There Is No Mercy

Chapter 46

“Forget the tea. Since Marquis Vladia is busy, we’re just going to talk.”

As soon as I entered the office, I stopped the busy maids from rushing around.

I gestured for the confused maids to leave.

Once they hurried out, Layton, who was following behind, casually said, “I think we have time for a cup of tea, my lady.”

“Is that so? That’s a relief,” I replied with a hollow smile, inviting him to sit.

What does it matter if you have time?

Layton approached with a slightly displeased expression and took a seat.

He leaned back casually and crossed his legs.

His gaze slowly drifted down, then back up again.

Ignoring his gaze, since crossing legs wasn’t particularly rude, I asked, “So, Marquis Vladia, what brings you here so soon after contacting me?”

“It’s quite warm in here. Do you have any cool water? I’ve been riding for a while and I’m quite thirsty,” he said, loosening his tight bow tie with a light smile.

With just a small gesture and smile, the tension around him eased.

It made me think that Layton was a natural aristocrat.

He had a knack for controlling his own vibe and guiding the conversation with casual remarks.

A glass of water.

It was a request so trivial that refusing it felt awkward, and it cleverly shifted the topic.

I wondered how many people had fallen for that charm.

He’s as bad as Belietta.

Layton used me.

As a means or a tool to get to Belietta.

He even used my parents’ deaths to get to me.

Every time he smiled and tossed his hair, it felt disgusting and cursed.

I could still vividly remember the sensation he had stabbed into me.

If I could, I’d grab the sword hanging on the wall and stab him with it.

Let him feel what I felt.

Anger, betrayal, despair.

Would he understand the feeling of dying after being stabbed by someone he trusted?

Layton Vladia.

Would he even realize I wanted to tear out that slick tongue of his?

No matter how much I focused all my attention on Belietta, I couldn’t forget Layton.

Once everything was sorted out, he would have to wait for his own brutal end.

“I used up all the water this morning, so there’s no drinking water left. I’ll have someone bring it to you, but please tell me what you want first. The water should arrive by the time we finish our conversation.”


Layton Vladia.

That charm of yours doesn’t work on me anymore.

I knew his thoughts and intentions, and his tongue was like a venomous pouch that twisted my mind every time I talked with him.

“Instead, could you tell me why you came? I feel guilty that I can’t give proper attention to a guest like you, Marquis Vladia, so I think we should wrap up this conversation quickly.”

“You don’t need to think that much. I’m not someone who enjoys being treated that way.”

“But it still weighs on my mind that even serving you a glass of water is a burden. It seems I’ll have to take care of it myself after our talk. So please, if it’s not a long subject, tell me first. I’ll listen.”

I smiled and gestured for him to speak, and his lips moved.

He seemed to struggle to find the right words, maintaining silence for a long while before giving up.

Laytob let out a heavy sigh and finally spoke.

“Actually, it’s not a big deal. I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t kept a promise, and I came to settle that.”


“Remember the promise I made at the Marquis Shaksion’s banquet? I said I’d treat you to some good wine. I completely forgot about that promise. How foolish of me.”

Now that I think about it, I did make that promise.

Though it was one-sided.

In fact, Layton wasn’t promising me a drink; he was making a promise to be with Belietta.

“About that, it’s fine. I recall you inviting me again at the Marquis Vladia’s banquet, but I had to decline because I wasn’t feeling well. You don’t need to worry about it.”

“Right. But I, Layton Vladia, believe that a gentleman should keep his word, no matter how small. So, could you give me a chance to treat the Lady Brilloxen?”


He’s persistent.

Even when I said it was fine, Layton continued to press the issue, looking at me intently.

His face seemed to scream sincerity, without a hint of deception or ulterior motives.

That was Layton’s biggest weapon.

He could make anyone believe he was genuine.

His eyes, face, and voice had a charm that could convince anyone, even if he was making something out of nothing.

But Layton was definitely not a sincere man.

He was full of stories he hadn’t shared.

As I silently observed him, I suddenly wondered why he had come to see me so urgently.

If he wanted to set up a meeting, he could’ve just sent a letter asking for a time.

But he came here directly, almost as if he was being chased.

“Miss Sierra?”


As I pondered, I noticed Layton’s outfit was overly flashy.

Usually, someone would wear something like that for an important occasion.

Like a matchmaker meeting or when trying to impress someone.

