There Is No Mercy

CH 06 

The Berto’s Empire, located in the southern part of the Bulcas continent, emerged about 400 years ago. It rose to power by overthrowing the Lloyd royal family, who ruled over the entire region. Despite the rise and fall of numerous other nations during this period, the Berto’s Empire stood steadfast as the dominant force in the south. With two major ports facilitating trade and navigation, and fertile lands along the riverside, the empire prospered economically and agriculturally.


The climate was stable, and the land was suitable for habitation, attracting many settlers and giving rise to the flourishing Berto’s Empire. However, not all territories within the empire were flat and easy to govern. In the western border, there lay the immense Harmonia mountain range, enveloping a vast territory comparable to that of a small kingdom.


Around 150 years ago, the Harmonia region, once neglected and disregarded, underwent a transformation. Monsters were driven out, and the land was cultivated under the guidance of the enigmatic rulers, the Refton family. Aden Refton, the current head, was the one holding me captive.


Even though it was midsummer, a chilling aura brushed against the nape of my neck. I barely had any memories of encountering Duke Refton before returning. I might have glimpsed him from a distance a few times, but we had never engaged in a conversation.


‘…My first conversation with him takes this form. It doesn’t look promising.’


Rolling my eyes, I gazed down at his robust forearm before closing my eyes.


“I won’t run away.”


“I find that hard to believe.”


“Even if I try to escape, you’ll just follow and catch me again.”


Since he pulled me out from behind the wall, it wouldn’t be difficult to do anything else.


I raised my hand and tapped his muscular forearm.


“So, could you please release me?”




As I spoke, he let go, and his broad shoulders moved away. After adjusting my clothes and turning around, I faced Aden.


Golden lion-like eyes.


I had heard about this mysterious color unique to the brave Refton family. Though I hadn’t noticed from a distance, up close, it felt different from other eye colors.


“Who are you?” (Aden said)


I grabbed my clothes and performed a respectful greeting.


“May the grace of the night shower upon the land of Harmonia… I am Sierra, the daughter of the Brilroxen family.”


“Harmonia’s goddess of the night. Are you a devotee?”


“No, I just learned about the night greeting in Harmonia and wanted to try it. Isn’t that how it’s done?”


Aden stared at me for a moment before turning his head.


“Those who speak the language of the night in their greetings usually prefer to listen to the language of the night.”


Was that a remark about me?


Gazing at his expression intently, I spoke quietly with my eyes closed.


“The grace of Harmonia is silence and tranquility. Because of that, those who speak of her grace are often cursed here.”


That’s understandable. Harmonia was the guardian of the night, solitude, and silence. It was said that the goddess most trusted by assassins was Harmonia.


After scrutinizing Aden’s face, I spoke again.


“First, let me apologize. I didn’t intend to eavesdrop. The voices coming through the window were so loud that I thought something was happening and ended up listening to the conversation.”


“But you seemed to have been here for quite a while.”


Did he know? Aden’s eyes narrowed.


Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, and Aden’s lips parted.


“How much did you hear?”


His golden eyes stared at my face as if scrutinizing me.


Recalling conversations related to the Refton family in the silence, I cautiously responded.


“I couldn’t hear anything because the distance was too far. I heard the angry woman’s voice, but yours was too faint to hear, Duke.”


“Then why did you run away?”


“How many people would calmly wait when someone suddenly starts chasing them?”


At my answer, his brow furrowed.


After a moment of raising his eyebrows, he spoke again.


“Listening in on private conversations is no different from eavesdropping. So, you ran away because you thought you’d get caught. You were scared.”


If I had known it would be so easy to catch me, I wouldn’t have run away.


I just wasted my energy.


Aden chuckled incredulously and ran his hand through his hair slowly.


Then he swiftly glanced down with his eyes.


In truth, I said I didn’t hear anything, but it wasn’t entirely true.


Even with the fragmented pieces I heard, I could guess that they were quite important conversations.


‘Contract, crisis, relationship…’


It was clear that they were in a relationship that could be described with the word “us.”


Eavesdropping wasn’t a smart move.


But since I couldn’t retreat from this situation, I maintained as much boldness as possible.


Meanwhile, I quietly observed Aden’s face as he pondered with his gaze lowered.


Even from a distance, I could feel it, but up close, I could truly sense it.


This man was quite handsome.


The ash-gray hair, softly illuminated by moonlight, seemed like silk. Beneath it, the prominent nose and red lips, but above all, the faintly shining golden eyes that peered through narrowed eyelids, were incredibly beautiful.


