The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

Huang Quan raised her eyebrows, trying to suppress a smile, and remarked, “Qinqin is really that powerful?”

Nangong Mian looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and nodded, “Really.”

Although Di Qin, or rather, Ye Qin, seemed to have a penchant for abducting Huang Quan, Nangong Mian couldn’t deny Di Qin’s incredible power.

He’s just amazing!

A genius among geniuses!

Huang Quan, seeing Nangong Mian struggle with the word “really,” couldn’t help but deepen the smile on her face.

Nangong Mian noticed and said, “You can laugh if you want; you don’t have to hold it back.”

Huang Quan chuckled, “Third brother, do you admire Qin Qin?”

“There are nol young people in the Zhongzhou Continent who don’t admire him,” Nangong Mian replied. “Although I don’t like you getting too close to him, I can’t deny that he is a genius.”

“Di Qin entered the realm of Holy Spirit Master at the age of ten.”

“Ten years old?” Huang Quan expressed surprise.

Jingchen entered the realm of Holy Spirit Master at the age of fifteen. Considering this, Qinqin, achieving Holy Spirit Master status at ten, was indeed more powerful than Jingchen, and certainly deserving of admiration.

“Think about it, he entered the realm of the Holy Spirit Master at the age of ten, and your third brother is still struggling in the realm of the Xuanling Master at the age of seventeen,” Nangong Mian sighed. “I can’t envy him; I can only look up to him.”

Observing Nangong Mian’s despondence, Huang Quan offered consolation, “Third brother, cultivation is like that. Sometimes, you unexpectedly obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and your cultivation level surges. Some people progress rapidly initially but then slow down. Everyone is different; there’s no need to envy others.”

“I understand the truth, but when I compare myself, I feel so useless.”

“Who said that?” Huang Quan smiled, “In my opinion, third brother, you are very powerful.”

Initially feeling a bit down when this topic came up, Nangong Mian, after some encouragement from Huang Quan, perked up and continued, “In addition to his great cultivation, Di Qin is also known to be very evil…”

Seeing Nangong Mian hesitate, Huang Quan added, “Third brother, rumors may not be true. Qin Qin has been with us for so long; you should have an idea of what kind of person he is.”

“That’s true…” Nangong Mian said, “There are rumors that Di Qin is cold and ruthless and doesn’t like to talk to others, but he was not like the rumors when he lived with us.”

“So, those may not be credible,” Huang Quan remarked, “It’s better to believe what we know ourselves than to believe in rumors.”

“I understand,” Nangong Mian agreed. “It’s too troublesome for us to stay in the high priest’s palace. Let’s thank him first and then go back to the inn. It won’t be long before the dean and the others go back.”

“Yes.” After Huang Quan finished speaking, he contacted Di Qin using the communication stone.

A quarter of an hour later, Di Qin returned to the priest’s hall with the high priest.

Seeing the high priest, Nangong Mian expressed gratitude, saying, “High priest, thank you for your help.”

“No need to thank me,” the high priest responded calmly. “I took action because His Highness the Crown Prince spoke. If you two want to express gratitude, just thank His Highness the Crown Prince.”

“While that’s true, I should also thank you. You took me away and helped me and Quanquan a lot,” Nangong Mian insisted. “I don’t have anything to thank you for now, but when I do, I will definitely deliver it. If the high priest doesn’t need anything, you can also let me make other rewards.”

The high priest looked at him, his dark eyes like obsidian. “You and your sister are very interesting.”

“Huh?” Nangong Mian looked confused.


“Your sister also said she wanted to thank me,” the high priest continued, looking at Nangong Mian. “But in fact, I only helped out on the prince’s order. The person you should thank is the prince, not me.”

Upon hearing this, Nangong Mian moved his lips, ready to express his thoughts when the high priest’s voice interrupted again, “I don’t think you need to thank me, but since you insist on thanking me, I can give you a chance to repay you.”

“Really?” Nangong Mian questioned, his skepticism apparent.

He was beginning to grasp that, regardless of the rumors surrounding Di Qin, the prince always demonstrated gentleness when interacting with them. However, the high priest carried an air of difference.

