There Is No Mercy

Chapter 27

Just two months ago, it was right around then that I helped Aden who was struggling to make a living. He couldn’t afford a servant to assist with big events, so he had to serve tea himself.

Now, Aden is one of the biggest sponsors of the tournament?

It felt like I had been deceived somehow.


“When have you ever known me to lie?”



“At least not so far.”

“…Not so far?”

Watching Aden’s face, I sighed and resumed walking.

There was nothing to be done about it.

Even though it felt like I had been deceived, I wasn’t really upset.

After all, it was my money, and he could use it however he wanted—it wasn’t really my place to comment.

Especially since I had thrown in my money for personal reasons too.

Nothing to say about that.

It just surprised me, suddenly showing up and all…

“By the way, it’s good to see you here.”

“Same here.”

I was just glad to see him.

Aden responded to my reply with a slight smile, walking alongside me.

As I strolled through the garden with rustling grass, the night of the banquet suddenly came to mind.

I should have brought a change of clothes if I’d known we’d meet here.

“How are you doing these days? I heard that the last convoy of supplies had been sent to Rippleton.”

“All the supplies have been checked and organized. Thanks to you, it looks like we’ll get through this winter, which I was worried might be tough, without any issues.”

Aden, who had been walking beside me, slowed to a stop.

When I turned back, he hesitated for a moment before speaking in a formal tone.

“Everyone in Harmonia, myself included, owes Sierra a debt. I sincerely thank you.”

His tone was stiff, but his words were not light.

Surprised by Aden’s actions, I found myself at a loss for what to say, so I spoke without thinking.

“I never thought about it, but we both needed this agreement. There’s no need to be so thankful – we both benefited from it.”

“Even if it was just a contractual deal, if my decision can save tens of thousands, it’s not a losing condition.”

His eyes, looking at me, were unwavering.

He was straightforward, clearly expressing his thoughts and opinions, with not a shred of dishonesty.

Aden saw me not just as a contract partner but as a person, face to face as Sierra.

I felt embarrassed realizing I had seen him merely as a contract partner, or even as Bellieta’s fiancé.

I hadn’t approached him with pure intentions either.

I hadn’t harbored a clean thought worthy of his gratitude.

Facing Aden, who was purely thankful, was hard, so I looked away, biting my lip to compose myself.

“Do you really think so?”

Tilting his head with an aloof expression and crossing his arms, Aden met my gaze with a look that seemed to ask what I meant. He quietly smiled.

“Talking like that, it feels like you see me as quite incompetent.”

“No way. Why would I think that…?”

“You just said that if your decision can save tens of thousands, it’s not a losing proposition. That pretty much implies I made a bad investment.”

Aden, who was contemplating my words, furrowed his brows.

Aden seemed like he was about to respond to me interpreting his intentions completely differently, but I spoke first.

“I’m noble, but I was also born into a family that does business and has been educated in that environment. Valuing things is one of my specialties. And from my perspective, the contract I made with you, Aden, is fair and not skewed to one side.”

I moved my planted foot to cover the distance that was about ten steps away.

As I walked slowly, Aden’s gaze dropped slowly.

The closer we got, the more vivid his expressions became.

His unwavering eyes subtly wavered.

But just that was enough to see Aden’s unease.

The hot wind that blew. passed through Aden and reached me, a cool scent mixed with the humid and pleasant air made me feel as refreshed as a winter breeze.

Like a child seeing snow in early winter, I somehow calmed my excitement and smiled softly.

“Don’t underestimate me. Also, don’t underestimate yourself. Aden, my judgment of you was accurate, and I paid a fair price for it. So, let’s skip the over-the-top gratitude. I’ll accept the thanks, but you know, there’s no goodwill in this transaction or contract, right?”

I gestured back and forth between Aden and me, then shrugged my shoulders, crossing my arms again.

“Well, if you think you’re in debt, that’s not bad. Keep that in mind and pay me back when you need to later. We’ll be seeing each other for a long time, right?”

With a smooth smile, I lifted my chin. Aden, who had been quietly looking down at me, relaxed his expression and closed his eyes.

As Aden’s strong, long arm came up and swept away his flowing bangs, his neat appearance disappeared.

The disheveled, open look, along with his forehead and cool smile, made Aden seem like a different person.

“That’s right. We’ll be seeing each other for a long time.”

Aden slowly raised my hand and pressed his lips firmly to the back of it.