There were indeed women who were enchanted by his appearance, perhaps because of the fear-inducing rumors. Of course, it seemed he had no intention of getting married. No one would think of marrying and settling down in Harmonia, known for its barren land.


“Trust me.”


While admiring his face and having various thoughts, Aden’s voice pierced through my ears.


When I looked up, Aden was looking down at me. He still had a suspicious look in his eyes as he spoke briefly again.


“Instead, remember that you claimed the grace of Harmonia.” (Aden said)


“Yes? Oh… Sure.”


Tilting my head, I didn’t fully understand his words, but soon realized it meant not to spread what happened today.


Anyway, it wasn’t my business whatever Bellieta did and wandered around.


Moreover, I could use this information to my advantage, so I had to keep it well hidden.


“All right, I’ll keep that. Is that all?”


Aden nodded slowly.


He averted his gaze from me, glanced around, and then spoke again while looking at me.


“It’s getting late.”


Muttering to himself, he looked up at the sky, then lowered his head to survey me and opened his lips.


“Well then, enjoy the silent night.”



“Ugh… I’m going to die.”


As soon as I returned to the mansion in the Brilloxen territory and lay down on the bed, involuntary groans escaped.


After traveling so far, my body felt utterly drained.


Maybe it was due to mental exhaustion. Back in the old days, I used to attend such gatherings frequently.


It seemed fine back then, so why does it feel so tiring now?


I lay down, turned my body, and gazed at the ceiling.


Amidst my exhaustion, the events of yesterday replayed slowly in my mind like a panorama. As I sifted through the memories, my vacant expression suddenly halted on the face of a man.


“…Aden Replten.”


I remembered the first conversation I had with him. Although it was a forced conversation due to eavesdropping on his private affairs, it still felt strangely fascinating.


My memories of him were different from those of others. Especially his casually turning away at the end left a lasting impression.


Why did he choose to believe my claim that I hadn’t overheard their conversation? Even if it was just for a moment, Aden was not someone who could be easily deceived by such flimsy excuses, especially if it put him in an unfavorable position.


But why did he let me go?


I had prepared other words to ask him again, but I realized there was no need to voice them. I bit my lip in contemplation.


“What exactly does it mean?”


I briefly considered the possibility that Bellieta, who always showed a fake demeanor, had vehemently refused someone. But it seemed unlikely.


Then, what kind of relationship did they have? Mentioning past events and contracts seemed to imply something serious.


Perhaps… that kind of relationship?


What should I do?


Should I investigate?


I wasn’t fully adapted to the current situation yet and didn’t feel like poking my nose into things unnecessarily, especially since my parents usually left the estate unattended around this time of year.


It would be impossible to ask my absent parents… 


Lost in various thoughts, I got up from my seat. After changing into comfortable clothes, I stepped outside. The maid in the corridor widened her eyes in surprise.


“Where are you going?”


“Just for a moment, I’ll be back.”


“Shall I prepare the carriage?”


“No need.”


I adjusted the wide-brimmed hat I was holding in my hand and flashed a reassuring smile at the worried maid before heading out with my escort knight, Reupert.



Riding a private carriage to a large tavern in Brilloxen, I opened the door and stepped inside. It was brightly lit inside due to the open windows, even though it was daytime. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a single person drinking, and the bartender looked bored behind the counter.


As I entered, the bartender glanced at me and then stood up from his seat.


A rugged man with a thick beard approached me and scrutinized me with slow words, adjusting his hat.


“Food? Drinks?”


Was he asking what I wanted to eat or drink?


In response to his question, I pushed up the brim of my hat and looked into his eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me and gestured towards the back.


As I passed him, I opened another small door, revealing a desk where a redhead woman was working. She didn’t even react to my entrance.


Approaching the woman and sitting down, her voice finally reached me.


“To what do we owe the pleasure of the esteemed guest from Brilloxen? Are you planning to come after us now?”


“I’ve come to ask a few questions.”




The woman looked up at my voice, her black eyes momentarily glinting. She stared at me as if perplexed, then chuckled softly.


“Did I mishear you? You’ve come to ask a few questions?”


I nodded, and the corners of her mouth quirked up.


“How surprising. Coming to the Thieves’ Guild out of the blue to gather information… Do you mistake us for an information guild?”


That’s not it, but there are a lot of rumors that sound similar, right?


What’s more.


“And more explicit.”



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks for the wonderful translation!❤️‍🔥

    1. Luna says:

      Thank you for reading!!

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