The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 30”


Ten days had passed since the founding ball. My daily life had changed somewhat, while certain parts remained entirely the same.

One unchanged aspect was the neatly arranged newspapers waiting for me as soon as I opened my eyes. I got out of bed, draped my robe over my shoulders, and picked up any newspaper at random. The social season had begun, but since not all the nobles had arrived in the capital and no grand balls had been held since the founding ball, the front page was dedicated to a special article about a new opera that had just premiered.

The article detailed the beauty and charm of the performers, the excellence of the orchestra, and the notable guests who attended. Naturally, Lucas’s name appeared prominently:

**”His Highness Prince Lucas personally attended the opera, gracing the event with his presence.”**

I frowned slightly upon seeing his name.

‘What are you thinking, Lucas?’

I flipped through the pages and scattered other newspapers around habitually.

**”Prince Lucas’s Unwavering Devotion?
When casually asked, he mentioned having someone special in mind.”**

**”Have the Two Princes’ Hearts Been Captivated? Lady Alicia Blante!”**

Despite my reluctance, my name, along with Joshua’s and Lucas’s, appeared somewhere in the articles.

‘You said we needed to cut ties, but what’s this pathetic display, Lucas?’

If he wanted to be strategic, he was doing it in his own way. The day Lucas sent Joseph Bender with gifts, I expected him to storm into the marquessate. But for some reason, he didn’t.

‘So you’re waging a media war?’

Knowing how accustomed I am to such matters, does he really think he can take me on?

Lately, Lucas had been shedding his arrogant image, layer by layer.

‘Why now, after ignoring my advice for so long?’

Disturbingly, his popularity was on the rise again.

‘Now, because you’re finally acting as I suggested!’

Had he revealed his true, despicable self for a few more months, public opinion would have turned against him. Although some had already been disillusioned with Lucas, there were always those who remained oblivious. He spoke indirectly about me, ensuring anyone could infer my identity.

**”Prince Lucas mentioned that long-standing relationships are precious. Everyone would think of one name.”**

Honestly, this situation was slightly troubling.

‘It’s like he’s directly confronting me.’

Lucas Medelayque wasn’t entirely a fool.

“Really, the more you do this, the more my feelings for you fade.”

I set the newspaper down and looked at the pile of letters on the table. The changes were evident in the sheer volume, the names of the senders, and the contents. Among them, to my surprise, were daily letters from Lucas.

**”Alicia, I know you’re frugal and dislike burdensome gifts, so I won’t pressure you.
Joseph told me about it.
I want to talk to you. I feel there’s too much misunderstanding between us, and it breaks my heart.
Alicia, you are special and precious to me.
My only childhood friend, my entire childhood was with you.
It hurts me deeply to know I’ve disappointed you.
I promise to give my best for you.
As you know, I was so excited to return to my family that I neglected you, someone so dear to me.
Now I understand how special you are.”**

From the first heartfelt letter to today, Lucas had sent six letters, almost daily. They recounted our happy past, urging me to relive those memories.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, my heart was steadfast after ending what I once couldn’t let go of.

At best, a lingering roughness remained.

‘No, if anything, my affection for him decreases each day.’

The feelings I had buried deep were being trampled.


**”Alicia, my childhood was bright because of you.
I believe I was the same for you.
I brought you to the vibrant capital from the dull Blante Marquisate.
I showed you a new world, introduced you to beautiful dresses, shoes, and plays.
I vividly remember how your eyes sparkled when you encountered something new.”**

I knew his memories of me were distorted.

Yes, I did enjoy those things, but not because of my preferences. It was because you enjoyed flaunting your knowledge and I found it endearing.

‘How clueless.’

I threw today’s pathetic letter into the fireplace. I didn’t want to keep it.

‘Now that the worst part of my day is over, let’s lighten the mood.’

I picked up another letter. The towering stack of letters was from numerous noble families residing in the capital.

They were all predictably—

‘Trying to win my favor.’

Their intentions were as transparent as glass.

I placed the new letter alongside one sent by a young lady who had sent me a charming curse before the founding festival.

**”Act within your means! Do you think you deserve His Highness the Prince?!”**

This was from before the festival.

### Chapter 6: Retribution

I understand you are very busy, Miss Blante, but would you please attend my tea party? If you dislike crowds, I can keep the guest list small. Won’t you give me a chance to sincerely apologize?
This was the content of today’s tea time invitation.

How would it feel to bundle this response with a reply to the previous letter?

‘She seems to be targeting Cesare, doesn’t she?’ I laughed wickedly. Who knew my previously burdensome and difficult brother would turn out to be so useful? Although it was still hard to talk to him…

Cesare Blante, soon to be the marquis, was currently one of the most eligible bachelors in the imperial capital.


Of course, I intended to retaliate against those who had wronged me. However, I had temporarily held back due to the rumors spreading throughout the capital over the past few days.

‘Is it true that my brother dotes on me?’
‘Yes, absolutely! The young master cherishes you so much, Miss!’
‘Indeed, indeed!’

The first I heard of it was from my maid, who entered with a pleased expression.

I quickly delved into the social circles, especially among women of marriageable age.

「Have you heard? Young Lord Blante summoned a tailor and a jeweler for Miss Blante.」
「They say he bought twenty-three dresses and over fifteen sets of accessories in one go.」
「All of them were top quality. My father scolds me even for getting a single dress!」
「But can buying such things prove he cherishes Miss Blante?」
「You really are out of the loop! When the young lord heard about the dresses and accessories, he said, ‘That’s not nearly enough!’」
「As if he was saying what Miss Blante had was not sufficient. So, a few days ago, he personally visited the atelier and placed a large additional order!」

Hearing these conversations in the social circles, I could only laugh to myself, knowing the truth.

‘How can they so positively interpret my brother’s words, “That’s not nearly enough”?’
It was clearly a backhanded remark criticizing me for having no guts. His expression when he said it was so displeased!

And naturally, Joshua’s gift barrage also quickly spread through the social circles.

Between Joshua, my brother, and Lucas’s pointless actions…

‘It seems my position in society is changing on its own, without me having to lift a finger.’

Many people were sending letters and invitations, trying to apologize or win my favor. Some even included gifts that were quite excessive.

Though on the surface it might seem like I was acting as the stand-in mistress of the marquisate…

‘How could I interfere in my brother’s marriage?’

I’d be lucky if I were even allowed to attend the wedding! Of course, I intended to make the most of this situation.

I categorized the letters: those who would be nervous about my reply, those with whom I would establish connections, and those I would ignore.

Once all the sorting was done and I picked up my pen to write the first letter…

“Miss, Lady Cheina from the Count’s house has arrived.”

The person I had been waiting for had quickly visited the townhouse. Just as the Cheina household was about to go bankrupt, having been denied funds and financial aid by the Solare Merchants.


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