“Sierra, since you said with your own mouth that I’m your man.”

Aden’s golden eyes, shining brightly as he looked up at me, seemed almost like they were filled with light.

Watching his raised lips, I slowly turned my gaze to the side.

Turning my head, my hair fell over my face.

For just a moment, I enjoyed the silence, then turned my head back to meet Aden’s eyes and raised my lips in response.

“Of course. Just don’t betray me.”

“Sure thing.”

Following Aden as he stood up, I lifted my gaze and turned my body.

Walking ahead, leaving Aden standing behind me, the rustling sound of the grass echoed again.

With my heartbeat mingling with the sound, I bit my lip while pulling my other elbow.

‘Why is this happening all of a sudden?’

The annoying heat that had been following me came back, and I wished I could sweat it out quickly.

“It’s hot.”

Somehow, I felt my cheeks turn red, so I busily fanned myself with my hand.

* * *

Dinner started early, just before the semifinals.

People watching the tournament had scattered to grab something to eat during the announced break time.

It was a bit early, but as I was about to get up to eat dinner, I heard a voice from the side.

“Lady Brilloxen.”

Turning my head, I saw Richelle standing with her arms crossed, striking a haughty pose next to Fiorlette, who was getting up.

Thinking it might be bothersome to get involved, I gathered my things and looked away.

“Go ahead.”

Fiorlette glanced at Richelle, then casually left.

Left alone, Richelle still stood with her chin held high and her back straight.

“Would you like to have dinner with us? I’ve reserved a spot at an upscale restaurant to dine with the ladies watching the tournament. It’s a nice place, so…”

“I’ll pass. I’ll eat on my own.”

Interrupting Richelle, I waved to the lord I had been talking to.

Aden glanced at me, then got up from his seat.

After greeting the lord, Aden came over, gently laid his hand on my shoulder, and gave me a pretty warm smile.

“Sierra has plans with me, so we’ll put that off until later.”

“Yeah… Yeah?! Oh, okay, okay.”

My face, showing my front teeth like a squirrel, looked pretty funny.

The haughty attitude was gone, and Richelle, looking flustered like a startled swallow, quickly turned around and followed Fiorlette.

Watching Richelle disappear with the long train of her dress, I raised my eyes to see Aden giving me a slight, knowing smile.

Looking as if to ask if I did well, I shrugged, and Aden moved first.

“Alright, let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“We’re going to eat, right? Are you planning to starve?”

“The question I asked wasn’t about that; it had a different meaning.”

A different meaning? I gently pushed Aden’s hand down and gave a little grin.

“I have prior plans.”

Aden’s brow slightly furrowed.

* * *

“Nice to meet you. I’m Sierra from the Brilloxen family.”

I opened the door and extended my hand towards the man.

Black hair, deep crimson eyes.

Jin was staring at my hand without moving, then lifted his gaze to briefly check behind me.

With an awkward smile, I also glanced behind me.

Aden, who had come without being asked, was coolly engaged in a stare-down with Jin.

…What’s going on here?

Clearing my throat, Aden slowly lowered his eyes to look at me and then bowed.

“Did you just refuse my proposal because you want to eat with that guy?”

I nodded quietly in Aden’s ear and He looked at me with an expression that seemed to question if I was really approaching that guy.

He then lifted his gaze and approached Jin.

Where’s he going?

Aden, who was slightly shorter than Jin, looked down at him calmly.

Normally, people would avoid Aden’s gaze or back down, but Jin met Aden’s stare head-on without flinching.

They say you can tell a good tree by its sapling, right?

He definitely seems different from others.

Seeing that he doesn’t back down from Aden, I think he must be someone noteworthy.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Aden.”

“I’m Jin.”

…What’s going on? He just stared when I offered a handshake, but he immediately responded to Aden’s greeting.

Feeling baffled, I blankly watched as Aden continued.

“You’re quite skilled. From what I could see, you made it to the semifinals without much trouble.
There were quite a few knights who were good, and their skills were impressive.”

“That’s too kind. I was just lucky.”

“Your modesty is excessive.”

Now, it seemed like they’d forgotten I was even there, talking without me, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Suddenly, Aden’s earlier words about sponsoring the tournament to recruit knights came to mind.

No way…?

Why does the saying “cutting off one’s nose to spite their face” come to mind?

I hurried over to break up their conversation and wedge myself in between them.


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