Whatever the rumors were, that’s how he perceived it now – unapproachable, akin to the cold and peerless moon in the sky, only to be admired from a distance.

The high priest maintained his gaze, “You don’t want this opportunity?”

“Yes,” Nangong Mian responded, “You said that as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it.”

“Stay in the priest’s hall,” the high priest declared indifferently.

Nangong Mian, perplexed, hesitated in response. Huang Quan frowned, uneasy with the idea, but Nangong Mian, considering the third brother’s willingness to comply, refrained from voicing his rejection.

“Aren’t you willing?” The high priest inquired, noting his silence.

“It’s not that I’m unwilling,” Nangong Mian explained, “I just feel that this request will not only fail to repay you but will also trouble you more, and…”

“I’m still attending classes at the academy.”

“You can come to the Tianqi Empire. Take classes,” the high priest suggested, maintaining his indifferent tone. “I will let you attend Imperial College. They will teach you what the college can teach you. I will teach you what the college cannot teach you.”

Nangong Mian’s eyes lit up, and he expressed his joy.


“But thinking that what I should do is to repay the favor, not take advantage,” Nangong Mian stated, “This is completely taking advantage of you.”

“When you rest, just come to the priest’s hall and stay,” the high priest insisted. “The reward you think may not be what I want. The reward I think may be nothing to you, but it’s what I want. Since you said you want to thank me, you should give me what I want, right?”

“You want me?” Nangong Mian looked at him puzzled.

“That’s right,” the high priest replied with a cold glance.

Huang Quan observed the exchange between the two and couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Did the third brother and the high priest realize how ambiguous their conversation could sound?

“I have to talk to the dean and the others first,” Nangong Mian insisted, adding, “And…”

“You don’t need to worry about your sister,” the high priest interrupted coldly. “She has someone to worry about her.”

Huang Quan and Di Qin exchanged glances with a shared sense of awkwardness.

“Even so, Quanquan and I still have to go back to Tianhuang Kingdom. We can’t come over until the matters there are settled.”

“You can come anytime,” the high priest responded indifferently. “Just remember to come.”

“I understand,” Nangong Mian nodded and turned to Di Qin. “Ye Qin… Di Qin… Prince…”

“Third brother,” Di Qin corrected. “How did you call me before? Just call me whatever you want now.”

“Your name was Ye Qin before, but your real name is Di Qin…” Nangong Mian felt embarrassed.

Di Qin smiled, “Then call me Di Qin.”

Nangong Mian hesitated for a moment and then said, “Then I will call you like that.”

Di Qin smiled and responded, “Yes.”

“Di Qin, thank you this time.”

“Third brother, there’s no need to thank me,” Di Qin said. “Let’s go; I’ll take you and Quanquan back to the inn.”


“Okay,” Nangong Mian responded.

“Quanquan, you and third brother go first; I’ll be right back,” Di Qin said.

Huang Quan nodded and then turned to Nangong Mian. “Third brother, let’s go.”

“Yes,” Nangong Mian responded, and the two of them left.

After they departed, Di Qin turned to the high priest. “Why did you suddenly ask him to stay in the priest’s hall?”

The high priest looked at him. “If I say it is to let you have no worries, do you believe it?”

Di Qin’s eyebrows furrowed. “You know, I don’t like nonsense.”

“But that is indeed one of the reasons,” the high priest said slowly. “You hope that Huang Quan will come to Tianqi, but you also know that Huang Quan will not let her brother go. One person in Tianhuang. You care about her, so you choose to wait, but don’t forget, you are not just the prince of Tianqi.”

“I don’t want you to stay in Tianhuang because you care about her.”

“Okay, according to you, this is one of the reasons. What is the other reason?” Di Qin looked at him, his eyes dark and deep. “With me?”

“The second reason is my understanding of you,” the high priest replied, lowering his eyes. His long black eyelashes covered his eyes and the cold light within them. “Some things need to be done. Just make sure.”

“I don’t know what you want to make sure of, but remember, no matter what you want to do, you can’t hurt him,” Di Qin said coldly. “He is Quan Quan’s brother. If he is injured, Quan Quan will be sad.”

“Don’t worry,” the high priest reassured. “I will treat him as a disciple. I will give him what should be given and what should be taught to him.”

