There Is No Mercy

Chapter 12

I looked at his broad shoulders as he led me directly to the room.

I was satisfied that the story had turned out well, but when I thought about the future, it felt like a thousand miles away.

Engagements between noble families were easily made and often broken.

But that didn’t mean it was a big deal.

Anyway, it was a family affair.

In the past, when I was told that I was getting married to Layton Vladia, I remembered the faces of my parents who were very worried.

At that time, my parents’ opinions. If I had listened and talked to them a little more, I would have gotten a different result.

I thought I would be worried this time too.

Rippleton, which I met in person, was not as barren and lively as I thought, but it was a negative image to others.

Even my parents. It won’t be any different.

What kind of expression would they make if I told them that I am engaged to this man?

“Lady Briloxen.”

As I was walking with my eyes on Arden’s back, I tilted my head when I saw his eyes and voice returning to me.


“What do you plan on doing for dinner? If you want, I can prepare a meal separately.”

“I have no appetite, so I don’t really want to eat anything. “I’m going to eat some fruit and then go to sleep.”

His eyes looked at me blankly.

Why are you looking at me like that? As I tilted my head, Aden slowly opened his lips.

“It doesn’t look like you really need to lose weight.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means there’s no need to skip dinner. Is there really a need to fill your stomach with only fruit?”

“… … .”

So you thought the reason I don’t eat is just to lose weight?

At the completely unexpected answer, I burst into laughter half a beat slowly.

Aden narrowed his eyes slightly at my laughter.

I stopped laughing and shook my head.

“It’s not like that. You don’t have to worry about that because I’m not eating because I really have no appetite. I can’t believe you thought I was not eating to lose weight… … .”

With a quiet laugh, I walked next to him and smiled.

“You look weird in a strange place.”

I never thought I would hear from that man’s mouth that I don’t need to worry about my body.

It’s embarrassing, but it doesn’t mean anything in a bad way, and if you think about it, it’s a compliment?

I spread my arms as if to take a good look and took a step back, and Aden quickly turned his head.

“… … “I walked up to his side with a small smile on my lips. Aden shortened his stride and walked to match my pace. As the words disappeared and silence came, silence became the atmosphere and settled down.

I rubbed my arms and moved my head in the unfamiliar atmosphere.

Isn’t it too dark for the castle where the Archduke lives?

“Can I ask you something?”

Aden’s head moved at an angle and his eyes turned to me.

The expression on his face was light, as if he was asking me to ask comfortably.

“The number of users seems to be seriously low. Is there a reason? The castle is large, but there is no one to take care of it, so it seems like there is no one to put even a candle in these hallways. Shouldn’t you hire more people?”

At my question, Aden’s eyes rolled around the castle

He looked around the castle with slow movements and then closed his mouth.

Is it a secret? Once his lips were closed, it seemed like they would never open again.

On the contrary, it gave the feeling that they were glued together even more tightly than before.

Was I asking too rudely?

The moment he parted his lips again, his voice fell.

“There used to be more than this. The number was sufficient to manage the entire castle. But I can’t do that now.”


Aden answered calmly.

“Because the budget is tight.”

“… … .”

“Five years ago, I was able to get some breathing room through a contract with the Bozbone family, but even this has been difficult these days. I’ve tried cutting back on this and that, but I’m running out of budget. So we reduced the number of people. “The manpower we have now is the maximum that the budget allows.”

I was so shocked that I couldn’t say anything because it was an unexpected answer.

Oh my god.

How much money would it take for the Archduke to say that there is no budget?

It’s absurd. It was absurd.

No matter how poor and small the estate was, the manor house was always crowded with people.

There were many cases of extravagance, but that was the only way to ensure the circulation of funds.

The estate residents were hired to manage the manor and castle. They clean the house and pay wages.

This was also closely related to the job market in the area.

Therefore, in the Brilloxen Mansion alone, there were more than 40 people employed.

The reason why a slightly larger number was hired was because of the work. The purpose was to lower the intensity and provide a workplace where many people could work.

But, because they don’t have the funds, they can’t hire people.

Should I feel sorry for this or be embarrassed?

“But you still need to hire more people. I guess Since there is no one to take care of it, the hallways are dark and dreary. It’s like an uninhabited castle.”

“I don’t think we need the manpower right now. When summer passes and winter comes, monsters begin to struggle to overcome the castle walls in earnest. The road up here is well-organized, but the back part is still inadequate. Procuring clothing, equipment, and food for the soldiers stationed there is more urgent.”

