There Is No Eternal Supporting Role

“Come here.”

In response to the Pope’s call, Elena hesitantly approached and placed her two hands in his.


There was an incredibly bright light bursting out from Elena’s hands, unlike anything she had seen when healing others. Her chaotic hands transformed into smooth and supple skin.


It truly felt like magic. This divine power was worthy of the grand name ‘Power of Healing.’

“Now, it’s your turn.”

The Pope smiled and extended his injured hand to her.

“Why is the wound still…”

Elena murmured in a small voice.

“It’s the teaching of Rahan. Just like you, I am unable to care for my own wounds.”


She had always thought that she couldn’t heal her own wounds because her own abilities were lacking.

“In the end, it is a lesson that we humans are nothing but beings in need of the help of others. It’s okay if we’re not fully healed, Elena.”

Elena gained courage from the kind voice. After taking a deep breath, she held the Pope’s hand and closed her eyes.

Considering her own abilities, it was highly likely that such a bleeding wound would not heal completely. But she wanted to heal this wound no matter what. With that intention, a slightly brighter light emanated from Elena’s hand, unlike usual.


The Pope also seemed to have noticed it and sighed softly. Shortly after Elena let go of her hand, there was no sign of the wound, let alone a scar.

“It’s… done…”

She couldn’t believe it herself. She had wished for it desperately, but to actually heal perfectly. Seeing Elena, amazed as she looked down at her own hand, the Pope spoke kindly.

“It seems Rahan has given you greater abilities than you think.”

“T-Thank you.”

“Keep practicing. As you accumulate a heart that empathizes with those who suffer and hurt, you will suddenly realize that your abilities are growing too.”

“Yes, I will.”

In response to Elena’s sincere answer, the Pope smiled and gently stroked her head. It was a warmth akin to a grandfather fondly admiring his granddaughter.

She was definitely an adult woman, and the Pope was simply a grandfather she met for the first time today. She couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable, but Elena forcibly held back the tears that seemed about to burst.

Because no one had shown her kindness since coming to this world, Elena doubted and guarded against the Pope’s sincere kindness. However, some kindness can truly arise solely from the desire to help, without any ulterior motives.

Watching her biting her lower lip without saying a word, the Pope made a suggestion.

“Would you be willing to come see my face from time to time in the future?”

“Uh, you never know when I might get fired, and I heard His Highness Duke Levi doesn’t like theology classes…….”

“If it’s you, I have a feeling that even His Highness Levi might change a bit.”

The Pope’s faded brown eyes, worn by the years, looked right at her. But somehow, Elena felt like the Pope was seeing something even further away.

“You have a homework, Elena. Practice a lot until we meet again, and enhance your healing abilities. Then I’ll give you a present.”

Despite having received requests numerous times to heal, Elena wondered if her stagnant abilities would improve in just a month. Nevertheless, she nodded with sparkling eyes.

“I’ll try it once, Your Holiness!”

Upon hearing that, the Pope chuckled and gently stroked Elena’s head. His heart felt reassured.

After Elena returned to the palace of dawn, only the Pope and Cardinal Geoffrey were left in the office. A heavy silence filled the room.

“So, that’s why.”

After a long pause, the Pope’s voice, heavy with sadness, finally spoke.

“…She’s just a child who resembles me.”

“Do you truly think that way.”

Cardinal Geoffrey couldn’t answer. When he first saw Elena, who had stepped into the palace in place of the retired priest, he felt a sudden sinking feeling in his chest for the same reason.

“You mentioned she was an orphan.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

“Please find out more about that child.”

Eyes marked by the traces of time gazed at the door Elena had just closed. But Cardinal Geoffrey knew. What the Pope was looking at was beyond that door, in a distant and faraway past.

“…I will do as you say.”

Cardinal Geoffrey had no choice but to answer that way.

* * *

Already a week had passed. Duke Levi had not attended Elena’s lessons for a whole week.

Of course, Elena had many options for dealing with this problem. For example, if she had gone down to the reception room before Rosaline’s class ended and sat there pretending to be busy, Duke Levi would have had no choice but to attend her theology class. But Elena didn’t do that.

“I’m not going to create unnecessary trouble.”

She could receive money without doing anything if she just stayed put, so there was no reason for her to intervene. But since she had to go to work, Elena stepped quietly on the stairs, as usual, following the schedule.

On her way, she encountered a maid who was sweeping the hallway.

“You’ve been working hard.”

