The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 31”

The Reckoning

“Please, forgive me, Miss Blante!”

As soon as I appeared in the parlor, Lady Cheina, the Count’s daughter, forgot her manners and started pleading for forgiveness. In the few days since the Founding Ball, she had become gaunt, with swollen eyes indicating significant emotional turmoil.

‘But that’s none of my concern,’ I thought.

There were many young ladies who had sent me threatening letters. Most of them were harmless, childish attempts with no severe insults. The reason I had been taking my time over the past ten days wasn’t just to enjoy a bit of leisure, but because…

‘They had all sent me lengthy apologies.’

Whether due to my brother’s influence, shock from Joshua’s change in attitude, or genuinely realizing their mistakes, they all did their best to apologize for their frivolity.

‘Like trolls who hastily write apologies when faced with legal action.’

I had plenty of evidence letters, neatly compiled as PDFs, or rather, physical letters. But Lady Cheina was different. Her letter was malicious and, during the grace period I had extended, she did nothing. Even her father had sent a letter to the Solare merchant guild in a futile attempt to cover their tracks.

How childish can one be?

‘Lady Cheina, did you send an apology letter? I heard that if you send a letter of apology, Miss Blante won’t notify your family despite what happened at the ball.’
‘Yes, Lady Cheina. You should apologize quickly. They say that Prince Lucas is paying attention to Miss Blante these days.’
Even her associates had been urging her to take the right steps. If I wanted to make things troublesome, I could escalate this matter to an inter-family dispute. However, those who had written heartfelt apology letters were being given a pass for now.

‘Of course, if they pull any more stunts, I won’t be so lenient.’

Granting leniency to first-time offenders was more about avoiding hassle than showing kindness. But Lady Cheina…

‘Why should I apologize? Everyone is being manipulated by that villainess!’
‘Lady Cheina…’
‘My father will handle everything. The Marquis family isn’t even a noble family from the capital, anyway!’

Not even her own estate was in the capital. Although the term ‘capital noble’ typically referred to those who conducted most of their business in the capital and often worked at court, she seemed unaware of this.

‘But Lady Cheina, I’ve heard that the Blante Marquis family is one that even the imperial family doesn’t mess with lightly.’
‘Yes, I heard from my grandmother recently. She said my parents were scolded for acting immaturely because we’ve only been in the territory!’

‘Even so, Prince Lucas values me highly! Just wait, everyone will see I was right!’

Ignorance is indeed frightening. The reason I didn’t care much about people gossiping about me was threefold:

First, their criticism was solely directed at me. ‘A reckless young lady, unbecoming of the Blante Marquis family,’ was the perception.

Second, my family wasn’t swayed by such trivial matters. Whether it was my parents or my brother, they were like great predators, completely unfazed by the chatter of small animals or insects.

Third, the Blante Marquis family’s prestige wouldn’t crumble over a few words. It was similar to how top stars or celebrities often ignore petty scandals or rumors. Moreover, I was often too lazy to address it, something that made me realize my belonging to the Blante family.

However, that didn’t mean I was going to let everything slide. Silent financial measures were far more effective than public mudslinging.

‘I even gave them a generous grace period…’

Much like entertainment companies giving leniency to first-time trolls during the initial wave of lawsuits, I had extended a similar grace period.

But Lady Cheina clung to her pride and her deteriorating lifeline with Lucas, leading to today’s confrontation.

Without offering her to sit or lift her head, I leisurely settled onto the sofa.

“I was thinking of having some tea. Bring it here,” I instructed.

“Yes, my lady.”

“Keep the snacks minimal. I don’t intend to pause my work for long.”

“Certainly, I will brew it lightly. You are responsible for much of the Marquisate’s affairs!”

My maid replied astutely. In a few minutes, she returned with a single cup of tea, poured it delicately, and handed it to me.

“How’s the temperature and aroma?”


As I sipped the aromatic tea and replied to the maid, Lady Cheina couldn’t hold back her tears any longer.

“Sob, sob.”

Her reaction was so predictable, it almost felt anticlimactic.

“How could you be so cruel, Miss Blante? I came all this way, bowed deeply, and you can’t even offer a kind word?”

She lifted her tear-streaked face and glared at me.

“Everyone said you were merciful if only an apology was given, but it was all lies! You spread those lies to torment me.”


As she spoke those words, I regarded her with the coldest eyes I could muster. Or perhaps, I should have smiled. Didn’t Lucas Medelaike say that my smile made people uncomfortable?

“Rumors? That I, of all people, would bother to harass you?”

It was an absurd claim.

“How confident of you.”

“Th-that’s what I mean! You speak so cruelly, and yet my father insists I should seek your forgiveness…”

“Truly idiotic, aren’t you, Lady Chena?”


She blinked, clearly not expecting such blatant derision from me.

“You’re admitting with your own mouth that you’re only here to seek forgiveness reluctantly.”


Claiming she’s here to apologize out of compulsion? Even trolls write seemingly sincere apologies. She should have seen the apology from the vice president of 삼XX. Reality’s harshness is looming, yet her pride remains her priority?

Chena’s father was no better. ‘Sending his daughter alone to this meeting—he’s making her the scapegoat for her own actions.’

I let out a deep sigh and shook my head.

“I thought I was being quite lenient with you today.”

Lady Chena fidgeted nervously with her hands.

“I could have rebuffed you immediately upon your unannounced visit. Given what you did to me, witnessed by those at the Founding Ball, I would have been justified.”

“T-that was… just a joke…”

“A joke to you can cause someone else to bleed profusely.”

Although I did take it as a mere jest—

“Miss, our lady…”

My maids, trained under Gerald, had a knack for chiming in perfectly. Their sad tear-dabbing act often had a stronger effect than if I had shown any sorrow myself. Nobles need to maintain their dignity, after all.

“I-I was wrong…”

“I could have slapped you and insulted you the moment I saw you, but have I treated you too harshly? Would you say I overreacted to your nonsense?”


Lady Chena’s lips pressed into a thin line.

“I’ve been more than patient. Are you genuinely here out of remorse and to apologize?”

If she were truly sincere, she would have acted when the rectifying articles and rumors began circulating the next day. If she had that kind of conscience.

“Even here to apologize, you couldn’t wait a few minutes without lashing out at me. You came here to take responsibility for your actions driven by baseless rumors.”

What a waste of time.

If she came all this way, she could at least entertain me or try to sway my heart with a heartfelt plea. She did neither.

‘I had intended to be more forgiving than I appeared.’

Considering her youth and the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Though my brother detested this aspect of my nature, I had been willing to let it slide this once.

I slowly rose from my seat.

If she were truly remorseful, she should be clinging to me and begging for forgiveness right now. But her pride seemed to end at bowing.

She doesn’t know this, but,

‘I’ve done far worse for Lucas Medelaike.’

And I had begged more times than I can count in my past life.

I felt no pity whatsoever.

“Go home, Lady Chena. And…”

I delivered my verdict with a gaze full of disdain.

“The Solare Trading Company simply made a prudent decision. Don’t be foolish enough to consider it a crime to cut your losses before further damage occurs.”



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