The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

“I give up,” the student said.

It was truly surprising that the game ended shortly after the two stepped onto the stage.

“She’s so strong?” The Xuanling Empire students looked at Huang Quan on the stage and frowned. “Facing her, we’d have no chance of winning.”

Although they knew about Huang Quan’s strength, they didn’t expect her to be this formidable.

She didn’t even use her spiritual power, yet her speed was so fast they couldn’t follow it.

The match concluded with the student conceding defeat.

As the supervising teacher conveyed the results to Huang Quan, he regarded her with a complicated expression.

This game could be considered the fastest one to conclude that day.

The head of the Nangong family observed Huang Quan with a slight frown.

The one before was named Nangong Mian, but this one is called Huang Quan. Aren’t they brothers and sisters?

It shouldn’t be… The boy named Nangong Mian resembles his younger brother, and the girl named Huang Quan looks similar to that woman. They should be brother and sister.

But, since they are siblings, why do they have different names?

The head of the Nangong family frowned, and Nangong Qingle, seated on the third level, displayed a displeased expression. Especially when she saw Huang Quan descending from the competition stage and Di Qin turning his head slightly to look over, her expression soured even more.

After stepping off the competition stage, Huang Quan headed straight to the fourth level.

The dean greeted her happily, “Girl, you are very powerful.”

Defeating even the Xuanling Empire students easily, she is anticipated to reach the top three this time.

“Dean, there is no more competition for me today,” Huang Quan informed him. “My third brother is seriously injured, so I will leave first.”

The dean nodded, “Girl, go quickly, make sure to save the boy Mian.”

“Yeah,” Huang Quan replied, ready to leave. However, she paused just two steps up the stairs.

Her third brother was taken away by the high priest. If she understood correctly, the priest’s hall should be in the palace. Did she want to force her way into the palace?

Not the best idea…

It’s still an imperial palace, after all.

Considering this, Huang Quan was about to consult Di Qin. Yet, when she turned around, she saw that Di Qin had already walked up.

“Let’s go,” Di Qin said warmly, noticing her gaze. “I’ll take you to find him.”

Huang Quan regarded him, suspicion intensifying in her heart. However, she decided that the current moment wasn’t the right time to dwell on it. With a nod, she replied, “Okay.”

Observing this interaction, the dean wasn’t surprised. The young master had known the girl for a long time; how could he abandon her?

While the dean took it in stride, others were so astonished that their mouths nearly reached their ears.

Despite Crown Prince Di Qin having a different attitude towards the woman named Huang Quan from the beginning, it wasn’t so apparent! The competition wasn’t over, and Prince Di Qin hadn’t mentioned leaving earlier. If Huang Quan wanted to leave before the conclusion of the games, Prince Di Qin followed suit. Did Prince Di Qin attend the competition just for Huang Quan?

Various expressions played on the faces of onlookers, but none dared to inquire.

Ignoring the speculations, Di Qin guided Huang Quan up the stairs and out.

Once outside the competition grounds, Huang Quan noticed numerous carriages. Her eyes scanned each one until they settled on a carriage drawn by six flying-winged snow lion beasts.

The Winged Snow Lion, with two wings on its back and pure white fur, resembled flying snow. Possessing ice attributes, it was considered a holy beast. These creatures could only be contracted by individuals who had reached the realm of Holy Spirit Masters.

Thus, many people would never encounter a holy beast in their lifetime, let alone form a contract. However, the man next to her and the beasts pulling the carriage were all holy beasts.

Di Qin led Huang Quan towards the carriage, and as they approached, a young man sitting on it jumped down, greeting them with, “Your Highness.”


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