The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 6”

After enduring all of Lucas’s tantrums and coming out, I found that I had much less leisure time than I thought. I quickly undid the bonnet Lucas had tied for me and roughly tidied my hair before heading outside. It was a rare occasion when the maid’s skills were put to use, but it wasn’t quite perfect, leaving me somewhat disappointed.

As I stepped outside the palace, perhaps Joshua Prince had instructed in advance, as the maid was waiting for me. She was the one who had helped with my grooming earlier.

“I’ve been instructed to accompany you, miss,” the maid said with a sparkle in her eyes. Unlike before, she was dressed in casual clothes rather than the palace maid uniform.

Originally, I had planned to go out to the townhouse and bring a town maid with me, but it worked out well this way. As long as it looked presentable to others, it was fine. There wasn’t anyone among the town maids whom I was particularly close to or trusted.

“It’s amusing how there are so many people loyal to Lucas around, and yet I…,” I thought to myself. Even the town maids tended to favor Lucas more than me. Occasionally, Uncle had scolded a few town maids for showing excessive favoritism towards Lucas, but when it came to me, he just clicked his tongue with a displeased look. At that time, I was too preoccupied with sending Lucas to the capital to think about anything else.

“…I shouldn’t be thinking such thoughts.”

Maybe it was because I had arrived in the capital, but I felt a sense of relief and relaxation. There were still many things I had to do for Lucas, but I needed to adjust to this lifestyle a bit longer.

“Once you’ve boarded the ship, you have to see it through to the end to ensure my safety,” Lucas had said I was his childhood friend, so he and I were already on the same boat.

As we got into the carriage, the maid spoke cautiously.

“If it’s alright with you, miss, may I tidy your hair again?”


In a moving carriage like this?

Seeing my worried expression, she confidently took out a comb and hairpins from her handbag and spoke again.

“I can do it well. I never claim to be capable of something I’m not confident in.”

Her lively voice sounded like the chirping of a bird.

So, I nodded at the maid again.

I knew she was sent by Joshua, but it wasn’t like information would leak out just because she combed my hair again. Besides, I wasn’t satisfied with my hair when I came out, so it was a good opportunity to fix it.

In the moving carriage, the maid skillfully combed my hair without causing any mess, and without pulling or tugging at my hair despite the swaying of the carriage. Soon, she neatly arranged my hair without any stray strands. She even took out a hand mirror she had and showed it to me. It was so neatly done that it made me smile involuntarily.

“It’s really well done.”

“Is it? It’s a great honor to be able to touch the beautiful curls of a lady like you. I’m so grateful that you allowed me to do it.”

Her cheerful words made me laugh.

Despite the events of today, and the upcoming confrontation with Joshua, my headache seemed to lessen for a moment.

“What’s your name?”

So, I asked, even though I didn’t need to.

Today was just one day, but besides my childhood nanny, no one had cared for me as much as she had. No, maybe even more than my nanny.

“I’m Rosina, miss.”

Her cheeks flushed again. Now that I looked, her hair was also a deep brown color, and it was quite curly.

“My hair is said to be difficult to touch, but seeing yours, it seems similar to mine.”

“It’s not similar at all, miss!”

She replied firmly, shaking her head.

“My hair is really stiff and curly, and if I don’t take care of it, the comb gets stuck in it. Every time I have to pull out the tangled mess, it’s such a hassle, even though I’ve tried every method to soften my hair.”

She complained happily. I agreed because I knew her struggles.

“If it rains, is it harder to handle?”

“Yes, miss!” Rosina enthusiastically agreed, then suddenly realized she might have been too excited and became more subdued, her cheeks reddening even more.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away talking too much. You’ve been so kind to me, and I ended up talking too much by myself. The prince told me not to make you uncomfortable…”

“No, I enjoyed it too.”

When was the last time I had such a simple conversation? I couldn’t recall, it seemed like a distant memory. Although there weren’t necessarily bad people in the marquisate, they weren’t particularly warm or friendly either, and being addressed as “miss,” I couldn’t talk freely with the maids. Moreover, ever since I learned Lucas’s secret, my mind had been filled only with thoughts about him.

