The Youngest Member of the Murim Alliance

YMOMA Chapter 1

Episode 1


Deep in the mountains, there was a shabby cabin.

Two burial mounds were located side by side in its wide yard.

Cheon Woojin stood still and stared at them.

He was reflecting on the wills his two teachers left before their deaths.

Master Heukno (黑老), who always insisted on only having black hair and eyebrows, as well as wearing similar black long robe, hoped that his student would become the world’s greatest villain.

– Woojin, if the only decipline of this evil master is not a villain, then it will be really ridiculous. In this disgusting world full of hypocrites, it’s even more shameful not to be a villain. In particular, these Baekdo guys are generally disgusting, so take note.

Cheon Woo-jin burst into laughter.

The gruff tone of Master Heukno’s speech was still vivid.

On the other hand, Master Baekno was a gentleman until the last moment. While stroking his snow-white beard, he would always speak about the chivalrous ways of Baekdo.1Baekdo literally translate into white, pure.. generally good things.

– You are Heukno’s disciple, but at the same time, you are also my disciple. Woojin, if you had met me a little earlier, you would have been able to kill all the evildoers in the world, including Heukno here. That is truly a pity.

– You can ignore what this senile old man says.

-Hehe, please keep your mouth shut.

– You shut up.

The image of the two teachers fighting until the last moment seemed to still be pictured before his eyes.

– Woojin, become a villain according to Heukno’s wishes.

– What? Now that it is time to die, Baekno finally says the right thing.

– You should become a villain’s villain.

– Oh, yeah.….

– Since you have received the teachings of Baekno, I have nothing to fear in the world. You should follow the teachings given to you, be good to good people and evil to bad people.

These conversations always ended with the two teachers grabbing each other by the collar.

It was said that his two teachers often enjoyed betting since they were young. Did the world know about the relationship between Master Heukno, the greatest public figure in the martial arts world, and Master Baekno, one of the thee great Baekdo master?

So the two old men made a bet in their last moment.

After their remaining lives were over.

Will this orphan boy, who did his best to learn everything, become the greatest evil person as Heukno’s disciple?

Or become a good person who will change the world?

The two old men could not predict the future even when they closed their eyes. This is because they risked their lives to teach Cheon Woojin.

Of course, Cheon Woojin also did not know the future.

In fact, he wasn’t interested whether they were good people or bad people in the first place.

He was just grateful that they had fed him, put him to sleep, and taught many things to an orphan who had nowhere to go at such a young age.

Cheon Woo-jin, who was lost in his sentiments for a moment, was about to bow to the tombstones of his two teachers, but stopped.

– Woojin. If ten years pass and the world calls you a villain, bow to my tombstone.

– And if they call you a sage, bow to this Baekno’s tombstone and engrave your name on it.

Cheon Woojin, who remembered the last words of his two teachers, smiled bitterly.

“You did even not allow me to bow at the last moment.”

They were mischievous teachers until the end.

Cheon Woojin took the Crescent Moon Stick(月牙棒) left behind by Heukno and the Crane Feather Flare (鶴羽煽) left by Baekno.2You will get an idea about their shape in the following context.

It was the only keepsake of the two teachers.

At the same time, since it was a black-and-white 3Black indicate evil martial arts and white for good martial arts twin weapon, it was right for Cheon Woojin, who fully learned the martial arts of both, to have it.

The moment when Cheon Woojin was about to take a step.


Chilly air settled around him.

Soon, ten people in black fell down and surrounded the cabin.

“Are you Heukno’s disciple?”

“Looking at Crescent Moon Stick, it seems to be correct.”

They exchange questions and answers among themselves.

Cheon Woojin just stood still.

‘Are they Master Heukno’s enemy?’

Master Baekno said that it was common in martial arts for a teacher’s bad relationships to be passed on to his disciple.

– The only sects in the martial arts world that can be considered my enemies are those from the Demonic Cult, but since most martial arts people are enemies of Heukno, Woojin, you will always have to be careful.

Cheon Woojin, who remembered Baekno’s words, nodded towards the people in black.

“I am Cheon Woojin, Heukno’s disciple.”

Soon, a man who appeared to be the leader of the people in black walked out. He looked at Cheon Woojin as if observing him and then spoke.

“I don’t have any malice towards you. I plan to return quietly as long as I get the Crescent Moon Stick back.”

Cheon Woo-jin held out the Crescent Moon Stick made of dark-colored iron. It showed some signs of age, but it seemed sturdy enough to crush anything.

“You mean this?”

“Yes. It was originally ours, so if Senior Heukno is dead, it would be right to take it back.”


Now he knew that he was not Master Heukno’s enemy.

There was a story he often heard from Master Heukno.

– The Dark Emperor (暗天子). It can be said that most of the major villains of the time were his disciples. It was the same for me too. However, I cut off ties with those guys when I turned 40, so in the future, if you meet those who claim to be the Dark Emperor’s disciples, hit them on the head without even asking questions.

