There Are No Bad Military Dogs

Chapter 16


The voice, dripping with intense passion, was almost unrecognizable.

Ahyeon’s body instinctively jolted at the mere few words. Shin Hae-jun, who had always addressed her as “Lieutenant” or “Ahyeon” in such an impersonal tone, was now calling her name in a way that sounded almost like a lover’s caress.

Ahyeon was utterly shocked, having never imagined Shin Hae-jun would call her so tenderly. Taken aback, she froze, forgetting even to pull her lips away or try to escape.

Seizing the opportunity, Shin Hae-jun reclaimed Ahyeon’s lips, kissing her hungrily.

A little more, just a little more. No matter how much he drank, it never felt enough. He grew desperate, frantic. Was this why the infected craved to devour humans? Whether or not that was the case, the Ahyeon before him looked irresistibly alluring. He wanted to bite, suck, and swallow her whole.

It wasn’t just thirst—Ahyeon, who had been constantly trying to leave him, finally came to him.




Ahyeon’s long eyelashes fluttered as she let out a whimper. Shin Hae-jun’s urgency brought a renewed sense of danger to Ahyeon.

‘It’s obvious….’

Just like the man who had lost his sanity and charged at her before, Shin Hae-jun was clearly intoxicated by her blood.

‘I tried to avoid this, but I may have been too late.’

As their eyes met, even the dark circles under Hae-jn’s eyes seemed to turn reddish. Before this situation unfolded, Hae-jn’s peculiar decadence among female colleagues had often been a topic of conversation. And now, Ahyeon could clearly see that his decadent allure had reached its peak.

‘But why does it have to be right in front of me?’

At that moment, the deep gaze of the man softened gently. Ahyeon’s nape prickled. It was dizzying, so dizzying… As soon as she found herself thinking Shin Hae-jun was attractive, Ahyeon quickly reined herself in.

‘Am I going crazy?’

But the moment Ahyeon put up her guard, Shin Hae-jun softened as if it were a lie. Just moments ago, Shin Hae-jun had been pressing against her urgently, but now his movements have become unexpectedly relaxed.


Shin Hae-jun’s tongue caressed her delicate mucous membranes that another had never touched. His fingertips grazed softly over the thin fabric covering her skin. The fabric she had always thought was sturdy and tough now felt impossibly thin and powerless.

Even as he pressed his body against hers, his tongue never left her. Whenever Ahyeon tried to pull away, Shin Hae-jun stubbornly pursued her.

This was not what she had intended. She had just wanted to take responsibility—for foolishly causing harm to this man. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yet, why was it happening like this?


As the unfamiliar contact lingered, Ahyeon’s breath gradually became ragged. When her legs, parted to straddle him, unconsciously closed in, Shin Hae-jun’s eyebrow twitched. Of course, he wouldn’t miss that. Simultaneously, his solid body pressed against Ahyeon.


Even the lightest pressure elicited a deep sense of pleasure. Ahyeon couldn’t help but moan. And with that small sound, the object beneath her grew more prominent.

Ah, haa…”

The slick, squelching sounds enveloped her eardrums. It felt like Shin Hae-jun was the only thing that existed in her world. She tried to open her eyes, but they kept closing. The unpleasant yet strangely ecstatic sensation tickled her solar plexus. Ahyeon realized for the first time just how sensitive the roof of her mouth was.

Damn it. As much as she hated to admit it, Shin Hae-jun’s skill was arousing sensual pleasure that shot up her spine. A tingling sensation gathered in the lower abdomen. No, it was more accurate to say her crotch had grown slick and damp. Her hips kept undulating.

Ugh… Fuck… Min, Ahyeon…”

“Yes, haaa. Are you calling me, General?”

However, Ahyeon was not one to simply submit. If Shin Hae-jun’s infection had stopped progressing, then there was no reason, let alone obligation, to remain in this position. The leisurely pace vastly differed from the frenzied movements of the infected Kim Yiwon. Could it be that the infection had actually halted? And was this man simply indulging his own selfish desires?