“I hope so,” Di Qin said coldly, then turned and left.

After watching Di Qin disappear from sight, the high priest turned around and walked toward the house behind him.

The carriage pulled by the Flying Wing Snow Lion stopped outside the inn. When the people around saw the carriage pulled by the Flying Wing Snow Lion, they stopped and watched.

Nangong Mian got off the carriage first. As soon as he got out, only Di Qin and Huang Quan were left in the carriage.

“Qinqin, see you tomorrow,” Huang Quan said before getting off the carriage.

“See you tomorrow,” Di Qin said gently. “Quanquan, come on for the game.”

“Yes,” Huang Quan responded with a smile, then got out of the carriage.

After descending into the underworld, the flying-winged snow lion spread its wings and left in mid-air.

Huang Quan looked at Nangong Mian, about to suggest they go, but saw him standing there, lost in thought.

“Third brother?” Huang Quan called out, asking, “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing,” Nangong Mian snapped out of his reverie, shaking his head. “We’re here.”

“Yes,” Huang Quan nodded.

“Go in.” Nangong Mian gestured, and the two of them entered.

It was already late when they returned, and the dean and the others had also arrived.

Seeing Nangong Mian back, alive and intact, everyone was amazed. “As expected of the high priest of Tianqi, he can actually heal such serious injuries.”

“Yes, Mian’s current appearance doesn’t look like someone who was seriously injured.”

“The high priest worked hard to save me,” Nangong Mian looked at the group and said. “I’m fine. Everyone, please go back and rest. There will be a game tomorrow.”

“Alas…,” someone sighed. “Forget it, if we include Quanquan, there will only be three of us here.”


“That’s okay,” Nangong Mian smiled. “At least the whole army was not wiped out.”

The student laughed along with him, “Amian is right.”

Compared to the academy that was completely wiped out before, they were already doing well.

What’s more, compared to the colleges in the same small country, they have a special trump card.

“We have been sitting in the competition field all day today. Everyone has participated in the competition again. We are more or less injured. Let’s go and rest early,” Ming Zhao said, looking at everyone.

After hearing this, the students said their goodbyes and went back to their rooms.

After they left, Ming Zhao looked at Nangong Mian and Huang Quan. “The dean asked you two to come over.”


“Okay,” Nangong Mian and Huang Quan responded simultaneously.

Ming Zhao didn’t say much and took the two of them directly to the dean’s room.

When the dean saw the two people coming in, his eyes fell on Nangong Mian first. After looking at Nangong Mian from head to toe, the dean was a little surprised.

Although he knew that with the prince here, Nangong Mian would be fine, he didn’t expect that he would recover so quickly!

Looking at Nangong Mian, the dean said, “It’s okay.”

Nangong Mian replied, “Thanks to the high priest for helping.”

“The high priest doesn’t help easily,” the dean followed Nangong Mian’s lead. “He helped you this time, so remember to repay him.”

Nangong Mian looked a little embarrassed when he mentioned this.

Seeing him like this, the dean asked, “What’s wrong?”

Nangong Mian did not answer immediately, but glanced at the people in the room.

At this time, there were only the dean, the teacher in charge of teaching him, and his sister in the room. No one else was there, just in time to talk about that matter.

With this thought, Nangong Mian told the dean and Ming Zhao what the high priest meant.

After listening to what Nangong Mian said, the dean looked a little strange. “Are you sure it wasn’t His Highness the Prince who asked the high priest to ask for that?”

Nangong Mian said, “It shouldn’t be…”

If it was Di Qin, he could just say it; there is no need to borrow words through other people’s mouths.

“Qin Qin didn’t say that,” Huang Quan chimed in. As soon as the dean heard this, he knew that Huang Quan and the others already knew about Ye Qin being Di Qin’s business.

“That shouldn’t be the case…” The dean did not mention Di Qin’s matter but frowned and said, “The high priest rarely appears in the public eye and is distant and indifferent to everyone. Why would he ask you to stay?”

“I don’t know either,” Nangong Mian said. “But the high priest said that if I stay in Tianqi, he can let me go to the Imperial College to take classes.”

