There Are No Bad Military Dogs

Chapter 10


In fact, there has not been much research done on the ‘infected’ yet. The reason is simple. It is because the mechanism by which the infected are created is not even understood.

Why do the infected eat humans? Why don’t they attack other animals besides humans? What is the virus’s ultimate goal in the first place? Is it to increase the number of hosts? If all of humanity becomes hosts, what conclusion will the virus meet then? No, before that.

‘Is it really true that the virus spread due to melting glaciers?’

Considering the experiments I went through, that seems unlikely. In fact, I also have a close relationship with this virus.

As I reminisced about the past, I flipped to the next page of the stack of papers for now.


[Request for Procurement of Mutant Infected Specimens]


1. Specimen Information

a. Type: Tissues/fluids of mutant infected.
Characteristics and Description: Physical features, body parts, and physiological changes of mutant infected.
c. A
cquisition Method: Capturing infected mutants or collecting carcasses.

2. Research Objectives

a. Purpose and Importance: Understanding characteristics & mutation mechanisms of mutant infected, vaccine development or response strategy formulation, etc.
b. Purpose of Specimen Use: Research on virus mutation patterns, etc.
c.Expected Effects of Research Results: Development of response strategies, improvement of human survival possibilities, etc.

3. Sample Utilization Plan

a. Collection Timing and Method: Secure infected mutant specimens specimens through safe search and exploration operations.
b. Storage and Handling Methods: Adhere to biosafety regulations for specimen storage and handling.
c. Utilization Methods of Specimens: Virus analysis, immunological research, antibody development, etc.



After skimming through the papers, I briefly averted my gaze to the distant sky then looked back at Shin Hae-jun.

“From what I can see, it’s saying that some variant of infected have appeared. Am I correct?”

“You read it right.”

Shin Hae-jun shrugged as he continued speaking.

“It’s from the Americans. I haven’t seen these mutants infected myself yet, but according to them, they’re something else entirely. They’re saying we’ll likely see mutant infected here soon too, so they contacted us to be prepared and secure specimens in advance.”

“What kind of mutation are they referring to?”

It’s a natural question anyone would ask after reading this stack of documents and hearing the explanation. But for some reason, Shin Hae-jun’s expression was ambiguous.

“You know the US president changed, right?”

“I heard it over the satellite radio.”

“They’re from the Republican side. It’s surprising there are still some holding onto their seats. Well, it’s surprising that voting is even possible. Do they really vote?”

Chuckling to himself, he then furrowed his brow and clicked his tongue.

“Anyway, the US has gone back to being conservative now. They’ve declared they won’t share information, even with ally nations.”

In other words, they didn’t disclose details about the mutation. But his statement raised another question. I pointed to the document.

“Then what’s this about?”

“It says the mutant infected have appeared, that sufficient research requires a large number of infected, and that if we gather and share infected, they’ll provide us with their information too. That’s what it is.”

It was similar to the deals Western countries used to offer to affected nations in the past. I couldn’t help but sigh.

“They’re up to their usual tricks.”

“When weren’t they?”

Shin Hae-jun laughed lightly, and I asked again.

“So, are you planning to commission me for this?”


He slowed the vehicle’s speed and squinted his eyes at me. If this was back when I served under him, I would have obediently submitted to that gaze. But now, I’m just a civilian unaffiliated with the military. So, I responded nonchalantly.

“Yes. I’m no longer a soldier.”

“You know I could have you arrested for desertion, right?”

“The reason you won’t is because you need me, isn’t it?”

He let out a faint sigh and pressed his free left hand against his forehead. The bones of those tapping fingers caught my eye.

“You’ll work with me to secure specimens of the infected. Your compensation will be information about your brother. Is that enough?”

“I’ll consider it.”

“Min Ahyeon.”

In his just-now husky voice calling out my name, I felt a wrath I hadn’t sensed until now. Each syllable seemed to carry a hint of aggression.

“As you said, you’re just a mercenary, aren’t you?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

“You should know that civilians who oppose the military can be shot, right?”


“But then, why are you here like this?”

“Because I don’t want to be on the same team as you, General.”

At that, Shin Hae-jun’s eyes widened. He seemed puzzled, as if he were hearing those words for the first time, and he asked in disbelief.


“…Are you really asking because you don’t know?”

“I don’t know.”

I felt somewhat puzzled by his genuine lack of understanding, but I didn’t bother to show it. After all, I knew well that explaining to this mad dog would only strain my own mouth.

“Then never mind, and stay ignorant for the rest of your life.”

Shin Hae-jun gripped the steering wheel tightly. The intense emotions simmering within him were palpable in the way he forcefully pressed down on the accelerator. But I knew. Our esteemed Brigadier General never displayed barbaric behavior in any situation. He could blow someone’s brains out with a gun if he wanted to.

After some time had passed, as we crossed the Gangbyeonbuk-ro and approached the Mapo Bridge, he spoke again.

“I’ll be at Shelter A Base, so come find me when you’ve made your decision.”

I jutted my chin out as I answered.

“I’ll consider it.”

“Come find me.”

He unlocked the car door as he said.

“Because I don’t want to blow off the head of a former beloved subordinate.”

Oh, how terrifying.


A bar in Seoul Shelter. With a signboard displaying a large dragon, this tavern is both Yongcheol’s home and shop.

“Hey, Min Ahyeon.”

He frowned as he placed a glass of beer in front of me.

“What are you really thinking? How can you talk like that to the General?”

It seems he didn’t actually fall asleep in the backseat, but pretended to sleep while eavesdropping on my conversation with Shin Hae-jun. I pushed aside the lukewarm beer—its taste was so sour it could hardly be called beer—and answered.

“What’s wrong with it? I’m already a deserter anyway.”


“Where are the kids?”

I cut off his words and asked about Jun and Yeon. Yongcheol gestured outside with his chin.

“I left them with Jiwoo. They need to get Shelter resident IDs.”

“Good call. Make sure they eat well.”

“I would do that without you telling me. No, wait, that’s not the important issue here!”

Yongcheol raised his voice. Just when I thought he’d drop it, he brought up that guy again.

“Shin Hae-jun, isn’t he the son of some big shot in the military?”

“To be precise, he’s the son of a Commander with four stars.”

“But even so, is it okay to talk to him like that?”

“Yeah. I’ve always been like that with him.”


Yongcheol looked as if he was shocked, but I was being too shameless, making it awkward for him to say anything more. He finally changed the subject.

“But were you a lieutenant?”


“Isn’t it quite high?”

“Two diamond.”

I made a diamond shape with my thumbs and index fingers. Yongcheol’s eyes widened.

“Wow, how on earth? No, I’m not trying to belittle you. It’s just hard to understand logically when I think about your age and all. Well, did being a national representative help you?”

“Say something that makes sense.”

“No, I’m just curious!”

I scratched my chin and squinted one eye. There’s no need to reveal that I enlisted in the military with certain conditions. In fact, I shouldn’t disclose that.

“You can stay curious forever. I’m not telling you.”

“Ah, come on! You’re really infuriatingly…”

As the narrow-minded Yongcheol glared at me with narrowed eyes, the door of the bar swung open, and a group of people rushed in.


Thank you for reading! ♡


Thank you for reading ♡


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