The Youngest Member Filming a Parenting Show is Adorable








“The disease is progressing quickly. They mentioned that now, more time is spent lying down than sitting.”


“That’s unfortunate. He was a promising one. And what about the inquiries we made earlier?”


I apologize. I have also tried to contact Raximon of the Dawn and Ishel of the Fading Light, but… there is no news from the noble families under their command regarding anyone with the same bijou.”


Admiral Diegon Pashayen has two sons.


The first, Mikard, is thirteen years old.


The second, Elzen, is eleven years old.


Both were renowned as potential future admirals.


However, one day, Elzen suddenly fell ill.


There is only one way to save him.


He must find a companion with the same bijou and share their life force.


“It’s decided. If that’s how far his life will go, then it’s his fate. By the way, is today her second lesson?”


Galizard asked in a low voice. Cedric adjusted his glasses and answered immediately.


“If you’re referring to Miss Shu, yes.”


“Teach her about the Spirit King. She hasn’t yet made an official contract with the Spirit King. We need to guide her so she can become the Spirit King’s contractor.”


“Yes. It would be a great fortune for our family. If it happens, that is.”


“We must make it happen. If it does, it will be extremely useful. Even if she doesn’t become a full-fledged empath, she will still have value.”


Galizard’s eyes shone sharply.


Cedric, with his head bowed, quickly scribbled something on the parchment he was holding.


“More, more, more additional work. So annoying…”


At that moment, Galizard chuckled benevolently.


“Don’t be annoyed, boy.”




“Ugh, these guys are all so impudent. Tsk.”


“I am a worthless and inadequate human, so I can only sleep three hours a day. I’m extremely tired.”


Cedric was trusted greatly, though he didn’t particularly welcome it.


However, Cedric’s ambition lay in bed.


He wanted to sleep for 12 hours!


No, he simply didn’t want to get up!


He didn’t want to go to work!!


Every month he submits a resignation letter, but Galizard just ignores it… so Cedric tends to act somewhat recklessly.


Galizard was endlessly tolerant towards talent, so he indulged such behavior.


“Well then, it’s about time for you to go to your lesson, isn’t it?”


“Sigh, yes.”


Of course, he never forgets to assign tasks like this.


Just as Cedric was sluggishly moving like a drooping squid.




When he opened the door, there was a small child standing there.


The child looked up at him with bright, clear eyes.


“Hello! Is Grandpa Marshmallow here?”




Cedric, who had been staring at the young lady with a dead-fish-like, dull gaze, sniffed.


It was definitely the smell of cookies.


“This is… it’s for you, teacher.”


“Excuse me?”


“When you eat it, it gives you strength!”




It was a statement without any logic, but anyhow, this person is currently the rising star of Pashayen.


And behind him is none other than Admiral, His Excellency.


‘It’s best to accept it… right?’


He was already under the scrutinizing gaze of Master Diegon due to the youngest lady’s outburst at the educational institute.


If he upset Master Diegon any further, he could forget about a peaceful retirement.


‘The happiness of a lazy life as an unemployed person could turn into being bedridden after getting beaten to a pulp.’


Having completed that calculation, Cedric received the cookie, albeit reluctantly.


‘She’s probably acting cute because she still doesn’t understand much.’


Soon enough, she will realize the position of Lady Pashayen.


And she’ll be influenced by those brats.


Though it was a biased view, Cedric’s bias was deeply rooted in experience.


“Hey, is this only for the teacher?”


“No, there’s one for everyone. I baked it myself.”


Cedric watched weakly as the little lady passed by him to offer the cookie to head of the family. He slowly realized something.


‘She isn’t afraid…? No, she’s not even hesitant at all.’




‘Even Lady Cecilia, the Admiral’s own daughter, still hesitates in front of her father.’


Her name is Shupetty Pashayen.


Though she insists on being called Chuu.


A commoner, orphan, and a product of a public daycare center.


Her dream is to become a chef.


According to the ‘assessment’ of the daycare teacher, her physical development, such as height and oral structure, is delayed by about four years.


She appears to be between two and a half to three years old, but the exact age is unknown.


Where she came from, and who her biological parents are, remain a mystery.


It is also unknown when or how she awakened. She was discovered already awakened.