Hearing this, the dean and Ming Zhao looked at each other.

After a while, the dean looked at Nangong Mian. “Boy Mian, since the high priest said that you can go to the Imperial Academy to take classes, you can stay here after the competition.”


“You have a good talent,” Ming Zhao looked at him and said. “But the resources of Capital College cannot be compared with Imperial College. Compared with Capital College, Imperial College is better. What’s more, even if you don’t stay now, you will come here when your cultivation reaches the realm of Xuanling Master.”

“Now it’s just ahead of schedule.”

Nangong Mian looked at the two of them, feeling a little guilty. “Dean, teacher, you are very good to me. I should have finished my studies in the academy, but now I have to leave first.”

“Boy Mian,” the dean looked at him and said, “What’s there to feel guilty about?”

“Whether it’s me or your teacher, we all hope that you can become better and go further.”


“The dean is right,” Ming Zhao said. “Nangong Mian, don’t think about those messy things. Just remember, practice hard, and don’t live up to your talent.”

“That way, you will be worthy of the academy, you are worthy of the teachers who have taught you, you know?”

“Yes,” Nangong Mian nodded.

Ming Zhao patted him on the shoulder and said, “Not only do you need to know it, but you also need to remember it in your heart. Go get some rest.”

“Yes,” Nangong Mian agreed and left the room obediently without asking any questions.

After Nangong Mian left, the dean looked at Huang Quan and wanted to ask her if she had anything to say after knowing Ye Qin’s identity, but this would make him appear too nosy.

The dean of the college can’t be too nosy.

The dean suppressed his desire to gossip and said, “Girl, sit down, and I’ll tell you about today’s game.”

Upon hearing this, Huang Quan walked over and sat down opposite the dean.

The dean said, “This competition involves four imperial colleges and sixteen small national colleges. Each college sends eleven people, a total of two hundred and twenty people. Half of them will be eliminated in today’s competition.”

“In other words, after today, there will only be 110 people competing tomorrow,” Huang Quan said.

“Yes,” the dean nodded.

Huang Quan said, “I have a question.”

The dean looked at her and said, “Tell me.”

“Two hundred and twenty people, two people will play in one game, which means there will be 110 games, and tomorrow will be the second round. Can you complete the first round today?”

“Don’t worry about this,” the dean said. “During the day, there are no two competition stages for viewing, but there are not many people watching at night. At that time, another competition stage will be opened. We compete together, so finishing is not a problem.”

“I see.”

Seeing that Huang Quan understood, the dean continued: “Whether we can finish the competition or not has nothing to do with us. What we have to care about is the people participating in the competition.”

Chang Dao added, “Girl, after you left, I watched Feng Jiuyuan’s game.”

“How was it?”

“The opponents in the first round were very weak. They didn’t show their full strength, but they showed their strength. Look, they are all very strong,” the dean said. “At least their real strength is higher than the rumors.”

Huang Quan nodded, indicating that she understood.

“Among the three of them, the one I’m most worried about is Feng Jiuyuan,” the dean said. “Girl, you won’t tell me until you meet him. If you meet him, you must be extra careful.”

Seeing the dean’s solemn expression, Huang Quan, after thinking for a while, said, “What did Feng Jiuyuan do during the game?”

Before the game, the dean said that he should pay special attention to the three people. At that time, the three people were the same in the dean’s mouth. After today’s game, He became the most worried about Feng Jiuyuan. Huang Quan thought for a moment and guessed what Feng Jiuyuan must have done during the competition, otherwise the dean would not have suddenly said this.

The dean sighed and told Huang Quan what Feng Jiuyuan had done.

After listening to what the dean said, Huang Quan remained silent and did not express an opinion.

The dean said, “Although Feng Jiuyuan killed the person, if you really want to say it, it was indeed the other party who provoked Feng Jiuyuan first, but…”

“The method was too much. The person’s crime will not lead to death, right?” Huang Quan answered after hearing what the dean said.

The dean nodded, “Most people think so.”

Huang Quan smiled and said nothing more, “Dean, I will pay attention to him, you and the teacher don’t have to worry.”



The dean looked at Huang Quan and said, “Girl, whether the college can become famous or not depends entirely on you.”

