There Is No Eternal Supporting Role

Rosaline silently placed the teacup on the coaster without making a sound. Her hair was impeccably styled, and she appeared more tidy than usual.

Since Rosaline left the Francis territory, her goal had been solely to become the Empress of the Great Ifren Empire. Some might consider it an extravagant and whimsical notion, but she believed it was a feasible goal.

Strangely, people always liked her. Winning people’s favor was as easy for her as having a glass of water.

Of course, her beauty played a part, but Rosaline knew she possessed something special, and that is why she had no doubt that her destiny was to become the Empress of the Empire and live a splendid life.

And the person in front of her right now would be the first button to her grand plan.

She quietly observed the elegant and sophisticated interior of the study, which revealed the master’s character. This place she visited with the first week’s class report was Chamberlain Hugo’s office, where he served as a close aide to the Emperor.

“His Highness the Duke is refusing theology lessons?”

“Yes. Unfortunately, that’s the situation.”

Rosaline lowered her gaze and nodded. Somehow, she felt like bursting into laughter when she thought about the common-born priest facing some kind of predicament, but she had to focus on hiding her expression in front of Chamberlain Hugo, who was known for his sharpness.


Hugo carefully read through the class notes that Rosaline had organized, flipping through each page.

Although Rosaline’s handwriting was praised as elegant by everyone who had seen it since childhood, Hugo seemed unimpressed. Rosaline’s expression wavered slightly, but fortunately, Hugo, who was focused on reading the notes, didn’t seem to notice.

“It has been a week since the classes started, and during that week, His Grace, Duke Levi, has not attended a single theology class, correct?”

“Yes, unfortunately, that’s correct.”

“But Lady Francis just let that slide?”


Hugo’s cold grey eyes glared at Rosaline.

“There is no mention in the notes of how the Lady responded to that issue.”

“Well, um…”

That was because Rosaline hadn’t taken any action at all. Instead, she had observed the situation with a bitter heart, thinking that if this continued, Elena would be driven away. It was just a matter of time.

“Theology may be entrusted to a priest from Rahan, but in terms of the Duke’s education, it is not solely the responsibility of Lady Francis. Yet, despite such an incident occurring, why was it simply recorded as a trivial matter? In my view, this is negligence of duty.”

Rosaline couldn’t bring herself to meet his cold gaze and lowered her head. Although her pride was hurt, she couldn’t lift her head in front of Hugo who was reprimanding her.

“B-but His Grace’s intentions are resolute…”

“Is it proper education to just let His Grace, who is still young, do as he pleases?”

In the end, Rosaline clenched her lower lip in frustration. It was such an embarrassment for someone in her position, who had to look perfect in front of the commoner woman. She contemplated that she wouldn’t let this slide when she returned to the palace in the early morning.

“Then what should I do…”

In truth, she felt a bit helpless. No matter how difficult it was, he was still Duke Levi. She couldn’t strike him, and she couldn’t tie him to the reception room chair to prevent him from leaving. But even as she contemplated this, Hugo’s evaluation of Rosaline was gradually declining.

“What about the other subjects?”

When the conversation shifted to the other subjects she was teaching, Rosaline’s previously stiff face came to life.

“No problems at all. Duke Levi is so brilliant and quick in learning that I feel rewarded as a teacher every day.”

“What about the history subject? Previous teachers mentioned that Duke Levi’s progress in history lessons was slow.”

In response to Hugo’s question, Rosaline answered with a smile that seemed somewhat exaggerated.

“Not at all. I don’t know why the previous teachers said such things. At least when I’m teaching, you don’t know how enthusiastically the Duke participates in class.”

“I see.”

While boasting to the fullest, Hugo remained somewhat discontented. If things continued like this, it seemed that she would not be able to achieve her purpose for coming here today, so Rosaline took out a few sheets of paper she had brought.

“Well, Mr Hugo. It seems that there are some parts that need to be modified in my lesson plans, so I have made a new lesson plan. As you know, true education is important not only for students but also for their surroundings, especially the support of their families. So, I mean…”

With the most confident smile, Rosaline handed the paper to Hugo.

“What if I personally meet His Majesty the Emperor and provide him with advice?”