Bijou’s form, unknown.


There is a 1% chance she is Master Diegon’s biological daughter.


However, this is unlikely due to age discrepancies.


In dangerous situations or when she feels threatened, she is protected by the Water Spirit King. It is uncertain if this will happen again.


Originally, according to the daycare’s report on discovering an awakened child, she was scheduled to be registered with a collateral branch next year.


However, due to a divine revelation from the ancient whale ancestor, she was registered with the main Pashayen family.


As these details about the new lady ran through Cedric’s mind, a slight curiosity emerged within him.


“Oh, it’s shaped like a bear.”


“If you take a bite, it turns into an orca.”


“Well then, I’ll give it a try. Cedric also says he’ll eat it well.”


Under subtle pressure, Cedric put the cookie in his mouth.


The sweetness spread immediately.


The taste was fairly ordinary.


What could she have done with those little hands? Most of the work must have been done by the maids.


Cedric, munching absentmindedly, suddenly paused.




I looked up at the teacher, who seemed confused, with some concern.


The teacher looked genuinely unhappy today.


I hope eating this makes him feel better!


“By the way, why did you suddenly decide to bake this?”


“Because teacher looked tired.”


“Oh, so you wanted to give it to Cedric because he seemed tired?”




I nodded vigorously at Grandfather’s words.


[The Water Spirit King ‘■■■■’ is looking at you proudly, saying, ‘My child has such a kind heart.’]


“How admirable.”


I smiled widely because I liked the feeling of Grandfather’s large hand patting my head.


Getting praised from everywhere makes me excited!




It was then.


“How… did you make this?”


Teacher Cedric, who had been trembling, approached me with a serious expression.


Looking at him with a bright smile, I clapped my hands together.


“Teacher’s eyes have become clear!”


It must have been the orca-shaped sugar that gave him strength.




“Oh, Miss. Please have a seat here.”




What, what is this?


The teacher is being too kind!


A little later, I held Teacher Cedric’s hand as we headed to the classroom.


“Let’s see. It’s warm, isn’t it? There’s a fan here.”


“A fan…?”


Not knowing what it was, I tilted my head in confusion.


It was definitely something I’d never seen before.


‘But why does it feel like I’ve seen it somewhere?’


As I blinked, unsure of what to do, the teacher placed the fan beside me.


“Here, this stone that resembles an opal is a spirit stone infused with the spirit of air. Do you see the tiny stone next to it?”




“That’s a mana stone. It’s used to stabilize the magic circle. Combining spirit stones and magic to create convenient products like this is called magic engineering.”


The wind fluttered my pink hair.


It wasn’t that hot, but it still felt cool, so I quickly expressed my thanks.


“Thank you!”


Then, I glanced back and noticed that my friends were giving me stunned looks.


“Hey, have you ever seen Cedric act like that?”




“I think the only time I’ve seen him is when he was whining to Master Leviwood to let him leave.”


“This is way too unfair, isn’t it?”


I could hear them whispering among themselves.


That’s when it happened.


[The Fire Spirit King ‘■■■■■’ kindly advises that you shouldn’t care about those who can’t even speak up to your face.]


‘Yeah, that’s right.’


I want to get along with everyone as much as possible, but I’m not the class leader anymore, so it’s fine.


When I entered the classroom, I remembered that my name tag had been torn, and I felt a bit sad.


‘No, if I think about it, I’ll just want to cry again.’


I have to forget it bravely.


Those friends aren’t in the classroom now, so it’s okay.


I heard that the Spirit Kings even scolded them.


“Well then, today I will introduce the eight Spirit Kings of this world.”


“Ah, I already know all about that!”


I straightened my posture at the teacher’s words. But then, complaints and jeers erupted from behind me.


It was the first time I’d seen anyone talk back to the teacher, so I opened my eyes wide in surprise.


The teacher, however, remained calm.


“If you don’t want to attend my class, you’re free to leave. I won’t stop you. In fact, I’ll inform the head of family so that you don’t have to attend the next lesson.”




“Not leaving? Then let’s continue the lesson.”


The teacher is scary…


The children fell silent instantly.


Though they were still breathing heavily in frustration, they couldn’t say a word.


Meanwhile, Teacher Cedric wrote on the blackboard.



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