Huang Quan smiled and nodded, “Dean, I understand. I will go back first.”

“Okay,” the dean said, “Go ahead.”

“Dean, you and the teacher should go to bed early.” After Huang Quan finished speaking, she got up and walked out of the room.

Looking at Huang Quan’s departing figure, the dean and Ming Zhao said, “With the girl here, we will definitely get a good ranking this time.”

After hearing this, Ming Zhao nodded absently.

The dean looked at him, “You are absent-minded, are you reluctant to leave the academy?”

“It’s a bit reluctant,” Ming Zhao sighed. “After taking care of students for several years, no one would be willing to leave suddenly, let alone his family situation. Especially, I’m worried that he will be bullied…”

Although Capital College is not as resource-rich as Tianqi Empire College, Nangong Mian will not be bullied in the college. However…

“Ming Zhao, you are overthinking this,” the dean said. “I know you have a good relationship with his father, and I am worried that he will be bullied when he comes to the Tianqi Empire, but you have to know who asked him to come.”

“There are high priests here, those from the Imperial Academy students don’t dare to bully him, not to mention that Mian Boy himself is pretty good, plus the girl. Wouldn’t bullying him be courting death?” After hearing what the dean said, Ming Zhao sighed, “I understand.”

“Okay, don’t worry, go back and rest,” the dean said. “We have to go to Imperial College early tomorrow morning.”

“Yes,” Ming Zhao responded, then stood up and left the room.

Early the next morning, the dean took Huang Quan and his group to the competition ground.

The number plates received yesterday could not be used and needed to be collected again today. After arriving at the college, the dean took the three people who would participate in the competition today to receive the number plates. Tomorrow, he would take the students who did not need to compete to the competition venue first.

They arrived neither early nor late. There were already many competition venues, including students from the Xuanling Empire.

Ming Zhao entered the venue with Nangong Mian and others, immediately attracting everyone’s attention.

Those people looked at Nangong Mian with shock in their eyes.

“You were injured so badly yesterday, why are you acting like a normal person today?”

After the collective shock, there was envy.

Nangong Mian was taken away by the high priest yesterday. The high priest must have saved him if he was safe. I don’t know how many pills the high priest used to make him act like a safe person so quickly? Moreover, he was saved by the high priest, and he would definitely have an intersection with the high priest later.

This is so enviable.

Nangong Mian sat down in his seat as if he didn’t feel the gazes.

On the other side, the student sitting next to Jing Chen whispered: “Is the High Priest of Tianqi really that powerful? Can he make a seriously injured person recover so quickly?”

Jing Chen glanced at Nangong Mian, looked away, and said lightly: “Yes. The elixir can do it.”

“Then you have to be willing to give it up.” The student murmured: “I don’t know what the relationship between Nangong Mian and the high priest of Tianqi is? The high priest of Tianqi is actually so willing.”

Jing Chen didn’t care about this. No more words were said.

In silence, more and more students entered the venue. When the competition was approaching, all the students, including those from royal families, had already arrived.

When the drums sounded, the high priest and Di Qin appeared in the competition field together.

The two of them sat down just as the drums finished.


The supervising teacher announced loudly, “The second round of competition begins now.”

After saying this, the screen appeared again, numbers flashing, and when it stopped, the screen displayed the numbers 30 and 70.

The supervising teacher glanced at it and then said, “No. 30 versus No. 70.” After the supervision teacher finished speaking, a student from the Xuanling Empire stood up. Following that, a student from the Small National Academy also stood up.

With only forty-four students from the four empires out of two hundred and twenty participants, more than half were students from small country colleges. This increased the likelihood of students from small countries facing opponents from the God’s Empire.

The students from the Small Country Academy couldn’t help but feel disheartened when they saw that their opponents were students from the Imperial Academy.

The games started, and with the cultivation base crushing them, most of the matches ended quickly. Except for the longer battles between Imperial students, contests between Small Country Academy students and between students of Small Country Academies and those from the Imperial Academy were swift.

The numbers flashed on the screen once again, and when it stopped, it read ‘Number 38 vs. Number 60.’


Seeing these two numbers competing, the whole audience erupted into an uproar.