Hugo quickly glanced through the lesson plan he received. Then he calmly cut it off and declined.

“There is no reason for Lady Francis to meet His Majesty directly.”

“But for more effective education…”

“In the current situation, it seems that smooth theological classes should be prioritized.”

Rosaline had to make an effort to keep her face from contorting.

The man before her was Hugo, who came from the distinguished House of Grant, which had been chamberlains to the Empire of Ifern for generations. He was widely regarded as the most splendid chamberlain of the palace among the Grants. He enjoyed the absolute trust of the Emperor, being one of the few people who received it, and was his close confidant. She had to look good no matter what.

Although she possessed the beauty that anyone would turn their head to at least once, that was a story for when she could directly face the Emperor. In her current position as the teacher to the Emperor’s younger brother, she couldn’t showcase her beauty.

“Regarding theological classes, I will speak to His Majesty myself. Please return.”

Disheartened by the situation that had completely deviated from her plans, Rosaline quietly stood up, exchanged greetings, and proceeded to open the door of the chamberlain’s office. Hugo called out to her.

“Lady Francis.”

That’s right. Rosaline quietly buried her resentment. Despite being a high-ranking middle-aged chamberlain approaching old age, he was just like any other man whose composure crumbled in front of her beauty. Rosaline looked at Hugo with a smile.

“I would prefer it if you did not address me by my name.”

In the end, her face contorted in misery.

“…Understood, Chamberlain.”

Satisfied, Hugo nodded.

After Rosaline left and Hugo took care of some other tasks, he glanced at the clock and left the office. His steps were fast yet discreet, strictly following palace etiquette as he arrived at the reception room of the Ifern Palace. Just as he arrived, Vakran I, Renier, and Meinard returned from their council meeting.

“Ah, Hugo. Do you happen to have a cold drink?”

Renier greeted Hugo with a wave of his hand.

“Iced tea is available.”

“Perfect. I’ll take that.”

“That’s fine.”

Vakran I said, settling into his seat.

“What about Sir Ernest?”

“I would also like an iced tea, Chamberlain.”

When Hugo gestured to a maid standing by the door, she quietly headed to the kitchen to bring the drinks. Vakran I, who showed no signs of weariness despite the prolonged meeting, stared outside with an indifferent expression.

“Your Majesty, here is Duke Levi’s progress report.”

Vakran I sat up at the mention of Duke Levi. He reached out and received the report, his eyes filled with affection as he meticulously read through the events of each day.

“Tito is refusing to attend theological classes.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After taking a sip of her drink and smirking, Renier spoke.

“Well, that’s new. I wonder if my cousin’s adolescence has come early.”

But the laughterless gaze of Vakran I was fixed on Hugo.

“Is there an issue with the theological instructor?”

“I don’t think so, I think it’s just something that His Highness Duke Levi has been planning since the change of teachers.”

Hugo’s words made Meinard and Renier burst into laughter. Not only was the theological instructor being dismissed, but now she was being refused to attend classes.

“It naturally evokes sympathy, even if we don’t know who the theological instructor is.”

Renier said, causing Meinard to smile while thinking of Elena.

“I’ve met her before. It was a chance encounter at the library.”

“Oh, really? How is she? Beautiful?”

Meinard’s expression became ambiguous.

“Well, she’s not exactly… beautiful. Rather, she’s petite.”

“Petite? What does that mean? Is she short?”

“She’s small in stature, petite in physique—everything is small.”

That’s all he could say about Elena. Her priest robes also looked excessively large on her. Besides…

‘Her hands were surprisingly small.’

As he recalled his own wounds and her two hands that grasped to heal him, Meinard’s ears pricked up slightly.


Seeing Meinard’s smile subtly spreading across his face, Renier’s expression became full of curiosity. He didn’t expect Meinard, whom he thought was a foolish person who didn’t know much of the world, to have such a face. The thought of visiting the Palace of Dawn crossed his mind.

“Well, let’s leave it at that.”

Vakran I handed the progress report back to Hugo.

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

“If Tito continues to refuse to attend the classes, we may have no choice but to bring in a new instructor.”

If Elena were present, she would have gasped. But Elena was enjoying a lavish bath and singing in the palace’s dawn bath, too far away from the Ifern Palace to hear.

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