There Are No Bad Military Dogs

Chapter 18


I forced myself to close my eyes without answering. But soon, I regretted it. Giving up my sense of sight made the sensations from Shin Hae-jun even more intense, amplifying the pleasure he brought me. However, I wasn’t sure if I preferred this over enduring his lustful gaze. I clenched my lips.


As I recoiled from the thrusting motion, this bastard deliberately struck with his pelvis again. My closed lips parted, and a high-pitched cry escaped, prompting me to cover my mouth quickly. It was my hand, grabbing Shin Hae-jun’s head, that exerted force to mitigate the pleasure.

“If I don’t hold you like this, it’ll be harder for you to endure.”

“Then, slow down…anh…!”

Straining to open my eyes, I glared at him, and he grabbed my waist to hold it steady before thrusting harder. The impact caused our teeth to clash, but that was the least of my worries. The rough friction against my sensitive area made everything white out. Shin Hae-jun won’t leave me alone even to the slightest detail.

His fingers, which had been caressing my buttocks, moved forward and pressed against the slippery junction. It seemed he wanted to confirm that his cock was occupying my insides. Despite attempting to probe inside, the entry was too tight, causing his finger to be repelled. There was no embarrassment. His thick and hot thumb, giving up on entry, began to press and stroke my sensitive spot rapidly.

Ah, huh… huh!”

Amidst the chaotic movements and stimulation below, love juice burst out and flowed. I lost count of how many times it had happened.

“Bitch, you son of a—”

Due to the violent pleasure, the back of my head began to ache, and the tears I had suppressed finally burst forth. Thin moans flowed from my wide-open mouth. No, no, no. Inarticulate moans mixed with saliva dribbling down. My mouth felt sticky and slimy. Darkness engulfed my vision. I couldn’t tell how many climaxes had passed.

Ha, Ahyeon-ah. Min Ahyeon…”

Whether I responded or not, Shin Hae-jun greedily licked up the saliva flowing between my parted lips, claiming it as his own. He deliberately poked the side of my lips with his tongue, swirling it around and sucking.

“Open your mouth.”

Aah, hah…”

“Come on.”

Even though I knew my consciousness was fading and my mouth was hanging open, Shin Hae-jun demanded of me. With my vision blurred and unable to focus properly, I forced myself to blink and closed my eyes again. Yet, that eerie gaze persisted. Closing my eyes didn’t mean I could escape. If anything, it only made his presence more vivid, as if etched into my retinas, and even the satisfied smirk at the corner of his eyes.


It was inevitable. As I reluctantly parted my lips, Shin Hae-jun’s tongue eagerly delved in. My own tongue, which could not even speak properly, was ensnared by Shin Hae-jun’s snake-like tongue and mercilessly sucked. 

The force behind his thrusts seemed to weaken slightly. Instead, Shin Hae-jun began to explore my insides more thoroughly, turning my waist firmly and starting to savor every inch. I could keenly feel the thick veins protruding from his robust cock against the tight entrance.

While I had reached climax numerous times, Shin Hae-jun, who had been intimately connected with me all this time, had yet to reach his peak.

Is it normal to last this long?

Or maybe not.

But having never been in such close contact with another person like this, I had no idea whether this was normal or not. Even my attempts to escape were futile. As I struggled, my inner walls twitched slightly, and I could feel his cock pressing against them, as if asking for more.

“Fuck, tightening like that….”

Ha, ukh....”

He murmured something, but I didn’t hear it. All I could focus on was the intense sensation of his engorged member relentlessly penetrating deeper into me, as my brain warned me not to let him in any further. Red warning lights blinked incessantly inside my mind.

Ah, ungh, agh!”

His thrusts became even faster. Slapping sounds echoed. The sound of wet flesh colliding was so vivid that I couldn’t bear it anymore. I couldn’t even feel the flesh of my breasts being mercilessly squeezed under his grip. But why were my nipples so sensitive!

With each brush of Shin Hae-jun’s skin, I moaned in ecstasy. It was a sensation that surged up to the very top of my head, a climax that seemed to fill me up and then release me, only to fill me up again with satisfaction. It was a sensation I had never experienced before in my life.

A moan of wanting to stop burst out of me like a scream. But with Shin Hae-jun relentlessly biting and sucking on my chest, I had to arch my back again, trembling as I pushed myself back. At that moment, Shin Hae-jun’s member forcefully penetrated me once again.

His member throbbed from the root as if about to ejaculate immediately. With a mixture of fear and instinctive anticipation, my entire body was trembling.

As his body stiffened with force, Shin Hae-jun let out a short, restrained groan as he relentlessly thrust into me. His hardened member, as rigid as his abs, pounded against the swollen walls inside me.

I gasped for air. Tears, which had been flowing incessantly since earlier, burst out again. But it wasn’t just tears that burst. I could feel a strong surge from below.

Ah, aang, that, it, it feels like… it’s going to—”

He continued to thrust mercilessly. My feeble last bit of pride, knowing I couldn’t afford to show weakness in front of anyone, especially not Shin Hae-jun, barely held on.

Haa… I didn’t know you could cry like this.”

A captivating voice pierced through my hazy mind, intoxicated with heat. Did I cry like this before? The seemingly innocent words carried a lewd undertone, arousing me even more. My ears burned with embarrassment.

Yet, I pleaded desperately, “Please, please, ah, please!” while twisting my entire body. I had to escape. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to become a mess, exposed only in my neatly buttoned shirt.

With my legs spread wide and entangled like a b*tch, this bastard looked so sturdy and elegant. His chiseled abs, reminiscent of a hero from mythology, were drenched in sweat, yet even in this situation, they seemed both infuriating and attractive.

So, I cried out like a woman pleading to a mythical hero.

“I… I’m, ’bout, ’bout to…”


But the cruel Shin Hae-jun didn’t heed my pleas.

Instead, he laughed more ferociously and pushed me harder. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh was deafening, and the scent of viscous fluids filled the air with an obscene aroma. Dirty, messy.

Amidst it all, I screamed alone. Only I clenched my teeth, endured the thrusts, clenched the revolver, extended my numb hand, and screamed. In the pleasure Shin Hae-jun unilaterally and violently provided, I finally…

“No, no….!”


Haah, angh!

Even my toes, tightly curled up, stretched out completely. I clenched my walls tightly, crying out thin and thin like a cat falling off a cliff.


And then, at that moment, Shin Hae-jun, with arms strong enough to process, lifted my waist with a sudden jerk. It felt like his relentless cock, fiercely pounding as if it would never come out of me, was being pulled out.

With a squelch, I felt embarrassed at the sound of my walls sticking tightly to his member being reluctantly pulled out. As the tightly held contents were released, the ejaculate that had not flowed out until now poured out vigorously, like a faucet. At the same time, the desire, taking on the form of hot mucus, fell onto my stomach, dripping with pleasure, and even in the hazy gap, the scent of intense night-blooming flowers spread.

Ha, hah, ah….”

Drip, drip. The thick semen felt hot wherever it fell, as if it had been burned. Even that simple sensation felt too sensitive to me, and my whole body intermittently convulsed. My fingertips tingled.

Shin Hae-jun, his black hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, leaned his face onto my chest, lost in lust. Above him, I rested my chin. No, I collapsed. His weight felt immense.


It’s crazy good. Shin Hae-jun murmured.


Thank you for reading! ♡


[ The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World ]
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Thank you for reading ♡


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