There Is No Eternal Supporting Role

Elena strode toward the palace’s central court with great excitement. It felt like she was finally experiencing the European trip she had only dreamed of. No, it was even more beautiful than the European palaces she had seen in pictures, and the vivid movement of the new scenery in front of her made her grateful for being dropped into this world for the first time.

But there was one thing she overlooked, and that was the immense size of the palace.

“Oh, my legs… Is this why everyone rides in carriages?”

No wonder there weren’t many people on the road, only carriages passing by.

The road from the Palace of Dawn at the eastern end of the palace to the central Ifren palace was farther than she had imagined. And although it was a road where carriages could travel, it was a rough path with stones to step on.

Elena, who had been confined to the temple before arriving at this place, quickly grew tired. Her physical condition was already depleted from the strenuous work she had been doing, and her naturally frail constitution played a role as well.

By the time the Ifren Palace loomed dimly in the distance, Elena finally gave up and found a place to sit. Fortunately, there was a well-maintained expanse of lush green grass alongside the road, and the shade under a large tree seemed perfect for a brief rest.

“I’m so relaxed now, so relaxed.”

Elena murmured dejectedly. It seemed that now that the tension had eased from her body, the areas that hadn’t hurt until now suddenly began to ache all at once, as if catching up for the discomfort she had been spared from until yesterday.

Soon, along the central avenue, there appeared six grand carriages adorned in black and gold, rapidly approaching the palace. All horses were sleek and robust black steeds, without a speck of dust on them.

The ground seemed to tremble all the way to where Elena was standing. She didn’t know who was arriving, but the intimidating aura was immense.

The carriages gradually slowed down as they approached the front of the Ifren Palace. Then, one of the male servants standing at the front quickly set down a pedestal at the door.

The large carriage door opened, and a man dressed in a black cloak stepped out. Despite descending from the carriage to the ground, the man still seemed taller than everyone else. His face was too far away to see clearly, but even from a distance, Elena couldn’t help but exclaim in awe.

The court servants, who had been standing still, all bowed deeply, their gaze fixed on the ground. The man seemed to be familiar with this, and he walked up the center of the stairs. At that moment, a gust of wind blew, causing his cloak to billow open, and upon seeing what was on it, Elena whispered softly.

“The Emperor…”

On the black cloak, a roaring golden lion was intricately embroidered. It was the symbol of the Emperor of the Great Ifren Empire’s.

Even if she burst into laughter loudly under this tree, the distant emperor wouldn’t be able to hear it, but Elena unconsciously swallowed hard. As emperor, who exuded an overwhelming aura as if he owned everything around him the moment he appeared, disappeared into the palace, she finally seemed to let out a breath of relief.

“To marry someone like that, Rosaline must truly be an extraordinary woman.”

Elena shook her head in awe as she spoke. She had never seen an emperor, an absolute ruler, in her entire life, and the shock of witnessing one was considerable.

This wasn’t just a familiar representative, like a member of parliament or a president. An emperor was someone who owned everything in the empire. What he said was the law, and the path he walked was the righteous way.

To love someone who ruled over everything and had the world beneath them was a dream that someone like Elena, an ordinary citizen, could never even dare to dream. As she watched the servants, who had stood stiffly and now dispersed, Elena tapped her tense calf muscles in frustration.

“Alright, I should take a little more look around here, then head back to the Palace of Dawn.”

Such a terrifying male protagonist had nothing to do with extras like her. At times like these, she felt grateful not to have fallen into the role of the protagonist, Rosaline.

* * *

“You’ve arrived, Your Highness.”

Meinard von Ernest, known as the youngest genius knight, welcomed the Emperor with a smile as he entered the Ifren Palace.

Surprisingly, Meinard boasted a youthful appearance that didn’t quite match his tremendous reputation. His slightly wavy, dark brown hair added to his charm. Despite being a knight, he was well-groomed, but his soft-looking hair gave him the appearance of a young man rather than a grown man.

His ever-present cheerful demeanor and unfailingly polite manners toward everyone, coupled with his flawless appearance, left a lasting impression. When he smiled, his green eyes sparkled as if they held a world of their own.

