There Are Too Many Second Male Leads!

Who is the male lead? (2)

“Translated by RJR”

I instinctively stretched out my hand to erase the square window that appeared like an Internet pop-up window, but the letters passed through my hand without being caught. In short, it was a holographic system visible only to my eye.


[The time given to you is one year! Find the ‘real male lead’ within it!]




[If you don’t find it, you’ll die in a year! It’ll be fun, right?]


‘What… what?’


I was surprised for a moment, but then I swallowed and swallowed the arsenic.


“Ha ha ha… no way.”


As I was taking deep breaths to calm down, I suddenly remembered a phrase I had seen before I died.


[Do you want to find the ‘real male lead’? (free)]


‘…Oh, no way.’


[You will also be given missions along the way! There is a penalty if you don’t complete the mission within the deadline!]


‘It… can’t be.’


[The favorability rating of a man you meet for the first time starts at 0%! Of course, there are exceptions! When the favorability rating reaches 80%, you can check whether they are candidates for the male lead or not!]


[I will give you missions based on your abilities! If we feel like your favorability performance is not good, a huge amount of missions will pour in, so be prepared!]




‘Now, wait a minute. What about likability performance?’


[Roella Clemend’s ‘Finding the Real Male Lead’ begins! Go for it! I only believe in you!]


Only then did I remember the name ‘Roella Clemend’ from the web novel I saw yesterday.


‘Oh my god!’


Was I now in that web novel?!


[This is very stimulating and attracts a lot of readers! huh?]


“Now, wait! Wait for a second! What’s this? What?!”


I desperately tried to reach out and grab the window, but the system just snapped and disappeared.


“What on earth is this… It’s not really heaven?”


When I weakly stood up with a face that looked like I was going to cry, I suddenly felt a presence at the door.


‘Did I hear anything in the room? I think I heard something like a girl’s scream. No way Roella just woke up… It could be a maid. Anyway, it would be a good idea to check.’


Shocked, I returned to the bedroom and entered the entrance connected to the dressing room.


‘I have to hide, I have to hide!’


As soon as I entered the room, a colorful and extravagant dress was spread out in front of me, but before I even had time to admire it, I looked for a place where I could fit myself between the dresses. Suddenly, I was in a web novel. First of all, it was best to avoid anyone until the situation was properly understood. While I was thinking about it, the voices got closer and closer.


‘I’m going to get caught!’


I hurriedly squeezed through the dresses in the closet. As soon as I could barely hide myself and rearrange my dress in front of me, the door opened and I could clearly hear voices. I did my best to kill all traces.


“Is there no one there?”


“What did the maid do without watching this girl?”


“Uh… she is not here! Roella is gone!”




“Wherever… wait a moment.”


I swallowed my saliva at the sound of a man’s voice. And the sound of two people’s footsteps stopped in front of me. My heart was pounding and there was suffocating silence. I was sure they wouldn’t open this place. Against the wind, the closet door opened, and soon the dress covering my body was removed. In vain, I was completely exposed in front of the two men.




When I made eye contact with two men with red eyes, I didn’t know what expression to make, so I just smiled stiffly.


“Well… haha.”


With the stupidest expression in the world.






There was a heavy silence. The two of them looked at my brightly smiling face for a long time without saying anything. The two blonde men had faces quite similar to mine. Blonde hair and red eyes. But there was something more surprising than that.




I opened my eyes wide and stared at the two men standing in front of me. The two men had faces that looked so similar that it was believable even if they were reflected in a mirror. Even their faces were much more beautiful and dazzling than mine. Red eyes that look as if they were well-polished jewels, shiny blonde hair that looks like it was painted with gold, and features that are positioned exactly like a statue centered around a sharp bridge of the nose. The only difference between the two men was their parting as they rode on opposite sides.


At that time, perhaps because I was nervous, I suddenly got cramps in my legs.




I couldn’t stay in an awkward position forever, so I thought I had to get out of here first, so I took a step with my cramped leg.


“Uh, uhh!”


When I lost my balance, the one on the right of the two identical-looking people reflexively supported my waist. I tried to say thank you, but I closed my mouth when I saw his hard, frowning face. At that moment I saw the green letters floating above his head, [Evan Clemend: 0% likeability]. An empty heart was floating just below the letters as if to prove that the love rating was 0%. The moment I saw that name, the character of the twin brother in the web novel who disapproved of Roella’s vicious behavior came to mind.


‘Ah. This is real.’


I was once again reminded of the cruel rules of the system.


[The time given to you is one year! Find the ‘real male lead’ within it!]


[If you don’t find it, you’ll die in a year! It’ll be fun, right?]


“H… Hello?”


Which of you is the best? Let’s live for now.


