The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

Nangong Mian gently placed her on a comfortable surface and reached out to touch Huang Quan’s head. He spoke with tenderness in his voice, “Quan Quan, let’s change into some dry clothes first. Once you’ve changed, wait for big brother; I’ll fetch some water for you.”

Huang Quan gazed at Nangong Mian, her emotions a complex whirlwind. She nodded in agreement and responded, “Okay.”

Relieved by her compliance, Nangong Mian left the room to get her some fresh clothing.

Alone in the room, Huang Quan couldn’t resist taking a look around. It was an ancient and elegantly furnished chamber, adorned with minimal possessions, exuding a simple yet clean charm. This was the environment she found herself in with her new lease on life…

Reflecting on her rebirth, Huang Quan reached up and pinched her forehead. She still felt somewhat disoriented. Although she had yearned for more spiritual energy in the Underworld and desired a second chance at life, she hadn’t expected to be reborn in an entirely different world.

The realm she now inhabited was known as the Zhongzhou Continent. In this land, four major empires held sway, and numerous smaller nations thrived. She had been reborn into the body of a young lady from a declining family in the capital city of the Tianhuang Country.

The previous occupant of this body bore the same name, Huang Quan, but unlike her, this Huang Quan wasn’t a ghost. In this world, strength was of paramount importance. Those with spiritual roots harnessed the essence of heaven and earth to cultivate their spiritual powers, while those without such roots honed their physical strength through martial arts. The body she had inherited possessed neither spiritual roots nor robust physical attributes; it was astonishingly feeble.

How frail, you might wonder?

Three steps would leave her gasping for breath, and five steps would trigger fits of coughing. A few steps further, and even breathing became a laborious task. It was an almost inconceivable fragility.

Had she been born into an ordinary family, she might have succumbed to these ailments long ago. However, when the previous occupant of this body was born, the Nangong family had yet to face its decline. While not the most prestigious clan in the Tianhuang Country, they still held considerable influence. Consequently, from an early age, the former occupant had been administered spiritual medicines to bolster her frail constitution, enabling her to survive her myriad illnesses.

However, as time passed, the Nangong family encountered hardship. The previous occupant’s parents and two older brothers vanished one after another, leaving only Nangong Mian and the former Huang Quan. Their parents’ disappearance occurred when Nangong Mian was twelve, and the previous occupant was a mere ten years old.

The two older brothers had vanished during the same year when Nangong Mian was fourteen, and the previous occupant of the body was twelve.

Now, the former occupant had reached the age of fifteen, and over these three years, she had never been without spiritual medicine. These were the spiritual medicines that Nangong Mian had diligently procured for her, depleting the family’s savings. Given the hefty price of spiritual medicines and Nangong Mian’s need to continue his studies at the academy, he had been unable to earn money. The family’s financial resources were rapidly depleted, but Nangong Mian remained unwavering in his commitment to obtaining the essential spiritual medicine for his sister.

He earned the necessary funds by undertaking perilous missions offered by the academy, firmly believing that providing her with a steady supply of spiritual medicine was his ultimate duty.

However, he never foresaw the mistreatment his sister endured at the hands of the servants in his absence. One of them, driven by ill intentions, had nearly caused her harm. If not for the nanny who had valiantly shielded her, she might have been robbed of her virtue. After the nanny’s tragic demise, Nangong Mian buried her, filled with dread of such incidents recurring. He pleaded with his teacher to allow him to bring his sister to reside within the academy, under his protection.

He believed that by taking this step, they would be shielded from further troubles. But, fate had other plans.

Previously, she had been subjected to numerous acts of bullying, insults, and torment. The former occupant had chosen not to retaliate, and the tormentors eventually grew bored and moved on. However, this time, they had pushed her into the water, and by the time Nangong Mian arrived, she had already perished. And then, she awoke in this new body.

Yet, as Huang Quan contemplated these memories, she stumbled upon a perplexing inconsistency. The parents and older brothers of the previous occupant bore the surname Nangong, so why was she called Huang Quan?

Just as Huang Quan was grappling with this enigma, Nangong Mian returned. Observing that she hadn’t yet changed into dry clothes, he hurried over and inquired, “Quan Quan, why haven’t you changed your clothes?”


  1. Piyali says:

    Hello translator, actually someone told me that this story is not yet finished even in the raws so can you tell me if it’s true or if there’s second volume for it because I’m someone who just become anxious if the story is left unfinished so can you pls tell me so that I can decide whether to read further or not ?

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