Of course, since all of  Dark Emperor’s disciples were evil people, killing them would have made Master Baekno very happy.

Cheon Woojin asked to make sure.

“Are you the disciples of the Dark Emperor?”

“That’s what our teacher said. His teacher was a giant named the Dark Emperor who left behind many wicked people in his time, and they raised many more wicked people as their disciples.”

Cheon Woojin nodded as if he understood.

“In a way, I could say that the people here are my alumni. Because I am also a disciple of one of the Dark Emperor’s disciples. I salute my fellow alumni.”

Soon, Cheon Woojin’s attitude took a turn and he saluted in a polite manner.

The people in black exchanged glances.

‘I was nervous because he said that he was Heukno’s disciple.’

He didn’t seem to be very old, and was surprisingly easy to talk to.

Cheon Woojin held out the Crescent Moon Stick towards the man in black.

A gesture as if to say ‘take it’.

Of course, the man in black was also one of the warriors raised with great care by one of the greatest villains of the time, so he did not let go of his guard.

Following his cautious steps, the other warriors surrounding the cabin also narrowed the siege little by little.

Soon, a circle with a radius of 3m was created with Cheon woojin at the center.

As the man in black stretched out his hand to receive the Crescent Moon Stick, he prepared to draw his sword with his left hand in preparation for a surprise attack.

He was so nervous and careful.

The moment when his fingertips lightly touch the dark-colored iron bar.

He had the illusion that the Crescent Moon Stick was blurring and stretching out like a taffy stick…….


The sword of the man in black was not even half drawn, when…


His head exploded like a ripe gourd

That wasn’t the end. The Crescent Moon Stick drew a black full moon with Cheon woojin at the center.

Ten Thousand Dark Moons (暗天滿月).

Bam Bam Bam!

Blood, flesh, and bone marrows were splashed in the air. It happened in an instant. Ten heads exploded at once, and only those with a high level of skill had even laid their hands on the sword.

Cheon Woojin slammed the Crescent Moon Stick on the floor.

The blood and flesh on the bar fell off, and the ten headless bodies fell to the ground.

The blood they shed turned the wide yard red.

After picking up the bar, Cheon Woojin’s gaze turned to the dense bush.


The slight sound of leaves rustling sounded like thunder to Cheon Woojin’s ears.

‘Are there seven people in total?’

After finishing his inspection, Cheon Woojin took out a white fan from his sleeve and unfolded it.


It was a fan made of crane feathers with three white cranes drawn on it.

Soon, he was leisurely fanning himself like a person escaping the heat under the shade of a midsummer tree.

The wind that started to form at the end of the fan moved forward and grew in size, until it filled the wide yard.

Then with another strock of the crane fan.

The thick branches of a giant tree were bent as if they were about to break. Surprisingly, in the midst of such chaos, the burial mound of the two teachers was peaceful without a breath of wind.


A heavy sound echoed from some distance away.

Following the sound, the people in black who were running away fell to the ground, bleeding.

Soon, Cheon Woojin folded the fan and turned his gaze to his back.

The man in black, who had managed to survive the fierce wind, was looking at Cheon Woojin in fear.

“Please, save me.”

Cheon Woojin asked into the air.

“Masters, what should I do?”

Naturally, the dead men said nothing.

However, Cheon Woojin looked at Heukno’s tombstone and nodded.

“Yes, I understand.”


Frustration appeared on the black man’s face.

Soon, Cheon Woojin, who was looking around the floor, picked up a stone the size of his fist…….

Bang- Puck!

The last remaining person in black had his head blown off. Even with blood everywhere, the area around where Cheon Woojin was standing was extremely peaceful.

Soon, Cheon Woojin, who had adjusted the hem of his clothes, offered lottery tickets instead of bowing towards the graves of his two teachers.

– Hahaha! You made these guys look so nice. Just like this, go find their teacher and break his bones!

– Well done, Woojin. There is no need to show mercy to the wicked, or you might end up in danger again.

He imagined his two teachers looking so happy, and for some reason, he felt happy.

Cheon Woojin bowed his head toward the mound and said goodbye to his teachers.

“I, your student, am a little nervous as I’m about to leave. But I will act so as not to tarnish the reputation of my teachers.”

Cheon Woojin raised his head again after announcing his decision and turned towards the Murim.

– What is there for you to be nervous about? The world is the one that should be nervous.

– Heukno is right. Except for the three warriors who were not afraid of us, the whole world will be watching you closely4It means it will watch him out of caution .

Cheon Woojin smiled at the words that seemed to be coming from behind.

That’s how Cheon Woojin took his first step towards the world.

No one could know whether he would be an evil person or a good person.




Woo-jin and Woojin are the same thing, but only close people say Woojin casually, with the full name though it usually is written Cheon Woo-jin. In the following chapters I will apply this rule, but in this one I didn’t do so to familiarise with his name.

Ok, what do think of this chapter, is it good, It’s really twice as difficult to translate martial arts, but I have noticed that quite some people like them and don’t find them often, so here we are(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

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