The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

Zhongzhou Continent, Tianhuang Kingdom Capital College



Her mind felt heavy, and an overwhelming discomfort enveloped her. However, what was even more disconcerting than the weight on her mind was the suffocating sensation that seemed to tighten its grip.

The feeling of suffocation intensified, as if she might meet her demise at any moment.


What a ludicrous thought.

Realizing that she might be teetering on the edge of death, her previously muddled consciousness began to clear slightly. Simultaneously, she blinked her eyes open with a swish.

Her eyes, a stark contrast of black and white, opened wide. Yet, before she could discern her surroundings, water infiltrated her vision, causing some discomfort. Instinctively, she closed her eyes once more, then reopened them.

This time, her vision became clear. She found herself submerged in water, steadily sinking.

What on earth was happening?

She had ventured into the abyss many times before. There was a river down there, but she hadn’t fallen into it. Logically, she shouldn’t be underwater. What could explain this bizarre situation?

Huang Quan held her breath and decided to swim towards the surface first. But just as she was about to propel herself upwards, someone descended from above. As they spotted Huang Quan, this person swam towards her with urgency.

Upon reaching her, the individual saw Huang Quan with her eyes wide open, and a wave of relief washed over them. Gently, they touched Huang Quan’s face and then grabbed her, swiftly swimming towards the surface.

Huang Quan: “…” What on earth is happening now?

Who is this person?

Under ordinary circumstances, the underworld contained no living beings, let alone beneath the water.

As Huang Quan pondered the situation, the young man had already brought her back to the surface. Emerging from the water, the young man couldn’t be bothered by anything else and turned to look at Huang Quan, his concern evident. “Quan Quan, how are you?”

Hearing the name ‘Quan Quan,’ Huang Quan’s lips twitched, and she was about to say something when the young man urged again, “Quan Quan, speak, don’t scare big brother.”

“Big brother?”

Huang Quan’s eyelids fluttered. Just as she was about to inquire further, a sudden, sharp pain shot through her head. The agony struck unexpectedly, catching Huang Quan off guard, and she instinctively let out a hiss of pain.

The young man heard her distress, promptly lifted Huang Quan horizontally, and hurriedly carried her to the shore. On the shore, a group of people awaited. As the young man emerged from the water with Huang Quan, he fixed a cold, stern gaze on them and declared, “Today’s events won’t conclude like this!”

“Heh.” In response to the young man’s words, a woman surrounded by several men sneered and retorted, “Nangong Mian, your little sister didn’t die, and even if she did, you wouldn’t dare to cross us. Besides, this won’t be the last time we act.”

“Let’s go.” With this command, the woman signaled to her companions to depart. As she passed by Nangong Mian, she glanced at the unconscious Huang Quan in his arms and taunted, “Wow, your luck is something else. You fell for such a long time and still didn’t die.”

“Boring.” After that parting shot, the woman and her group departed with an air of triumph.

Nangong Mian seethed with anger, his entire body trembling. He looked down at Huang Quan with a deep sense of self-blame and muttered, “It’s big brother’s fault for not being able to protect you.”

However, at this moment, Huang Quan couldn’t hear Nangong Mian’s words. She was overwhelmed by an excruciating headache and an influx of unfamiliar memories.

These memories rushed into her mind all at once, intensifying the agony in her head. Huang Quan absorbed the memories in a whirlwind, her consciousness becoming a chaotic blend of her past and these newfound recollections.

After what felt like an eternity, Huang Quan had assimilated all these memories and gradually regained awareness. She found herself in a room, brought here by Nangong Mian.


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