Thinking about it now, I realized that I hadn’t spent my teenage years for myself. It was the same in my past life…

“…Back then, my family relationships weren’t good either.”

As the illegitimate daughter between my mother and father, I bore the expectations of both of them. They had a severe academic complex and only wished for me to get into a good university.

“You’re not good at anything, so at least you should study hard to make a living!”

I didn’t particularly dislike studying, but I always felt frustrated, feeling like it wasn’t my path. I often wanted to run away.

During those times, my solace was being a fan.

“Since you’re so engrossed in these things, your grades are like this. Should I feed you? Should I raise your scores?”

“We’ve told you so many times to go to college. Why don’t you understand?”

Ironically, despite forcing me to study so much, they didn’t see the results, and eventually, they passed away without seeing them.

“So, now, I don’t hate my life. I just feel comfortable living it. It’s just that I have some things I want to do.”

Borrowing the words of my former parents, it would be like having a full stomach.

As I sighed lightly, Rosina’s eyebrows furrowed with worry.

“Sorry, was I too noisy again?”

“No, I really enjoyed it.”

I tried to smile as softly as possible, feeling sorry for worrying her. Lucas once told me that my smile could be misunderstood, so he advised me to keep a blank expression or smile lightly.

Fortunately, Rosina seemed relieved by my words and shyly smiled back.

As we rode the carriage, the city streets were bustling and noisy with the festival celebrating the hero Lucas Delrick, who had achieved many feats.

Although I had accomplished one of those feats, my heart was filled with a sense of emptiness, like sand slipping through my fingers.

After riding for a couple of hours and passing through the city gate, the streets became moderately quiet as we reached the outskirts. It felt like entering another world.

Only then could I somewhat calm my restless heart that had been in turmoil since leaving the palace.

Back when I lived in the marquisate, whenever I felt gloomy, I used to take solitary walks along quiet forest paths.

When the carriage finally stopped in front of the monastery, I could see Joshua Prince waiting outside through the window.

“…Is it okay for him to greet me so openly?”

Wasn’t he supposed to hide our meeting?

I wondered as he opened the door and extended his hand, which I didn’t refuse.

“Please forgive my rudeness for not escorting you from the palace.”

“No, it’s not like I’m unaware of the prince’s circumstances. If anything, I was relieved.”

Joshua’s eyes twitched slightly at my words, then returned. It seemed he thought I might not even be able to get out of the carriage properly, as he overly escorted me.

Did nobles who spent time in the countryside hardly ever ride carriages?

I couldn’t help but think, but at the same time, I was impressed.

Despite having hired etiquette teachers for Lucas, his escort skills weren’t this perfect.

At that moment, I felt a sharp energy emanating from Joshua. When I looked up questioningly, his eyes sharpened briefly before returning to normal.

“…I was a little nervous for a moment.”


“I was captivated by your beauty, Miss Blanche. I regretted not choosing a better gift, even though I sent presents…”

Trying to change the subject, he said something like that. Why was he turning it in this direction? My expression was about to stiffen further at his overly smooth words.

“Seeing you now, I realize all my worries were unnecessary. Everything becomes perfect when you wear it.”


His smile was so perfect that if I hadn’t been suspicious of him, I might have mistaken his immense kindness toward me.
“He doesn’t need to flatter me so extravagantly.”
I know very well that I’m not someone deserving of such praise.
Joshua Medleric was truly a masterful manipulator.
Isn’t he trying to use very, very bad methods to make people feel conceited and self-destructive?
It’s really bad how he treats me, a noble who hardly ever lived in the capital, Your Highness Joshua!
While inwardly shouting so, I responded with a light smile, determined not to lose in this mental battle.
“Thank you. Your Highness looks very splendid today as well.”
It was a very formal reply, yet for some reason, being near Prince Joshua felt like being surrounded by a gentle breeze of blooming spring flowers.




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