to describe it. As he started to feel the sting of the subtle mockery, the man quietly raised his paddle, and soon gasps of surprise erupted from all around.

One million mori. 

The man’s voice made Shaffer’s heart stop. A manor that might have been valued at 500,000 mori at best had already reached 700,000 mori.

      But, one million mori? Is this man insane? Has he lost his mind?

Sometimes, events beyond one’s control can lead to a failed bid. But what was happening today felt like a natural disaster.

We have one million mori! One million mori! Any higher offers? If there are no further bids, we will conclude the auction for Rodinia Castle here!

Shaffer stared helplessly at the man who had ruined his plans. The man’s slow, blue gaze met his with a perfectly polished smile that sparked discomfort.

I am Edwin Baytness, Mr. Shaffer. It was a pleasure meeting you.

A large hand was extended towards Shaffer. In that instant, the true nature of the young man flashed like lightning.

Caught off guard, Shaffer shook hands with him, but when he realized what had happened, the man was already gone. Shaffer snapped to his senses and frantically began searching for him in the crowd.

If asked to name the person responsible for solidifying Neway’s position as a global superpower, Edwin Baytness would be at the top of the list. Adopted by a baron and later granted the title of duke, he is now one of the wealthiest and most influential figures in Neway—a man so powerful that even the combined efforts of Caspian Harwood and Viscount Benjamin Quinlan cannot compete.

I have to catch up to him and talk, or Miss Aveline will be left with nowhere to go.

Reporters, having already recognized Edwin Baytness, had surrounded him. They began taking pictures of him without hesitation, as he had acquired the Aveline Manor. Shaffer could already envision tomorrow’s headlines:

The Duke of Baytness of Neway cruelly devours the fallen nobility, House Aveline of Preston.




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