The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

Upon the dean’s suggestion, both Huang Quan and Nangong Mian decided to stay and watch the upcoming matches. They were particularly intrigued by Jing Chen’s performance, as they hadn’t witnessed him in action the previous day.

Shortly after, Jing Chen took the stage. Despite being sixteen, he appeared much younger due to his small stature. Dressed in a white robe adorned with blue patterns, he exuded an air of detachment, like a celestial child untouched by the world’s complexities.

Jing Chen’s opponent, also a student from the Imperial Academy, represented the Nanyuan Empire. Although on paper, the match between students from the same academy might be expected to last longer, the reality proved different.

As the competition began, a sudden surge of flames enveloped the stage, creating a fiery curtain that rapidly expanded. In the midst of this fiery spectacle, Jing Chen gracefully moved, exuding a chilling aura. The clash of flames and cold air was intense, and following swiftly behind was an icy edge. In an instant, the power of Jing Chen’s ice spirit roots froze the entire competition stage, including his opponent, before they could make a single move.

With just one move, the student from the Nanyuan Empire was frozen, unable to respond. Even though both contestants were from the Empire, Jing Chen’s strength was evident as his opponent succumbed to the icy onslaught before they could execute a single technique.

“His strength surpasses the rumors indeed,” Nangong Mian remarked, looking at Jing Chen with a tinge of envy.

Huang Quan, with a subtle smile on her lips, observed the competition stage with an indifferent expression, choosing not to comment.

The supervising teacher implemented the ten-count rule. If a contestant couldn’t get up within ten counts, they were declared the loser. Jing Chen effortlessly won this match.

After the competition, Jing Chen gracefully descended from the stage. Huang Quan’s gaze followed him, and she noticed that he cast a glance in the direction of the high priest.

The high priest maintained his gaze straight ahead, and it appeared as though his eyes were fixed on Jing Chen, yet not directly. Huang Quan found this intriguing and decided to address the dean.

“Dean,” Huang Quan called.

The dean turned to her, inquiring, “What’s wrong?”

Huang Quan questioned, “Is the reward for this competition related to the high priest?”

Though the dean didn’t disclose public details, he hinted at some insider information. Due to the presence of others, he suggested discussing it later at the inn.

“Okay,” Huang Quan nodded, refraining from further inquiry as they continued to watch the ongoing matches.

After Jing Chen’s swift victory, Nangong Qingle took the stage. As a member of the leading clan, she had been selected for the competition team shortly after joining the Imperial Academy. Expectations were high, and Nangong Qingle didn’t disappoint, swiftly resolving her opponent.

“I don’t think she’s as good as Jing Chen,” Nangong Mian commented after watching Nangong Qingle’s match. “Jing Chen’s opponent was from the Imperial College, while hers was from the Small Country Academy. Jing Chen only needed one move, and after her move, it seems that the spirit race bloodline isn’t as powerful as the legends suggest.”

Huang Quan chuckled at Nangong Mian’s observation. “Brother, Nangong Qingle possesses the spirit race bloodline, and Jing Chen has other bloodlines. Between the two, Jing Chen is indeed more powerful.”

Nangong Mian grinned, saying, “I stand corrected.”

Huang Quan was about to continue when Nangong Mian added, “It’s just a pity; he seems to have grown up not tall.”

Huang Quan twitched the corner of her mouth and quipped, “Brother, you don’t have to feel sorry for him. He will grow taller. Not only that, he might even surpass your height.”


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