The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

Huang Quan noticed that line of sight and raised her eyes to meet it.

Their eyes locked, and Huang Quan curled her lower lip.

Jing Chen looked away expressionlessly, as if he had never glanced their way.

“How is she?” The student sitting next to Jing Chen noticed their interaction and asked in a low voice, “Is she as sinister as the teacher said?” “She doesn’t have any spiritual fluctuations in her body,” Jing Chen’s voice remained calm. “As for whether she is sinister or not, you can’t tell.”

“She is really peculiar.” After hearing Jing Chen’s response, the student commented, “She clearly has no spiritual power, yet seems inexplicably strong.” Jing Chen didn’t respond, just sitting quietly.

Following the students from the Nanyuan Empire, those from the Xiwu Empire also made their entrance.

The Xiwu Empire students donned black robes, with black hair and dark attire. They deliberately suppressed their presence, creating an ensemble reminiscent of ghosts in the dark night.

However, the last student in the procession shattered that perception.

An incredibly handsome young man with black hair and red eyes, sharp facial features, and sword-shaped eyebrows that extended into his temples. Though he should have appeared quite cold, the smile at the corner of his mouth softened that impression, lending a touch of wickedness.

Almost as soon as the audience laid eyes on him, the atmosphere among the students from the other two empires grew serious.

This was Feng Jiuyuan, the rumoured young master of Jiuyuan City with demon blood!

As Huang Quan’s gaze swept over Feng Jiuyuan’s face, the corners of her lips lifted slightly.

Two out of the three individuals the dean had warned about had made their appearance, and they indeed possessed the special bloodlines as rumoured.

Now, the only question remained: did the last one truly have the blood of the Spirit Race?

As anticipation filled the air, the students from the Tianqi Empire, the hosting empire, finally entered the venue.

Contrary to the dark hues of the Xiwu Empire students’ attire, those from the Tianqi Empire donned robes of pure white.

If the students from the Xiwu Empire resembled ghosts in the dark night, the Tianqi Empire students resembled ethereal beings, akin to immortal boys and girls with the clear breeze and bright moon.

As soon as the Tianqi Empire students made their appearance, many eyes were drawn to the lone woman in their midst.

Her beauty was undeniable, yet compared to Huang Quan’s radiance, she appeared merely average.

Regardless, numerous gazes were fixed upon her for two reasons: her status as the fifth young lady of the Nangong family and her possession of Spirit Race blood.

She bore those scrutinizing looks with an indifferent expression and a cold temperament, seemingly unfazed by any attention.

If not for Huang Quan noticing the subtle tightening of her lips, it might have been easy to believe, like many others, that she truly didn’t care. But Huang Quan did notice.

The dean sitting in front stated, “The woman in the team is the fifth young lady of the Nangong family, Nangong Qingle.”

“Everything is correct,” Huang Quan responded, signifying her understanding.

The dean nodded in satisfaction and refrained from saying more.

Following the entry of students from the four empires, the two teachers overseeing the competition arrived, followed by other distinguished figures who took their seats.

Imperial envoys, heads of aristocratic families from the Tianqi Empire, and members of the imperial royal family all found their places, underscoring the significance accorded to this competition.

Before the imperial family members could settle into their seats, a loud cry suddenly echoed through the sky.

After the reverberation, a shadow cast a sudden darkness over the competition field.

All eyes turned upward to witness the creature that obscured the sky and sun.


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