* * *


My empty room suddenly filled with people. In addition to the two blonde handsome men who spotted me, another man in uniform came, and behind him, three maids wearing brown dresses and white aprons were standing stomping their feet. I was just sitting on the bed, surrounded by them, holding out my thin hand to the doctor. I looked at Evan, the man who supported me a moment ago, and Louise, who was watching me with suspicious eyes next to him. Looking from a distance, the two people had thin bodies and were tall. However, it was not small in size. The white shirts, reminiscent of horseback riding clothes, at first glance, revealed their broad shoulders and lean muscles.


‘It’s a perfect model fit.’


For some reason, I looked upwards at them because their appearance was something I couldn’t easily match in real life.


[Evan Clemend: Likeability 0%]


[Louise Clemend: Likeability 0%]


The green letters above the heads of the two identical twin men were very vivid. First of all, the fact that those numbers were up means that they were candidates for the male lead.


“How about it?”


I turned my head towards the sound of a low, soft voice.


‘Hmm. That person also has the visuals of a male lead.’


A blond man wearing a navy blue jacket and a uniform full of gold medals. Much more mature than Evan and Louise, he also had blonde hair and red eyes. Needless to say, his facial features were so clear that he looked like a foreigner. The man stared at me with sharp yet refined eyes, and the atmosphere was truly overwhelming. I glanced at him out of curiosity, but could not easily open my mouth due to the heavy silence.


‘Ugh, I’m suffocating!’


At that time, the doctor examining me carefully opened his mouth.


“Lady Roella is in very good health. It’s so normal that I can’t imagine she was in bed for a year.”


The faces of the people who were looking at me with tense faces relaxed. But there was also a strange sense of disappointment in it.


‘What? Are you unhappy that I woke up?’


“Everything, I’m glad.”


“You have a long line.”


“Evan Clemend. Be careful what you say.”


As soon as Louise’s unnatural, pretentious relief and Evan’s words fell out of order, the man in uniform urged them. The two people kept their mouths shut at the man’s words. The man in uniform walked towards me, and the doctor who saw him took a step back from the bedside. The man sat by the bed and squeezed my hand. The maids who saw this covered their mouths with ecstatic faces as if they were watching a famous scene from a drama. The man in uniform held my hand firmly, making a sad face that could instantly captivate a woman.


“I thought you wouldn’t wake up.”


The man, whose voice was as soft as a velvet carpet, stared at me as if hoping to hear some kind of answer. But what to say? I didn’t have anything to say, so I just stared at his well-made face. Then, I suddenly realized the identity of the feeling of heterogeneity that I had been feeling for a while.


‘Likeability index!’


Why couldn’t I see this person’s?


“Try saying something.”


‘…He looks handsome?’


“Doctor. Are you sure this kid is okay?”


If he’s this handsome, there’s no way he’s a candidate for the male lead, right? I looked at the nervous man’s face and carefully opened my mouth.


“Who are you?”




The air in the room froze at my words.


‘Uh… Big mistake?’


The faces of people who had been relieved just a moment ago turned pale. What surprised me the most was the man holding my hand. The trembling man was so strong that even when I tried to pull him toward me, his hand wouldn’t move.


“Oh, it hurts…”


The startled man relaxed his hands and turned his head to glare at the doctor.


“Didn’t you say it was okay?”


He said softly. Even though he wasn’t yelling, his voice was so low and heavy that it felt like the whole house was shaking. Moreover, a bloody aura was spewing out from the body… huh? I rubbed my eyes vigorously with the back of my hand and then looked at the man again. A red aura was clearly burning like a flame behind the man who was standing with his back turned. The flames were so fierce that it seemed as if they would fly towards the doctor at any moment. It seemed that the aura was not only visible to my eyes. The maids next to them closed their eyes tightly as if they were frightened.


‘No way… Is it real that the house shook?’


As soon as my thoughts reached that point, it was an instant before a voice came out to stop the burning man.


“Now, wait a minute!”


His aura disappeared for a moment at the sound of my suddenly interrupted voice. I saw the doctor’s earnest eyes behind the man who looked back at me.


‘I think I’m the only one who can stop this situation…’


I swallowed hard.


“I don’t remember…”




At that time, a system appeared before my eyes like a miracle.


[Chase Clemend: Likeability cannot be measured]


[Special Note: Father]




“It’s a little back and forth, Dad!”


In an instant, the red aura completely disappeared. To be precise, it seemed as if it had relaxed and disappeared like smoke. Chase and the other blonde men looked at me with dumbfounded expressions, and the doctor and the maids were the same. I grinned like an idiot at Chase Clement, or rather my stepfather, who had become more determined for the safety of his family. Seeing the three men tilt their heads at the same time, it seemed like this smile was working quite well.


‘Then let’s laugh, laugh!’


I smiled even brighter as I saw the people looking at me with fascination.


Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. 



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