Bending over and sweeping the floor like that, there was no part of her body that wouldn’t hurt. Elena knew that all too well, so she felt sorry for the maid, whose name she didn’t even know, as she looked at herself and smiled.

At this hour, it is a well-known fact among those who work in the palace that it is the Duke’s teaching time. Therefore, when Elena, who she thought would just pass by, approached, the maid seemed a little surprised.

“It must be very difficult for you.”

“What? Oh, no. Sister.”

“That’s not true. The palace is so vast in the early morning. Please give me your hand.”


“Come on.”

While perplexed by Elena’s perseverance, the maid extended her hand. Elena took her hand, and the healing light immediately lingered and disappeared. It was like giving her a kind of healing potion.

“Sister, why would you do this for someone like me…?”

The maid seemed unable to speak due to her touch. Of course, it was a pity to see the maid suffer, but it was also a healing exercise for Elena. She felt sorry for giving too much appreciation. Elena pondered for a moment and said with a smile.

“I’m glad I can help even this much.”

It was a reasonably worded response prompted by her conscience, but the maid was even more moved and bowed repeatedly to express her thanks. Elena turned her back and muttered to herself as she walked on her way.

“It feels like I’m getting used to it quickly as I do it repeatedly.”

Following the Pope’s advice, Elena had been practicing healing whenever the opportunity arose. With the exception of Duke Levi, who seemed to intentionally avoid her and showed no signs of a runny nose, as well as Rosaline, who didn’t treat her like a human, the main recipients of her healing were the people who worked in the palace during the early morning, just like the maid from earlier.

It began when she discovered a small bruise on the maid’s wrist, who had given her breakfast. Since it seemed quite painful, she did it without much thought, but she was deeply moved, just like the maid she had just met.

She was glad she could practice healing, and she was happy when the injured person recovered. It was truly a win-win situation, a good thing for both her and the people she helped.

After that, Elena reached out whenever she saw someone around her in pain or discomfort. As a result, her influence in the palace was growing day by day, but she herself remained unaware.

As usual, Elena descended to the empty reception room at the appointed time for her lesson and asked Ilya, who was approaching, for a cup of tea. One of Elena’s recent pleasures was trying different types of tea, as the palace had dozens of varieties available.

Soon, a warm cup of tea appeared in front of her.

That’s when it happened. Duke Levi, visibly angry, came down the stairs with heavy, stomping footsteps and stood defiantly in front of Elena. It seemed as if his clenched fists and the way his shoulders rose and fell with each breath indicated considerable anger.

“Do you think I would obediently attend a lesson just because you insist?!”

His booming voice seemed to make her ears ring. Elena had intended to leisurely drink her tea and perhaps read a book, but suddenly he appeared and caused a commotion.

Who was he to say such things?

Elena blinked slowly and calmly and looked at Duke Levi.

“If you don’t wish to attend the theology lesson, you’re free not to.”

“What, what did you say?”

“Why should I force you to do something you don’t want to, Your Grace?”

Because she didn’t want to end up like Sister Genevieve, who got expelled for making the duke dislike her. She didn’t want to needlessly provoke Duke Levi and go back to the temple.

Contrary to his expectations, Duke Levi was surprised by Elena’s unexpected reaction. Normally, he expected her to say ‘I apologize’ and beg profusely or get angry by saying, ‘Refusing a theology lesson is blasphemy!’ But this priest in front of him didn’t seem upset; instead, she appeared rather content.

“You don’t have to worry about me coming to the reception room. It’s something I do because I enjoy it.”

Doing otherwise and staying in her room during lesson time would truly be deserving of criticism.

But it did not sound that way to others. Upon hearing the Duke’s loud voice, the onlookers who had been gossiping from afar turned to Elena with pity, as if to ask how she would handle the situation. It seemed to them that she intended to fulfill her duty even while refusing the lesson.


It seemed that Duke Levi felt the same way, as his face, still flushed with the remnants of youth, reddened even more, and he grew angrier. Unable to say anything, he stood in place, huffing with hot breath, making even louder footsteps as he climbed back upstairs compared to when he came down.

Alone in the room, Elena couldn’t understand why the Duke was getting angry, so she just tilted her head in confusion.

* * *


  1. AyraRedwood says:

    How often do free chapters get released?

    1. novelnovelty says:

      All chapters will eventually become free. Locked chapters is to read ahead if you’re willing, but you can also wait for everything to be unlocked.

    2. dorothea says:

      for now, update schedule will be 1~2 chapters/month (not chapter parts but chapter).
      thank you for your support~ (C4 and C5 are now unlocked. i forgot about it)

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