The Young Lady Wants a New Life!


“Episode 22”

“Are you asleep?”

At Regina’s words, Joshua barely nodded in relief. He had vaguely expected something like this to happen since the moment she said she would attend the Founding Ball. No, he knew this wouldn’t be a happy place for her since Lucas and Alicia would be there from Blantyre Manor.

“Get lost, Joshua! How dare you come here and babble like this?”

“That’s not your decision to make.”

“If I inform Abamama of your antics, you’ll be in trouble-”

“As if you could. Right, brother?”


“Do you think the Emperor would tolerate your actions once he finds out about them, or have you finally found some courage?”


“When Mother, the late Empress, entrusted you with protecting me, what did you do?”

“That’s none of your business!”

No, even before coming to the Manor.

Lucas Medlarik was such a person.

A man who resembled the Emperor, Joshua’s father, whom he detested so much.

Joshua instructed Regina to take good care of Alicia.

Because his aide informed him that an unpleasant guest had arrived.

“Why are you here, brother? The Founding Ball is expected to continue until dawn.”

In response to Lucas’s assertive visit, Joshua responded rudely.

“Release Alicia.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You brought her here, didn’t you, Alicia!”

“Lower your voice, wouldn’t it be disappointing for the noble guests who have been meticulously prepared by your brother?”

Joshua behaved differently from when he was in front of Alicia.

“Well, they’ll find out who you really are soon anyway.”

“What do you mean by daring to call Alicia by her name?”

Joshua mocked Lucas’s attitude out loud.

“Do you think you have the right to use that permission?”

“Alicia, Alicia promised to only look at me! She wouldn’t betray me!”

Lucas said so and approached Joshua.

“Like a child, you…won’t trap me!”

Joshua easily dodged his hand reaching for his throat and brushed him off.

“How long will you be trapped in delusions, how many times have I and Mother told you there’s no such thing? It was you who didn’t believe us.”

“When you betrayed me, my brother, my…!”

Joshua just furrowed his brow at the forced words and slowly drew his sword.

Even though he had carefully maintained it, it always seemed to emit a disgusting smell when he looked at the sword.

The foul smell from the border zone.

So Joshua didn’t realize that Alicia, who had a refreshing scent like a natural, was so attracted to him because she reminded him of his childhood.

He felt like he could escape from all the suffocation and oppression.

‘You can run away if you want, it’s okay.’

And Alicia, who blamed herself, spat it out to him.

But it was okay.

‘It’s because of that answer that I decided to fight harder in the capital.’

He had things to protect.

Joshua looked down at the sharp blade and spoke to Lucas with cold eyes.

“Don’t approach Alicia anymore, brother.”

“Who do you think you are to…!”

Hero Lucas Delic?

Except for being at Blantyre Manor, he had nothing to do without Alicia’s power.

“If you can say such things, can’t I?”

Clang, the sword returned to its sheath.

Joshua looked at Lucas with a cold gaze and spoke.

“I can also say that I can be considered Alicia’s childhood friend as much as you, brother.”

Lucas struggled to find fierce words.

Watching the confusion in the busy golden eyes, Joshua sighed inwardly.

‘Why do you keep trying so hard, Miss?’

“Um…my eyes hurt.”

My eyes, swollen from crying too much, barely opened as I struggled to sit up. Rolling my eyes around the slightly unfamiliar surroundings, I vaguely remembered last night.

“How about staying at the palace today?”


“Since many nobles tend to stay at the palace for a day during the Founding Ball. Regina has already arranged it.”

Did I cry in Joshua’s arms, or didn’t I? Was it because of the cocktails? I pulled the blanket off slowly, thinking of unreasonable reasons considering my tolerance.

I remembered entering the room with Regina, but the moment I fell asleep was hazy. It felt like I was intoxicated not from alcohol, but from exhaustion accumulated over time.

With a short exhale, I approached the curtain to bask in the faint sunlight filtering through. Nothing clears up a cloudy mind like sunlight. As I contemplated, a few specks of light danced around in agreement with my thoughts.

“Thanks. Always.”

The light flickered as if chuckling at my words.

I pulled the curtain and opened the window, letting the cool breeze flow into the room.

“When we return to the townhouse, the real work will begin.”

A few days before the Founding Ball, I received a letter from my brother…

This couldn’t be avoided.

“I’ll have to endure my brother’s silent stares for a few days.”

I hoped my brother wouldn’t see the morning newspaper until he arrived in the capital.

“Is it too disadvantageous for Your Highness to use… me?”

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea for you to have such feelings for yourself, Alicia.”

As he gently twirled a few strands of my hair around his finger, he spoke.

“It’s not so easy for a family like Blantyre Manor to just… be used.”

“…It’s hard to deny it this time.”

“That’s right. Alicia, I hope you have such feelings for yourself.”

His elongated, but slightly swollen fingers wrapped around my hair like a flowing river. Then, he kissed the end of it and whispered with a languid gaze.

“You’re truly remarkable, so my brother might not know that about you.”

He was indeed a peculiar person.

Prince Joshua…

“Wouldn’t Lucas have known if I were truly remarkable?”

But I decided to accept his pretty words gratefully.

Even though I always felt stifled and cloudy around Lucas, seeing his true face and being able to let go of my feelings for him finally cleared my mind. Having him by my side, willing to support and help me, made me feel like everything was falling into place. And strangely, it was a relief that he wasn’t just recommending things for my sake.

“It doesn’t matter what I do, people will gossip as they please.”

“That’s true.”

“I’ve never escorted anyone at a ball before, let alone at a Founding Ball. Plus, Alicia has a somewhat friendly relationship with my brother.”

“People will find it more interesting to gossip about.”

Joshua nodded as if enjoying the conversation.

But he also added a worried note.

“But Alicia, I want you to do what your heart desires. Entangling our names might burden you.”

Even though I was prepared to face Lucas to expose him, Joshua still worried and cared for me. It was his way of extending his hand, which he had carefully protected all this time, even if it meant giving up his precious clean reputation.

Yet, when I worried, Joshua smiled knowingly and said something inexplicable.

“It’s okay. They’ll probably understand.”

Who could understand…?

Queen Anita?

Or the woman he likes?

I resolved to help him if he ever faced difficulties in his romantic endeavors in the future.

As I took a deep breath, I heard a knock at the door.

“Are you awake, Alicia?”

It was Joshua.

Oh no, I woke up and now I’m a complete mess!

Isn’t this too rude, waking up and seeing him like this?

“Wait a moment, Your Highness.”

As I rushed, I heard laughter and affectionate words from outside the door.

“It’s okay, Alicia. I just came to ask if you want to have lunch together.”


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