The numbers corresponded to names. Number 38 was the student from the Xiwu Empire who had seriously injured Nangong Mian the previous day, and number 60 was Huang Quan.

Nangong Mian had been injured the day before, and Huang Quan had immediately rushed to pick him up from under the competition stage. Everyone knew about their relationship. Furthermore, Huang Quan had fought with students from the Xuanling Empire the previous day, swiftly concluding the match. Although people weren’t sure about her exact strength, they knew she had the capability to contend with students from the Empire. Thus, the anticipation for the showdown between her and the Xiwu Empire’s student was palpable.

When enemies clash, the scene must be fierce!

The corners of Huang Quan’s lips curled up, and the smile that had been hanging on her face deepened significantly. It was evident that she was very satisfied with this match.

Huang Quan stood up and walked to the playing field with a confident smile.

“You have two choices now,” the Xiwu Empire student said, frowning as he addressed his fellow student. “The fact that she could defeat the Xuanling Empire students so quickly indicates that she is not weak. If you fight her, you may win or lose. But since you injured her brother yesterday, once you step onto the competition field, she will most likely take the opportunity to retaliate against you. You can choose to compete, or you can choose to admit defeat.”

“Admit defeat?” The student sneered. “She is indeed fast, but if it’s a speed competition, I might not lose to her.” After finishing his words, he got up and walked to the competition stage.

“Ha,” Feng Jiuyuan looked at the student’s back and sneered. “You are seeking death.”

The Xiwu Empire teacher heard this and looked at him. “Do you mean that he is destined to lose?”

Feng Jiuyuan, still sneering, replied with a half-smile, “Whether he loses or not, don’t you have a clear idea, teacher?”

The teacher from the Xiwu Empire frowned but said nothing.

Feng Jiuyuan continued casually, “I can’t tell how strong she is, but she managed to take down students from the Xuanling Empire at such a fast speed. Isn’t this enough to explain the situation?” The teacher from the Xiwu Empire glanced at him and said no more, returning to watch the game.

On the competition stage, Huang Quan looked at the Xiwu Empire student who had stepped up, and the curve of her mouth became even deeper. “Yesterday it was with my third brother, and today it is with me. We are very destined.”


The student from the Xiwu Empire scowled at Huang Quan and responded with an indifferent expression, “What? You want to avenge your brother?”

“How could that happen?” Huang Quan smiled. “I just want to have a serious competition.”

The Xiwu Empire student looked at her and sneered, disbelief written on his face.

Huang Quan explained, “It is normal for the game to have casualties. I understand, and I hope you can understand too.”

Hearing this, the student from the Xiwu Empire narrowed his eyes dangerously. “Are you threatening me?”

Huang Quan raised her eyelids, casually looking at him. “Now that we’re up, let’s start the competition.”

“Okay.” The student from the Xiwu Empire sneered. “I want to see if you have the strength to avenge your brother!”


As the Xiwu Empire student finished speaking, wind suddenly appeared on the competition stage. The wind blades condensed around the Xiwu Empire student, and when successfully formed, he shouted, “Go!” The invisible wind blades whooshed towards Huang Quan.

Huang Quan curled her lips and smiled, then walked sideways forward.

“What is she doing?” A student in the audience questioned. “She is walking so leisurely, is she taking a walk? At her speed, can she avoid the wind blade?” The students around him fell silent, unable to blink their eyes, observing Huang Quan intently.

She displayed extremely fast speed when competing with students from the Xuanling Empire. It couldn’t be that simple!


Taking one step forward, Huang Quan’s body suddenly disappeared like an afterimage. When everyone saw her figure again, she appeared behind the Xiwu Empire student!

Seeing this scene, the spectators were shocked. They clearly saw Huang Quan take a step forward, but when that step landed, her figure turned into an afterimage, reappearing behind the Xiwu Empire student. During this period, they did not observe any spiritual power fluctuations on her body. How was this possible?

Everyone watching the game was astounded, and the students from the Xiwu Empire who were in the game were even more astonished!

How was she so fast without any apparent spiritual power?

He controlled the wind, and the wind should have sensed everything. Why couldn’t he catch her movements?


