The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 28”

“……a gift?” Seriously, Lucas Medelique? No, actually, I need to get used to this kind of thing. He doesn’t see me as a childhood friend anymore, and I won’t see him that way either. So, it’s only right for me to address him as His Highness, the Prince, not as my childhood friend Luca. It makes sense that a royal would give gifts to a noble, right? Honestly, it felt more comfortable. The feelings I had for him were so tenacious that even after deciding everything, they clung to me like blackened gum on asphalt, irritating my nerves. As if to say, “Are you really going to abandon him?” So, in a rare turn of events, this was a kindness from him to me.

“What are you doing, Miss Blante? Aren’t you prepared to accept it?” It wasn’t my fault. Leaving him was an unavoidable choice for me to keep breathing. I quickly thought while listening to Joseph’s words. ‘Is there a law that applies if you don’t accept a gift?’ I remember there being a law that you had to accept anything the Emperor gave, but there wasn’t one for the Prince, right? I looked at the box he had confidently placed next to me, thinking only of returning it. It was just the right size to fit a dress. It must be that. ‘Especially with the renowned tailor shop’s seal so conspicuously displayed.’

Joseph Bender amusingly hated the idea of Lucas giving me something, but he also hoped I’d be grateful when he saw the tailor shop’s name. Birds of a feather, I suppose. “Are you not going to show respect, Miss Blante? Is the Marquis family so dismissive of the royal servant?” In the time I stayed silent, Joseph’s impatience showed clearly. Yes, I was being rude. I continued to remain silent and did nothing, leaving him standing there. Just as Joseph’s face began to redden further, I slowly opened my mouth. “I’m sorry, Mr. Bender.” “Yes?” “I won’t accept the gift.”

I didn’t attach any formalities to my apology. I didn’t want to. Let them say I was rude! When this matter became public, it would be Lucas who’d face embarrassment, not me. They might gossip about me as a nasty childhood friend, but I wasn’t afraid of becoming a villain. Joshua’s face came to mind, and I thought he would just laugh it off, possibly even enjoy it a bit. “W-what kind of rudeness is this…!” Joseph immediately raised his voice. “You should bow and express your gratitude, yet you dare refuse the Prince’s gift?” “A gift from His Highness means it was prepared with the precious taxes, correct?” I opened my mouth leisurely.

Though it seemed unnecessary to say something so dignified to someone like Joseph Bender. “I don’t think I’ve done anything to deserve such a precious gift.” Watching him ensnare himself was always entertaining! “Mr. Bender, you know that I’m just Alicia Blante, an ungrateful girl who happened to be childhood friends with the Prince, right?” I smiled brightly. It was Joseph Bender himself who had first raised his voice to tell me to know my place. How gratifying to see Joseph’s shoulders twitch. “T-that’s… disgraceful!”

And now he’s openly admitting it, as always. “I don’t see why I should be called disgraceful, Mr. Bender. I’m just trying to show a bit of the humility you always emphasize. Moreover,” I sneered clearly. “Didn’t you tell me taxes are important? So, please tell His Highness that it’s not right to bestow a gift upon me without a valid reason.”

Trying to win me back with just a dress? Don’t you think it’s a bit too late for that? Lucas Medelique. “Why, of all times, would you refuse a gift His Highness thoughtfully bestowed…”

At Gerald’s words, Joseph’s face turned red like a bruised tomato. “This little Jerry couldn’t bear to send it back. It’s a ‘gift!’ that the lady absolutely must receive. Our Lady Alicia is so frugal!” His body trembled as well. Though my brother said nothing, Joshua’s gift alone would have quickly been calculated in his head. ‘How amusing, one of the reasons Lucas kept Joseph Bender around was his quick calculation of money.’ It made him all the more dangerous. I spoke with deliberate enthusiasm. “Yes, let them know I’ll accept it soon, Gerald.”

Joseph Bender, Lucas Medelique— “Of course, I’ll accept the gift from Prince Joshua.” To make them feel even more humiliated.


Hmm, it wasn’t a bad warm-up. It was perfect preparation for the main game I’d face in high society. After Gerald left, Joseph Bender spent several seconds searching for words, then retreated from the parlor clutching the gift box. ‘You’ll regret this, Miss Blante! How dare you disregard the sincerity of Prince Lucas…!’ Displaying his lacking eloquence wonderfully. After Joseph left, I met with the merchants sent by my brother and Joshua in turn. ‘Joshua did give a warning, but still…’ If you could call it a warning. ‘Well, Alicia. I have a request, so I’ve sent someone to the townhouse.’ ‘A request?’ ‘Yes, I hope you’ll happily accept it.’ He refused to elaborate no matter how much I asked… I felt a mix of burden and an eerie thrill as my hands turned the catalog given by the bookseller. ‘Why does Joshua know my taste so well…!’ I truly loved reading. It was quiet and not chaotic. How much had I blabbered about myself to Joshua in the past?

This rare bookseller had a lineup boasting everything from handwritten copies by famous authors to rare books that even the royal library held only one copy of. “Hehe, is there something you fancy?” “Yes.” I answered instinctively to the bookseller’s relaxed demeanor. No, at times like this, as a noble lady, I should show some restraint. “Feel free to say anything. Prince Joshua has given me an important mission.” “An important mission?” Ah, perhaps the bookseller was a cover to secretly relay a message away from prying eyes? I looked at him with subtle anticipation. But. “He told me to make sure you receive no less than ten books!” What?! I couldn’t help but be taken aback by his words.

Just preparing and sending a bookseller with such an abundant collection was impressive enough! Printing had only recently developed, making old books difficult to find, with their prices skyrocketing. ‘So nobles who understood the value of these materials only introduced booksellers discreetly.’ But to buy more than ten books? Such rare books from this place could buy a small shop on the outskirts of the capital. No, depending on the book, it could be worth even more… ‘It was shocking enough that my brother insisted on getting at least twenty dresses tailored.’ That at least had a reason. My brother was practically my guardian and had received the marquisate. It wouldn’t do for me to attend social events in the same dress repeatedly. It was the kind of consideration my brother, who valued the family’s dignity, would have. ‘It also meant to prepare for the many social events I would attend in the future.’ But Joshua had no such reason. Sending such an extravagant gift just to get along better seemed too much…

As I was about to refuse, the bookseller, eyes gleaming through his glasses, handed me a note he had written. “It’s also the quality of a merchant to ensure the buyer isn’t inconvenienced.” I glanced at the note and was left speechless. “So, I’ve listed the books you seemed interested in.” The note contained a neatly compiled list of books I had shown even the slightest interest in while browsing the catalog. How did he know? How on earth? As I was struck dumb, the bookseller’s eyes shone sharply behind his glasses as he spoke leisurely. “When would you like them prepared and delivered?” Here was the perfect exemplar of a merchant…



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