“Marquis Vladia, I appreciate your repeated offers for me to join you. I hope you know it’s a joy I could never have imagined.”

“If that’s the case, then I—”

“But as you can see, this place is chaotic, and my parents will be back soon. Plus, my mother isn’t feeling well, so I have to take care of her while my father manages the family. In that situation, I can’t drink.”

Layton’s bright smile suddenly faded.

I shook my head with a look of regret and stood up.

As his gaze slowly rose to meet mine, I opened my mouth.

“Even though I’m declining the Marquis’s kind offer again, I appreciate the thought, so please consider the promise fulfilled. Thank you again for your kindness.”

“Miss Sierra, I can wait for as long as you need. It doesn’t have to be right now. A month, two months? No, even half a year would be fine. What matters is keeping the promise I made to you, so time doesn’t matter.”

Layton stood up and quickly approached me, suddenly grabbing my hand and lifting it slowly.

I tried to pull my arm away from the sudden move, but before I could, his vibe shifted.

His eyes were moist, and the atmosphere turned wistful.

As Layton opened his mouth, the sound of his saliva was thick.

“I want to keep this promise as a gentleman. No, do you know why I’m so eager to keep the promise I made with you, Miss Sierra?”

His captivating voice and the enchanting atmosphere suited him perfectly.

Layton was showcasing his strengths fully.

With his looks, background, and ability to adapt his vibe.

If there were any naive ladies around, they’d probably fall for it.

But to me, it was just nauseating flattery.

Noticing my silence, Layton seemed to think I was wavering, so he closed the distance even more.

His eyes, glistening like butter, remained fixated on me without a flicker.

After staring at me for a while, Layton finally smiled subtly and slowly opened his mouth.

“That is—”

“I’m sorry, but you’re too close.”

I pushed away the hand that was holding mine and took a step back.

Layton, who had been so charming moments ago, stood there looking flustered, unable to retrieve his hand.

I brushed off the hand he’d grabbed and let out a short breath, changing my expression.

“Look, I know what you want to say, but I’m not really interested in hearing it.”


“I know you might think this is rude, but my father taught me that it’s important to be clear about these things. I’m not here to deal with whatever you’re trying to bring up. I have as much to do as there are papers stacked on my desk. So please, don’t take this the wrong way; I hope the distinguished Marquis understands and shows a bit of grace.”

Layton’s expression was one of disbelief as he tried to process what I just said, furrowing his brow. But once he seemed to understand, his mouth opened quickly.

“Wait, do you actually know what you’re saying right now?”

“Yes, I do.”

“You know… but how…!”

“Is there something wrong with me bringing this up?”

Layton Vladia, so proud and refined.

He must have thought all women would fall at his feet. That a sweet word or a simple gift could win them over.

To him, the only woman he couldn’t easily have was Belietta. So, I’m sure the idea that I would turn him down never even crossed his mind, right?

Seeing my thoughts reflected on his face, he couldn’t hide his frustration.

“Please try to understand, Marquis Vladia.”

“Understand? Did you just say ‘understand’? I want to ask you, Lady Sierra, do you know what proposal you just turned down?”

It seemed like he wasn’t really interested in my answer, letting out a short, bitter laugh.

He placed his hands on his hips and ran his fingers through his hair, looking quite ruffled.

His disheveled expression was actually somewhat amusing. As I tilted my head, Layton straightened up and changed his expression again.

“Lady Sierra, think it over. I’m serious.”

“I’m serious too.”

“Lady Brilloxen!”

“I can’t understand you, Marquis Vlaidia.”

As I looked at Leighton, who was raising his voice, I narrowed my eyes slightly.

“In relationships, it’s ultimately up to both parties to decide how they connect and disconnect. You’ve made your choice, and I’ve made mine. What is there to understand?”

“Lady Bri…!”

“To put it bluntly, I don’t have any personal feelings towards you, Marquis. To be more straightforward, you don’t feel like a man to me, and to put it even more bluntly, I don’t like you. Do I really need to say this out loud?”

Watching Layton’s mouth drop open in shock, as if he didn’t even have the energy to be angry anymore, I let out a sigh.

What a waste of time.

Even the air between us felt rancid, making me nauseous.


  1. niki1da1 says:

    doesn’t he know she is involved with someone else?

  2. Meidou says:

    It seems like someone asked him to seduce Sierra.

  3. Keila lima says:

    Thanks for the chapter

    1. Luna says:

      My pleasure Dear🤗

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