The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 32”


However, he endured his rapidly rising reputation with remarkable patience.
‘I should have listened to Alicia sooner…’
Lucas wasn’t exceptionally wise, but he wasn’t utterly foolish either. He was particularly sensitive to negative attention directed at him. It was a survival instinct honed from his childhood, when he had to flee the imperial palace to survive.

Thus, he quickly sensed the growing disapproval directed his way around the time of the Founding Day Ball. Lucas told himself he was trying to win Alicia back, but deep down he knew it wasn’t entirely true. He just didn’t want to admit it.

‘Alicia should have tried a little harder for me.’
She had always told him,
‘I want you, Prince Lucas, to shine brightly.’
‘Yes, because it suits you so well.’
When was it? A few years ago, Alicia had been dressed plainly and drably, as usual. But back then, Lucas had been genuinely trying to win her favor, a rare occasion. He couldn’t deny that Joshua’s recent visit to the Blante Marquisate played a part in his effort. His cunning half-brother always seemed to take what was his.

Perhaps that was why, despite her simple attire, Alicia seemed to glow even more brilliantly in the sunlight-dappled forest. Lucas dismissed it as an illusion, yet he vaguely recalled thinking that the light around Alicia was truly radiant as she spoke like a singing child.

‘Such memories…’
Thinking that, Lucas clenched his fist tightly. It felt like he was scratching at some deep wound within himself just by recalling it.

Oddly enough, even as he thought this, Lucas Medelaike couldn’t completely disregard these memories. It felt wrong to do so.

“We have arrived, Your Highness.”
Lost in dull memories, Lucas found that the carriage had come to a stop. His destination today was none other than the Central Botanical Garden in the capital. Built by the Emperor for Empress Celesta, this garden was filled with rare plants and hailed as the pinnacle of artificial beauty. Many of the ancient structures in the capital were touched by magicians and spiritists, but this place was a technological marvel.

People believed that crafting with glass and crystals could only be done with magical or spiritual power, but Empress Celesta had invited craftsmen from her country to showcase something new. People were thrilled by this novelty, and some even argued it was time to move beyond the age of magicians and spiritists, making the garden a unique symbol.

Of course, Lucas Medelaike hadn’t chosen this location for its symbolic reasons.

‘Alicia, you alone must understand.’
Alicia had always adapted to him, but now Lucas thought it was time to cater to her tastes a little. He needed Alicia, and his dull and simple childhood friend would flash a radiant smile with just a small token of joy.

‘…That’s why I told you not to smile, Alicia.’
Lucas ground his teeth. Since the Founding Day Ball, Alicia had attended a couple of major social events. But rumors of Joshua and Cesare vying for her attention had swiftly changed the way the nobles looked at her. She attended one event with Joshua and another with Cesare, and seeing her subtle smile made some men blush, which irritated Lucas.

‘I told you to smile only for me, Alicia.’
Only he should know she was a gem. Lucas sighed shortly, brushing his hair back.

‘When she returns to me, I’ll make sure no one else can covet her.’
Alicia was kind and simple; she would once again show him blind devotion. Lucas had no doubt about that. He believed that this time he could firmly tie her to him. Thinking it stemmed from strong affection for him made it somewhat endearing.

Yes, Alicia would surely come to this botanical garden today. Lucas Medelaike believed this without a doubt.

“Your Highness…”
Until the incompetent Joseph Bender spoke nonsense.
“Lady Blante… did arrive.”
“But she… came with Prince Joshua.”
The smile on Lucas’s beautiful face instantly faded into a cold glare. His golden eyes glinted dangerously as he moved through the garden with heavy steps. Soon, he heard Alicia’s voice and saw her distinctive rose-colored hair from a distance. At that moment, he felt a sharp pain.

‘…Is this your answer, Alicia?’
Lucas Medelaike thought the pain was a sign of his anger.


“I feel really good.”
“Because you came to the botanical garden?”
“No, because you invited me.”
Joshua spoke with a beaming face as they strolled through several sections of the garden.

At that moment, I almost heard the sound of Joshua’s aide choking in the background.
“…Are you criticizing me right now?”
Because of that, my words came out a bit sharper than intended. I felt embarrassed, and I was acutely aware that I was still not immune to his gentle tone. I wanted to hide that fact somehow.

I felt that if I continued to get entangled with Joshua, it wouldn’t be good. If I just accepted his kindness comfortably, I felt like I would be swept away. Even though I knew Joshua wasn’t like Lucas, I still bristled like a hedgehog.

‘I’m really pathetic.’
I shouldn’t treat a good person like this.

Somehow, I always ended up being too honest or turning into a nasty complainer in front of Joshua. But, as if he were the embodiment of kindness itself, he gently brushed a petal off my head and spoke softly.

“Thinking that makes me feel like I should refine my tone a bit more.”
“I just want Alicia to take my words lovingly, no matter what I say.”

I heard another grunt from behind us. I understood why; my toes were starting to tingle too.

“Don’t think like that, Alicia. It’s just that I’m so happy I can’t contain myself.”
“You can think of it as me not having fully passed through puberty yet.”

You? Still in puberty?

You’re much more mature than Lucas or me! The words didn’t fit at all, and I cast a doubtful glance at him. Joshua just smiled cheerfully.

“Joshua, I think you really like joking around too much in front of me-”

I was about to say. But suddenly, my freely moving wrist was almost grabbed by someone.

Before that could happen, Joshua pulled me to him.

For some reason, he looked at me with eyes full of bitterness rather than betrayal.



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