The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 5”

“Wow, wow, you’re so, so beautiful, my lady!”
When all the preparations were finally done, the maid clapped her hands excitedly. Thanks to her, I had to work hard to suppress the slight sense of pride swelling up inside me.

I couldn’t afford to be swayed by such words. The maid was probably like a shopkeeper trying to sell one more item.

Still, I quite liked how I looked.
My hair was usually so unruly that even my personal maid often grimaced in the mornings, but this maid had indeed skillfully managed it, making it look pretty.

Instead of simply tying up my hair, she had styled it into soft waves and decorated it with an accessory that didn’t feel cumbersome.

Moreover, the dress felt much more fitting than usual, perhaps because it was different in craftsmanship or because it had been chosen by Joshua.

The design was also very fashionable according to the latest trends in social circles.
Having assessed my aesthetic sense with Lucas’ help and researched fashion trends extensively, I realized that my taste might not perfectly align with this world’s standards.

Regarding appearance, it was hard to draw a definitive conclusion, but it was enough for me to know that Lucas’ looks were appreciated in this world.

“Everyone will surely turn to look at you, my lady. You’re so stunning.”

“Thank you, you’ve done a great job. It must have been challenging to manage my hair.”
“Challenging? Not at all! If I had been able to help with drying it after your bath, it would have been even more beautiful, but your hair is truly lovely, my lady.”

The maid shook her head vigorously as she spoke. Once again, I marveled at Joshua’s meticulousness.
So this was his way of softening people’s hearts!
Though he was an adversary, I mentally applauded him. It was no easy feat to be so thorough.
I was admiring the details of what I was wearing when the door suddenly burst open.


Lucas, my childhood friend, entered without even knocking, striding in confidently.
The maid sent by Joshua was so startled that she nearly gasped.

“You’re already up? I thought you’d sleep in since you went to bed later than me. Didn’t I tell you before that it’s necessary and ladylike to rest properly?”

Lucas approached, ignoring the maid standing nearby.


“The best thing about you is your skin, so it would be a disaster if it deteriorated.”
He leaned against the dressing table and looked me over critically.

With a gesture, he signaled the maid to leave, which she did with a slightly resentful look.
‘I understand. She said she was confident in her skills.’

It made sense she felt that way, given that Lucas showed no interest in the look she had painstakingly created.
Thus, it became even more apparent that the maid’s enthusiastic praise was just flattery.
“I woke up early because it’s hard to sleep in a new place.”


Lucas didn’t seem particularly interested in my explanation, as I had expected.
“There’s a bonnet here, so why didn’t you wear it? With your hair down like this, a bonnet would suit you much better.”

Lucas picked up the bonnet and placed it on my head, smiling with satisfaction.
“See, with the ribbons tied loosely like this. Alicia, you always tied them too tightly, which didn’t suit you. It showed too much of your face.”

“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Of course, I let it go in one ear and out the other.

It was her who needed to look beautiful, not me. I was content to go about in my own comfort. Besides, there was no need to look so stunning for my meeting with Joshua today.

After enduring Lucas’ morning tantrum, I thought about getting ready to leave, but Lucas spoke in a surprisingly cheerful tone.

“But seriously, what’s gotten into you? You’ve put in so much effort today. Was it because of me? Were you trying to look good for our event together? I mean, it might have been awkward for you to stand by my side in your usual attire.”

What was he talking about? I stared at him dumbfoundedly.

“Or maybe you were provoked, Alicia? Because I mentioned yesterday that I’d partner with the Countess I was introduced to?”

Lucas playfully tousled my well-maintained hair as if teasing me, his sunny smile beaming down on me like a ray of sunlight.

On that summer day, with his handsome face that I once thought resembled a spirit of sunlight.

“Don’t worry, Alicia. No matter who I partner with in the future, your place will always be by my side. Tonight, I plan to dance with you for the third dance at the reception.”

My heart felt heavy. If I mentioned my schedule for today, it would cast a shadow over his face. I wondered where to begin correcting his endless misconceptions.

In my days at the marquisate, it seemed like Lucas couldn’t break free from a different kind of attachment.

“No, it’s better to do this sooner rather than later.”

I resolved myself. The capital wasn’t as comfortable as the marquisate. Even if it was for her sake, I had to steel myself.

“Lucas, I’m not going to the event today.”


“You were like that yesterday too, weren’t you? Yesterday, it might have been passable for me to attend as your childhood friend, but if I go out again today, it might seem inappropriate.”

“Alicia, did my words yesterday upset you? I was just feeling good after having a drink.”

“No, I’m not upset.”

It wasn’t that I looked like I didn’t belong with him, as Lucas said, but I had thought about it since I arrived in the capital.

It wasn’t good for Luca Delic to deepen his connections from the marquisate. Every time the Emperor saw that, it seemed like he was exposing his flaws, which would likely upset him.

If I were just Blante’s marquisette visiting the capital for leisure, it would be different.

“You know, Lucas. I always think about you.”


“It’s okay, you’ve tried so hard until now. You can do well on your own.”

Lucas seemed uneasy at my words, tousling his own hair recklessly.

Soon, with a deep sigh, he looked at me with piercing golden eyes and asked,

“So, what’s with the attire today? Not for me?”

I was suddenly puzzled by his words.

Did I have a reason to dress up for you?

To make you stand out, I should act as if I’m not trying too hard.

Of course, if I were going to a concert or a fan meeting, I might have made some effort to look good for my favorite—even if it meant just a grain of effort—but you and I had already moved past that kind of relationship.

“Otherwise, there’s no reason for me to dress like this. Did you get invited to some tea party or something?”

I honestly shook my head at his words.

Normally, I would have told him honestly that I was going to meet Prince Joshua. But for some reason, I had a strange feeling.

That I shouldn’t let Lucas know about meeting Prince Joshua.

So I just smiled and reassured Lucas. Since he was in a good mood after yesterday, he would easily go along with a vague excuse.

“There’s someone I need to meet here in the capital.”

“Someone you need to meet? A man?”

At that, I hesitated for a moment before shaking my head.

Lucas’ golden eyes narrowed briefly, then he sighed and rested his head on my shoulder, looking at me with a boyish pout that he only showed to me.

“Alright, if it’s important enough for Alicia to say so. But—”


“You’ll pick out my clothes for today before you go, right? Like you always do.”

At his words, I chuckled and nodded.

Lucas often criticized my fashion sense, yet strangely, he always asked me to choose his outfits. Thanks to that, I had studied fashion more.

The door closed with a thud.

Lucas quietly stared at the spot where she had just left. Something felt off. Alicia’s behavior was the same as always, but—

‘Something’s strange. Ever since we arrived in the capital, it feels like Alicia is trying too hard to behave.’

At first, he thought she was just being sensible, but there was an unsettling feeling.

Even if he pushed her away, Alicia should not do the same. She was supposed to move for his sake.

Lucas roughly untied the elegant crimson tie she had picked for him and spoke to his attendant.

“Bring me another tie.”

Ah, he was definitely in a bad mood.

Her oddly subdued demeanor, yet everything she did was perfect—down to the tie she chose for him being a flawless match.

So, Lucas wanted to mess it up, to ruin it.

If it was too perfect, it felt like she wouldn’t be confined to what he wanted.

‘Have a good time, Lucas. You know I’m proud of you, right?’

That bright smile and those eyes filled with blind affection for him.

‘She should be looking at only me with those eyes.’

With a sly smile, Lucas spoke to his attendant.

“Find out who Alicia is meeting today.”

He had no intention of letting the carefully tamed bird relearn how to fly.




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