I also moved along with his steps as he started walking again.

As I listened to his story, I suddenly realized that there were people living in Hermonia. It occurred to me that it had been at most 150 years since it had become livable.

Until then, Hermonia was called hell.

I couldn’t even imagine what it must have been like since it was an area that the imperial family had abandoned.

It was necessary to maintain and rule such a place. It was the Rippleton family who created a shelter for people.

“But even so, the place where the Archduke lives is neglected like this… . “I don’t think this is right.”

“But I think I’ll be able to catch my breath thanks to Lady Briloxen, so I guess I can hire more people. But… … .”

Aden blurted out the words and looked down at me. He smiled slowly.

Why are you smiling like that? As I tilted my head, he slowly opened his mouth.

“Are you the kind of person who needs to know everything when you’re obsessed with one thing? “We’re not even engaged, but you’re acting like a hostess.”

I realized that I was asking too many questions from Aden.

There was no need for an outsider to know the internal situation.

At least until the engagement ceremony.

Aden answered so obediently that I even forgot that it was against etiquette.

“I’m sorry. Since this is a habit… … .”

When I received the result report, I asked and listened in detail from one to ten, and the habit remained.

Feeling embarrassed and sorry, I tucked my flowing hair behind my ear.

Aden rolled his eyes, wondering if he was offended. was laughing quietly.

“There is no need to apologize. “I was just amazed at the lady who was interested in this abandoned Rippleton Castle.”

It was an incredibly gentle smile for Aden, who had been treating me with a cold and blunt voice and eyes.

Of course, it was only for a moment.

The change in his expression. While I was frozen in shock, Aden moved and opened the door.

“It’s a room that I usually manage, so there won’t be any shortages, but just in case, I’ll put a maid there separately.”

“You don’t have to do that. I have a boy with me, so I will call him. Everyone who uses this castle is busy.”

I refused the favor of hiring a maid.

I felt uncomfortable because I felt like I was using manpower that I didn’t have for no reason.

Aden nodded briefly

“Then, have a good night.”

“Um, Aden.”

I watched him turn and leave, pondered for a moment, then slowly called his name.

His head turned again to face me.

She faced the calm face with a smile and opened her mouth calmly, as if asking if he would call me.

“Aden gave me permission to use your name. So, please call me by my name instead of Lady Briloxen.”

Although it was pretentious, he smiled.

Arden looked at me without answering what he was thinking, then slightly closed his eyes and opened his lips.

“Hermonia May the earth fall asleep in the grace of night… … . “Sierra.”

The name muttered softly followed the fading voice.

I can see the eyes still looking at me through the closing door.

As the door closed with a thud, I felt the strength in my body relax.

I sat down on the bed, collapsed backwards, and closed my eyes.

“… … Aden Rippleton.”

It was the first night in Hermonia.

* * *

About four days after signing a contract with Aden in Rippleton.

I left there and returned to Briloxen territory, exhausted. I was unwinding.

The maid massaged my head to relieve my fatigue, and I put myself in the bathtub and closed my eyes from fatigue.

Next time, I will tell her to come to Aden or rest there for a few days.

Rainy day. The forced march was so terrible.

“Are you having a good day?”


“You’ve been smiling since a while ago.”

“I was smiling?”


The maid said, I answered coldly.

I didn’t feel like I was laughing at all.

While I was wondering while touching my face with my hand, someone knocked on the bathroom door.

The maid who was holding my head went to the door and opened it slightly to greet the person.

The maid exchanged a few words with the person who knocked on the door, then glanced at me, closed the door, approached, and cautiously opened her mouth.

“Miss. It is said that Princess Bozborne has arrived.”

“… … .”

Why did she come again? Don’t she think this is my house?

I sighed as the anxious maid looked at me speechless.

I can’t help it.

Even if I tell her to go back, she won’t go back.

And again, that face. I have to see it.

Bellietta naturally imitating me without knowing that her fiancé was taken away.

“Get ready.”

I got up from the bathtub.

* * *

“Sierra .”

As soon as I went to the large terrace where Bellietta was, a voice calling me reached my ears.

Bellietta stood up, looked at me, and quickly opened her mouth.

“Are you fooling me?”

Suddenly, she came to me and said something. It’s the same thing.

How could I have deceived you?

I looked at her blankly, not knowing what she was talking about.

By any chance, has the matter with Aden already been revealed?

I didn’t really intend to hide it, but I would let her know before the words came out of my mouth. I didn’t think about it.


  1. niki1da1 says:

    she’s probably talking about the necklace

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