The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

“You’ll get sick like this,” Nangong Mian said and quickly walked to a nearby cabinet. He opened it and took out a set of clothes. After grabbing the items, Nangong Mian returned to Huang Quan, holding her hand and leading her to the adjacent room.

In that room, there was a folding screen, and behind it was a bathtub filled with hot water, emitting steam.

Nangong Mian placed the clothes on the side and then looked at Huang Quan. “Quan Quan, I know you’re scared, but you must take a bath, or you’ll get sick.”

“Big brother will be outside, guarding you, and won’t let those people bully you again.” Nangong Mian gently stroked her head and said, “Trust big brother this time, okay?”

Huang Quan looked at him, feeling a bit uncomfortable. However, this discomfort didn’t seem to be a lingering emotion from her previous ordeal but rather something originating within her.

Huang Quan narrowed her eyes slightly and said softly, “Okay.”

Upon hearing that “okay,” Nangong Mian smiled and said, “Take your bath, big brother will be waiting outside.” After saying this, Nangong Mian walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Huang Quan stared at the door for a while and then proceeded to undress, entering the bathtub.

The warm water enveloped her body, dispelling the cold and allowing her to relax naturally.

“Baby, are you there?” Huang Quan asked using her spiritual awareness.[Baby is Huang Quan’s Pet name]

“I’m here, but I’m not doing well…” a weak voice replied. This was the same voice that had echoed in Huang Quan’s mind earlier. “Quan Quan, what’s wrong with you? I just saw so many chaotic memories.”

“It’s just as you saw,” Huang Quan replied, “I’ve been reborn, and now I’m not in the Underworld, but in a different world.”

“Then how are you suppressing your vital energy?” the voice asked, “Without the aura of death, once your vital energy goes out of control, the first thing to be affected will be your body!”

Vital energy could cause all living things to grow and could even bring the dead back to life. However, with a physical body, if vital energy spiraled out of control, the first victim would be Huang Quan’s own body. She would age rapidly from youth to old age in an instant.

“Master, every world has its own Underworld. Let’s go to the Underworld,” the voice suggested, “Once we’re in the Underworld, you’ll be safe.”

“Living people cannot enter the Underworld,” Huang Quan replied, “If I truly want to go to the Underworld, I would have to give up this body.”

“Then give it up.”

“I can’t do that,” Huang Quan frowned and said, “It’s not that simple.”

“What do you mean?”

“When the Abyss suddenly appeared with suction, my body became uncontrollable, and that’s when the jade pendant heated up,” Huang Quan explained. “I was manipulated by the jade pendant! Normally, even if I fell, I should have fallen to the bottom of the Abyss and not into a different world. So, coming to this world was caused by the jade pendant.”

Here, Huang Quan raised her hand and touched the jade pendant necklace around her neck. “It’s still here.”

The fact that it was still there was proof of its extraordinary nature.

Before the voice in her mind could respond, Huang Quan continued, “In this world with so many people, it deliberately chose someone with the same name as me. That’s the first suspicious point.”


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