Ahyeon pretended to be composed as she traced her fingers over Shin Hae-jun’s greatly swollen front, hiding her surprise at the firm mass.

‘Fuck, what is this? A water bottle?’

As her hand touched his confined and already uncomfortable manhood, Shin Hae-jun’s brow furrowed painfully. The way his formerly smooth forehead crumpled like paper strangely satisfied her.

Aah... Fuck…”

Between his clenched lips, sounds akin to those of a wild animal that could not be described as human language, erupted haphazardly. A hot sensation could be felt beneath Ahyeon’s hands, which were grazing the fabric between them. Finally regaining some composure, Ahyeon observed the scene as if watching a spectacle, gently moving her waist.

In a world where everything seemed to be falling apart and everyone was fighting each other, it was none other than Shin Hae-jun who had been living as if he were the only one unaffected. He had suddenly appeared and didn’t hesitate to shake her to the core.

However, at this moment, it was somewhat comical how he, who was intoxicated by the scent of her blood and flesh, was begging like a horny mutt.

Ahyeon reached down and retrieved the dropped revolver. Even this movement seemed to provoke him further, as Shin Hae-jun’s breathing grew rougher. His usually placid face was now tense, with furrowed brows. Sweaty strands of hair clung to parts of his slicked face.


As Ahyeon gently brushed his hair with the hand not holding the gun, her touch felt surprisingly tender. Shin Hae-jun’s face softened, and he let out a sigh that sounded almost like a moan.

The sound seemed to convey a longing for affection, as if he were receiving tender love from a long-lost lover, yearning for affection. As he leaned forward as if wanting to kiss Ahyeon again, their lips almost touched.


Ahyeon almost moaned in response.

“Min Ahyeon…”

Min Ahyeon moans filled with frustration and agony, she felt a strange sensation growing inside her, beyond the stifling atmosphere.

Shin Hae-jun was among the strong ones she knew, not only in terms of his position but also his skills. In a world like this, if Shin Hae-jun hadn’t been a dominant force, he would have been killed long ago, perhaps just because of his arrogant demeanor. His image of dealing with infections beyond the barricades like a monster, rough and chaotic, was an unforgettable memory for Ahyeon.

However, now, seeing Shin Hae-jun in such a state, helpless and craving for her….

Ahyeon couldn’t help but feel somewhat satisfied, even though she knew this situation was a result of her inadequate response. There was a certain satisfaction in it, almost gratifying. As Ahyeon looked down at Shin Hae-jun, her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

The man who had been arrogant and overbearing was now consumed by a passion he couldn’t resist. Could there be a woman who wouldn’t feel exhilarated by that?

However, exhilaration didn’t necessarily bring about positive change in the situation.

“That’s enough.”

Anyway, it was clear that the progression of the infection had stopped. Even Shin Hae-jun, who might be slightly intoxicated with blood now, seemed somewhat calmer. His labored breathing was probably just due to the remaining fever.

Given a little more time, he would come to his senses. Now, Ahyeon needed to think about how to overcome the next problem. For now, this thing clinging to her would resolve itself with time, and she would need a plausible explanation for why the infection hadn’t progressed…


However, her contemplation was abruptly interrupted.

Shin Hae-jun grabbed Ahyeon tightly as she tried to get away from him. Not content with just that, he traced her chin and neckline with his lips, gradually moving downward. As the dry, chapped sensation of his lips touched her skin, Ahyeon’s eyes widened with a keen sensation.

At some point, Ahyeon realized, with astonishment, that her shirt had become unbuttoned, revealing her bra and the perky, white breasts in between the parted buttons. She was shocked to see her own trembling chest.

Oh, wait a minute!


Before Ahyeon could do anything to stop it, Shin Hae-jun buried his face between the parted chest, pressing his face against her cleavage.


Thank you for reading! ♡


[ The Multidimensional Cocktail Bar of the Other World ]
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

Thank you for reading ♡


  1. FunsizedCountess says:

    Oh my! 🫣

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