A seemingly gentle punch landed on the back of the Xiwu Empire student. He was suddenly knocked away and landed on the edge of the competition stage.


The student spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at Huang Quan with disbelief. She had broken through his spiritual defense and seriously injured him with sheer force. Was this woman a monster?

Though shocked by Huang Quan’s strength, the Xiwu Empire students were not willing to admit defeat. They stood up, consumed healing elixirs, and when the wounds on their bodies had calmed down a bit, they retrieved their weapons to attack Huang Quan again.

The strong wind swept wildly across the competition stage, tousling black hair and fluttering clothes. Huang Quan stood there, watching the approaching attacker, the corners of her lips deepening into a smile.

The longsword cut through the air with force, rapidly piercing towards Huang Quan. What appeared extremely fast to everyone was slowed down several times in Huang Quan’s eyes. She effortlessly dodged the man’s attack, swaying her body to the side.

Ducking swiftly, Huang Quan evaded the sword’s thrust. The Xiwu Empire student, about to change his tactic, was caught off guard as Huang Quan suddenly made a move. She seized the wrist holding the sword and forced it down with a click, violently breaking the wrist. The student grimaced in pain as his face distorted. Unable to maintain his grip, the sword fell from his hand.

In that instant, Huang Quan swiftly reached out, catching the sword hilt. Simultaneously, she moved her feet, spun around, and appeared behind the Xiwu Empire student, thrusting the sword forward!



The sword’s tip pierced through the back, penetrated the chest, and blood spattered out.

Despite the lingering pain in his wrist, at this moment, the most excruciating sensation was not in his wrist but his chest.

The Xiwu Empire student lowered his head, observing the sword protruding from his chest, and thoughts of Nangong Mian flooded his mind.

She could have easily snapped his neck, much like she did with his wrist, but instead, she chose to stab him from behind…

It was revenge for Nangong Mian!

Yesterday, he had used this very sword to pierce through Nangong Mian’s chest, causing him severe injuries.

No! It wasn’t just one sword; it was two!

Realizing Huang Quan’s intentions, panic seized the student. He raised his head, looking toward the supervising teacher, and hastily declared, “I surrender!”

After uttering those words, the longsword was withdrawn from his chest. Before the student could catch his breath, the drawn sword thrust back into his body.


Another spurt of blood escaped the student’s mouth. After Huang Quan released her grip on the sword, his body swayed and collapsed.

“You…” The fallen student stared at Huang Quan with a mixture of hatred and fear.

Huang Quan gazed down at him coldly, her eyes devoid of emotion. However, a smile graced her lips as she spoke, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you admit defeat.”

These words seemed hauntingly familiar…

Yesterday, he had said the same thing to Nangong Mian.

Despite the clear opportunity to end his life, Huang Quan chose to inflict the same injury upon him that he had inflicted upon Nangong Mian. The same method, the same wound, and the same words…

This woman was determined to retaliate, akin to a vengeful spirit!

Huang Quan’s actions were unmistakable; she sought revenge for Nangong Mian. Whatever the adversary had done to Nangong Mian, she intended to reciprocate in kind!

The opponent faced her without any means of resistance. She had stabbed him with one sword, and the second sword was poised to strike, but she waited patiently for the opponent to admit defeat before delivering the next blow. Her retaliation was bound to be severe!

However, Nangong Mian had the advantage of a high priest who saved him. Despite his serious injuries, he survived. But the student from the Xiwu Empire might not be as fortunate. There was a real possibility that he might not survive!

The two supervising teachers observed Huang Quan with expressions that betrayed a mix of complexity.

If something happened for the second day in a row after an admission of defeat, it would undoubtedly tarnish the reputation of the Tianqi Empire. Other empires would perceive it as a failure in their supervision.

“Two teachers, I know I was wrong.” Huang Quan addressed the supervising teachers proactively. “Please warn me once.”

Upon hearing Huang Quan’s words, the two teachers regarded her with even more intricate expressions.

How ruthless!

She had truly repaid it in kind.

The students from the Xiwu Empire were still holding their breaths. However, when Huang Quan asked for a warning, they completely lost consciousness.

