There Are No Bad Military Dogs

Merciless Judgment

Chapter 19


It felt as if the voice, tinged with excitement beyond intoxication, was not in my ears but in my chest. Beneath my rapidly rising and falling chest, my heart pounded loudly.

The senses that had been pushed to their limits, the pleasures that had dulled almost to the point of pain with excitement, were suddenly revived by Shin Hae-jun’s sweet murmurs. My mouth watered. It was sweet, so sweet that I felt thirsty. My throat was dry.

I blinked my eyes quickly to clear my vision, which was blurred by the wet and swirling surroundings. As the mist cleared like lifting fog, I saw a man with darkened pupils staring back at me.

“Shin, Hae-jun…”

Why did I do that? I lowered my hand for no reason, calling out his name. Shin Hae-jun’s head turned slightly. With a face so innocent compared to the scandalous act he had just committed against the flushed chest, now as red as peach, he met my gaze. And with lips redder than anyone else’s, he silently questioned why. My lower abdomen tightened, feeling ticklish.

With my warm and moist hand, I gently cupped his plump and rosy cheek, looking into the eyes of the man who gazed up at me with slightly blurred vision.


As his eyes, which had been quietly moving along with my hand touching my cheek, met mine again, the doubt that had been present disappeared. The black pupils were as dark as an endless abyss, devoid of any light.

Between the soaked thighs, Shin Hae-jun’s cock, which had never died down, surged once again.


2. Merciless Judgment


Ugh, I twisted my body reflexively, feeling muscle soreness throughout my entire body. The damp bedding, soaked with sweat, made a squelching sound as it separated from my skin. My waist felt stiff. It hurt so much it felt like it might snap.

The space between my thighs tingled, and I still trembled slightly.

What… why…

Puzzled, I finally snapped out of it. And soon, I realized where I was, and what had happened all night.

Shin Hae-jun, that bastard.

I endured the pain and sat up, turning my head. At the end of my gaze, as always, was Shin Hae-jun, neatly dressed with not a hair out of place.


They say when things are too absurd, you can’t even laugh. That was exactly my situation right now.

Sure, it was Shin Hae-jun clinging to me as always, but something was different from last night.

His shirt, buttoned up all the way to the neck, was unwrinkled, and the tie was neatly knotted, everything just as usual except for the missing gloves.

In contrast, my appearance, wearing Shin Hae-jun’s coat, was a complete mess. The unbuttoned bra, the open shirt, and the broken or unzipped skirt barely hung on my hips. The thinly rolled-up panties dangled from the ankles. It was pathetic.

I glanced at him with some irritation.

Only I’m the one dressed like this. It’s infuriating. I felt like scratching that face of his.

“Get up.”

As soon as he confirmed that I was awake, he gestured outside with his chin.

“The situation outside is under control.”

His indifferent voice pierced my ears. Where did the guy who clung to me all night, begging for just one more time, disappear to? It was the same old Shin Hae-jun as always.


“Ahyeon-ah. Ahyeon-ah… Open your mouth. Come on.”


Who was the one whispering so affectionately while teasing me like that? And who was the one thrusting into me like a horny bastard, devouring my lips?

As memories of last night flooded back—me dangling from those sturdy shoulders, my ankles swaying, and the relentless pounding below—my face flushed crimson.

It definitely happened. But he was acting so indifferent, as if nothing had happened… It didn’t sit well with me.

Was it all just a dream?

But it couldn’t be, not when I’m here like this, stripped down to my underwear.

“Get dressed and go out.”

I frowned at his almost commanding tone, buttoning up my shirt. Glancing down, I noticed my skin was flushed, almost as if covered in hives from where Shin Hae-jun had bitten and licked me like a marking dog.

It was both ridiculous and mind-boggling.

His crude instincts that had once lusted after me were still lingering in my body, yet he was acting so nonchalant, ignoring it all.

“Is the infection wave over?”

I retorted casually, not wanting to seem defeated. I forced the faulty zipper back up and shrugged into the coat he presumably covered me with.

“Yeah. Looks like there was an earthquake in Gangseo. That’s why the infected ones gathered.”

“Are you saying it was an unexpected wave?”

Shin Hae-jun nodded as he tapped the walkie-talkie. The voices of soldiers echoed faintly through the incomplete transmission.

“We’ll talk about the special infected later. For now, it seems like we need to go see the ones looking for me.”

I tilted my head slightly as I pulled the rolled-up panties out to the tip of my finger.

“We don’t necessarily need to have a separate conversation about it.”

At that moment, Shin Hae-jun’s eyes darkened. He stared at me intently for a moment before letting out a dry chuckle and reaching out to me abruptly.

Caught off guard while trying to put my other leg through the hole in my panties, I stumbled and was pulled towards him. In an instant, his warm fingertips swept over my earlobe and trailed down my neck.


Unintentionally, I let out a short gasp, still sensitive to his touch. I quickly covered my mouth, but Shin Hae-jun had already heard the sound, and a crooked smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

“I was just trying to wipe something off.”

Shin Hae-jun spoke as he swept from just below my ear to my chin. I felt the stiffness in the center of my chest, forgotten until now, and instinctively shrunk my shoulders defensively.

“You’re still sensitive.”

A lazy chuckle reached my ears. Despite his lips twitching as if about to laugh, Shin Hae-jun’s appearance was immaculate, unlike the messy fervor of the night before, yet I still felt drawn to him.


As he lightly flicked my cheek with his finger, I couldn’t help but feel annoyed, even though his expression wasn’t particularly mocking. I pushed his hand away and turned my head slightly.


“Yeah, Ahyeon-ah.”

He replied in an affectionate tone as if deliberately teasing me.

“Let’s pretend this never happened.”

So I spoke even more firmly. I saw his expression twist, but I didn’t particularly care to dwell on it. After all, he had been the one to initiate that unpleasant behavior in the first place.

“So please do not do anything like this in the future.”

With that, I pushed him away and exited the container. I knew it was childish.

Childish, but unavoidable.

As soon as I stepped outside, the sight of the smoke was nauseatingly familiar. The foul smell of burning infected filled the air, assaulting my senses.


His parents gave the man who called himself D.I. the name Choi Yongcheol. Shortening it to Yongcheol, paced anxiously in front of the store.

No, is Min Ahyeon really in her right mind? Suddenly she said she had something to do and left the store, but she hasn’t returned. He started to worry if something had happened, so he looked for her, and what? A sudden wave of infected? And then General Shin Hae-jun disappeared? What on earth is going on?

“I’m going crazy, seriously.”

Yongcheol murmured, biting his thumbnail.

“Of course, Min Ahyeon wouldn’t easily die from something like this.”

Is it a mixture of hope and wishful thinking? No, not at all. Even without subjective favoritism towards Min Ahyeon, objectively speaking, she’s not the kind of person who would collapse from something like this.

And the same goes for the missing General Shin Hae-jun. If he were to die from just one wave like this, he wouldn’t have been promoted to General. Yongcheol knew that he was a strong man.

Yeah. He knows. We all know, but…

“Why isn’t she coming back?”

Wouldn’t it be a relief to see her face? Yongcheol wondered if it would be a good idea to go out of the shelter altogether. But life is precious. And if Min Ahyeon were to return now after disappearing, it could be reversed.

So Yongcheol ultimately decided that it would be better to call in another group of informants and leave it to them. It was then.


Thank you for reading! ♡


[ The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World ]
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Thank you for reading ♡


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