But despite the fact that his extraordinary beauty could brighten anyone’s mood, Emperor Vakran I nodded with an expressionless face.

“Marquis Werner is waiting in the reception room on the second floor.”


It was a low and dry voice. But it seemed familiar to Meinard as he nodded.

As they ascended to the second floor, Meinard handed over his cloak to Emperor Vakran I. Hugo, the chief chamberlain, asked,

“Shall I prepare tea?”

It was a question made, with his upcoming meeting with his cousin, Renier, in mind.

“Serve mechen.”

He mentioned the strong liquor named after the Mechen region. Hugo’s face momentarily darkened, but he soon replied, “Of course,” and headed down to the first floor.

“Hugo is quite concerned about Your Majesty.”

“Don’t worry. A few drinks won’t kill me.”

As the Emperor approached, the two knights in front quickly opened the door. Revealed within the spacious reception room was Renier, once again flaunting his dazzling golden hair.

“May the glory of the sun shine upon Your Majesty.”

Though the greeting was somewhat exaggerated and dramatic, it seemed to suit Renier well.

With his charming beauty and a small mark beneath his eye, he looked quite different from the Emperor, to the point where one might question their blood relationship. Unlike the tall, armored figure of Emperor Vakran I, with his black hair and icy blue eyes, Marquis Werner appeared more delicate.

His shimmering golden hair that seemed to be made of melted gold, cascading down to the shoulders, and blue eyes, appeared more like works of art. His potentially delicate appearance was offset by his sharp jawline and elongated eyebrows, creating an atmosphere that made it impossible to approach casually.

What captivated society’s people about Renier even more was his genuine smile that seemed to linger. It never seemed to fade away, and it carried a subtle allure that tempted those who gazed upon it.

“What’s the matter, Renier.”

“Well, is that all you have to say to your cousin, whom you haven’t seen in a long time?”

Renier pretended to be light-hearted, but Vakran I was the only one staring at him with an indifferent face.

“I came here personally to inform Your Majesty in advance about the agenda for the noble assembly.”


“The elders of the noble assembly are so patriotic, and this time, surely, they will once again beseech Your Majesty to receive the Empress as soon as possible.”

Having finished speaking, Renier observed Vakran I with keen interest, hoping to catch even a hint of emotion on his usually stoic face. But his expectations remained unmet.

“If we ignore them, it will stop.”

Vakran I said, picking up the glass containing the mechen that Hugo had brought.

“But, Your Majesty, don’t they have a point? Considering your royal status, it’s not unusual for you to marry early. Even if you already had one or two children, it wouldn’t be out of place. You remain alone at an age where it wouldn’t be strange for you to have a wife. Besides, you’ve never been known to sleep with women. So, naturally, rumors about Your Majesty and I engaging in an improper relationship began to spread.”

Renier’s words made Meinard burst into laughter.

It was indeed a rumor that ran rampant among the ladies of the nobility. Rumors suggest that the Emperor and Renier shared a love that transcended blood and gender, and that Renier tried to cover it up by engaging in loveless affairs with numerous women. Especially those who had fallen in love with Renier but received no response, eagerly hoped that these rumors were true.

“Aren’t you a royal too? You haven’t married either.”

“I’m not from the direct line, I’m just Your Majesty’s cousin, after all. Besides, I have too much love overflowing for just one woman.”

Still, Vakran I just gazed down at the red mechen liquid and didn’t offer any response. Renier, as if accepting the situation, changed the topic.

“So, did you enjoy sparring with the Commander of the Knights?”

“It’s always the same.”

He replied dryly. Meinard, sensing the boredom in Vakran I’s voice, let out a small sigh.

People often complained that Vakran I found peacetime life dull, but that was as true as the rumors about his relationship with Renier. In his youth, he had been forced into conquering wars to secure his unstable reign, and it took three long years for those wars to come to an end. After that, for five years, he had passionately focused on governing the nation more than anyone else, but now he felt a sense of emptiness.

Since his ascension, the Empire’s governance had been firmly established on a radical policy of valuing abilities over social status, and Vakran I had carefully selected talents from all backgrounds for key positions.


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