The two supervising teachers refrained from commenting further. After issuing a warning to Huang Quan, they declared, “Huang Quan wins!” As soon as the competition results were announced, Huang Quan left the stage without casting another glance at the fallen student.

“Interesting!” Feng Jiuyuan chuckled while observing Huang Quan’s departure. “She has a temper that suits me.”

While Feng Jiuyuan was in high spirits, the faces of the Xiwu Empire teacher and the other students turned as dark as water, displaying extreme displeasure.

By taking this action, Huang Quan not only avenged Nangong Mian but also delivered a resounding slap to their faces!

On a minor scale, this was a matter between Imperial College and Tianhuang College. On a broader scale, it was a matter between the Xiwu Empire and the Tianhuang Kingdom. It was simply unreasonable for the esteemed Imperial College to be so humiliated by a student from a small country college!

The teacher from the Xiwu Empire glared at Huang Quan with a hostile expression, simultaneously instructing those around him, “Go and take the person back for treatment. You must save his life!”


Not everyone possesses the elixirs of the Tianqi Empire’s high priest, capable of facilitating rapid recovery. Even if some did, not everyone would be willing to share it with others.

The teacher from the Xiwu Empire and the other students were aware that the injured student wouldn’t survive, but no one voiced their thoughts. Shortly after, medical personnel escorted the injured student off the competition stage.

As the next game commenced between an empire student and a student from a small country, the audience’s attention waned. Most were still contemplating the previous intense match.

Huang Quan hailed from the Tianhuang Kingdom, yet she seemed closely acquainted with Prince Diqin. With the high priest intervening to save her brother, the spectators were left to ponder the true identities of these individuals.

Attempts to investigate the identities of the siblings were initiated, but the distance between the Tianqi Empire and the Tianhuang Empire would take several days to traverse, hindering quick revelations.

Over the past two days of watching the games, a pervasive intuition permeated the audience. Establishing a connection with Huang Quan could translate to forming ties with Prince Diqin and the High Priest, promising elevated status and myriad benefits. The minds of those seated on the first floor churned with thoughts on how to connect with Nangong Mian through Huang Quan. Meanwhile, the head of the Nangong family furrowed his brows, puzzled by their contemplative expressions.

Nangong Qingle, seated behind the family head, pursed her lips tightly, displaying evident displeasure.

“That Huang Quan is truly formidable!”

“Yes, her speed is unmatched. If I were to face her, I’d surely lose!”

“I’ve never heard of such a prodigy before…”

“She lacks spiritual roots, yet her martial arts prowess is extraordinary. I’ve never heard of such a thing being normal.”

“That’s not accurate.” Some students contested, “Consider this: if one were to gain renown for cultivating spiritual power, shouldn’t achieving fame through martial arts be even more impressive? After all, cultivating martial arts is more challenging than cultivating spiritual power to such an advanced level!”

“Yes,” other students agreed.

“Tianhuang Academy has concealed a trump card,” remarked some students. “Perhaps she will secure a spot among the top three this time.”

“Not necessarily,” argued others. “We know little about the top three, except that they’re different from ordinary students.”

“Anything is possible…”

“Can you all keep it down?” Nangong Qingle interrupted the discussion, frowning. “I’d like to watch the competition in peace.”

Hearing her request, the chattering students fell silent, turning their attention back to the ongoing matches.

Nangong Qingle, however, couldn’t conceal the tension in her fists beneath her sleeves as she watched the games. An undercurrent of animosity simmered beneath the surface.

Soon after Huang Quan’s match, two other students from Tianhuang Kingdom also participated in the competition. Unfortunately, both were defeated by Imperial College students. Of the eleven participants from the Tianhuang Kingdom, only Huang Quan progressed to the next round.

Although there was a sense of regret, the team understood the possibilities before entering the competition, mitigating any deep sadness.

With everyone on the team having completed their matches, Huang Quan lost interest in continuing to watch. She expressed, “Dean, I’m heading back now.” Nangong Mian promptly added, “Dean, I’ll go back too.”

The dean turned to them and suggested, “Wait a moment. Jingchen, Feng Jiuyuan, and Nangong Qingle have yet to compete. It’s not too late to leave after witnessing their matches.”


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