There Are No Bad Military Dogs

Chapter 22


“No, it’s on the right.”


Shin Hae-jun’s gaze toward me grew increasingly intense. Feeling the pressure building up in his eyes, I hastily corrected myself, but Shin Hae-jun let out a quiet sigh. It seemed like he was sighing out of exasperation at my hurried response. As I felt his gaze judging me, I was about to say something, but Shin Hae-jun beat me to it.

Haa. Get out.”

“No, General.”

“Get out.”

Refusing to comply with his repeated command, I stubbornly remained seated, but Shin Hae-jun’s face hardened as he looked down at me.

“Or do you want to die in a car accident before finding your brother?”

No, I remembered, but… I couldn’t bring myself to say it as he kept staring at me from the side. Feeling somewhat unjustly accused by Shin Hae-jun’s assumption, I couldn’t help but feel a bit resentful, but when he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me down, I had no choice but to move to the passenger seat reluctantly.

But it’s understandable.

After all, I had no desire to grip the unfamiliar steering wheel. I shrugged my shoulders as I glanced at him skillfully manipulating the gears.

“How did you know I was here?”

“How wouldn’t I know?”

He replied without looking at me, still holding onto the steering wheel. Strands of his black hair danced in the wind that seeped through the window, and his sharp contours, though not delicate, were perfect like a sculpture.

Truly a disgustingly handsome face.

Shin Hae-jun casually continued speaking.

“It seemed like I knew all about the Seoul Shelter’s informants.”

“No, I mean, how did you know where I am… Hmm?”

Feeling puzzled by his explanation, I turned my face towards him, and soon, I had an uncomfortable realization.

“Are you… monitoring me?”

“I observed.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

I let out a bitter laugh at Shin Hae-jun’s shameless response. The sharp, scornful sound of my laughter finally made him glance at me.

“What, does it bother you?”

“Are you asking that as a question now?”

“Then let me correct it—I was protecting you.”


Slightly irritated, I shot him a glare, but Shin Hae-jun paid no attention and began rummaging through his belongings.

Right, this bastard doesn’t care whether I’m upset or not.

Forcing myself to accept his indifference, I roughly grabbed a piece of paper that had been shoved in front of me.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a map marking the areas where mutant infected have been sighted. The infected infiltrating this shelter seems to have come from the Gangwon area.”

I furrowed my brow as I examined the map with increasing clusters of red marks. The marked areas in Gangwon Province stood out distinctly, almost as if they had been painted differently. Bright red.

“It looks like a lot of mutants infected in Gangwon.”

“That’s what I think too.”

Nodding briefly at my question, Shin Hae-jun lightly pressed his slightly chapped lips.

“So we’ll head to Gangwon-do first. Any objections?”

None, but also some. Some, but also none.

Gazing at me impassively, as if asking what I was discontent about, Shin Hae-jun’s flawless face irritated me. I stared intently at his neat appearance and bit my lip.

He had been this composed even this morning. Not a single strand out of place. And now, I was the only one flustered by his nonchalant statements.

I opened my mouth, feeling overwhelmed by Shin Hae-jun’s composed attitude, which seemed to imply that nothing had happened—of course, I didn’t want to admit that anything had happened either.

“But I haven’t said I would accept the request yet.”

I intentionally grumbled, trying to provoke him, and Shin Hae-jun’s face stiffened slightly. He pressed the brake and slowly turned his head to face me. His gaze, looking down at me, sent shivers down my spine inexplicably, causing me to tremble involuntarily.


His voice, which had been calm until now, slightly faltered as he uttered my name.


“Ahyeon-ah. Min Ahyeon.”


Just like last night.

As I recalled the affectionate and tantalizing voice of Shin Hae-jun, I clenched my hand tightly. Along with the voice, vivid sensations that I could never forget naturally resurfaced.

He lightly chuckled at my stiff reaction, finding it amusing. Shin Hae-jun playfully brushed against my ear, placing his large hand over my trembling fist on my thigh.

“After rolling around like dogs together last night, now you’re going to reject my request?”

I couldn’t bring myself to respond to his faint whisper in my ear and just opened my mouth wide in shock.

“W-what do you mean by that…?”

Rolling around like dogs?

I was flustered because I never expected Shin Hae-jun to mention what happened last night openly. Gradually, I began to feel the urge to bite my tongue in response to his following words.

“How disappointing. Were you only after my body?”

Has this guy finally lost it? I was dumbfounded. Me? What did I aim for?

“Go after? Your body?”

“Wasn’t that the case?”

“I’m sure General was the one who rushed at me.”

“But wasn’t it you who kissed me first?”

That…! It was solely to save him, with no ulterior motive. Shin Hae-jun, seemingly amused by my outraged expression, did not drop his playful smile as he lightly patted my cheek, just as casually as tapping the steering wheel.

But even that light touch made my face flush.

“Why are you blushing?”

My face flushed, then paled, then flushed again. I wondered what he could possibly be thinking.

Shin Hae-jun’s softly muttered words made me feel increasingly annoyed, as if he were toying with me.

“I hope you fall off.”

I forcefully brushed his hand away. Despite the sudden strike on the back of his hand, he withdrew without any sign of irritation.

“The car seems a bit small for the trip to Gangwon.”

He emphasized once again, but Yongcheol’s Jeep was certainly not small.

Yet Shin Hae-jun, whose frame filled the vehicle, slightly furrowed his brow as he gripped the steering wheel again.

“We’ve gotten a better lead on the research institute.”

Sensing my desire to just jump out of the car at the mere thought of last night, he skillfully redirected my attention.

I knew Shin Hae-jun was using the mention of the “research institute” to ensnare me, but I couldn’t ignore it. That was a subject I could never overlook.

“Wanna come along?”

The slightly rising tone made it sound like a suggestion, but Shin Hae-jun knew I couldn’t refuse him. Without even waiting for my response, he started the car.

I glared at his ever-so-confident, arrogant face, then abruptly turned my head towards the window. Beyond the rapidly passing scenery, the face of Woo-joo seemed to rise like a mirage.

The warning in my mind that Shin Hae-jun was more dangerous than the infected was growing stronger, but I had to find Woo-joo.


Thank you for reading! ♡


[ The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World ]
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Thank you for reading ♡


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