The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

Huang Quan asked, “How high is his cultivation?”

“It is rumored that he has reached the peak level of Xuanling Master.”

“At the peak level of Xuanling Master?” Nangong Mian stared at the dean in astonishment. “He has reached the peak of Xuanling Master at the age of sixteen?”

The dean nodded, “This is a rumor, but I believe his strength might surpass the rumor.” Nangong Mian, hearing this, could only move his lips, utterly speechless.

Becoming a mysterious spiritual master is only the first step toward becoming a holy spirit master, and reaching the peak level of Xuanling Master is an impressive feat. However, being on the verge of becoming a holy spirit master at the age of sixteen is unheard of.

At ten years old, reaching the sixth level spiritual master… Compared to the young master of Jingxue Palace, Nangong Mian considered himself an ordinary person.

“It’s interesting,” Huang Quan commented with a smirk. “I’ll remember it.”

Seeing Huang Quan take note, the dean said no more.

Two days later, in the early morning, the students gathered in the lobby.

Ming Chao and the dean led them to the Imperial College.

Located in the west of the Imperial City, the Imperial College sprawled over a vast area, surrounded by bustling streets. The already lively streets had become even busier with the influx of students arriving for the competition.

After a short journey, the dean guided the students to the grand entrance of Imperial College.

Nangong Mian gazed up at the imposing gate and sighed, “As expected of the Imperial College, the gate is truly impressive.” Huang Quan remained silent, merely glancing at the gate adorned with the words ‘Imperial College.’

She found more significance in those four words than in the grand door.

Before the students could fully appreciate it, the dean led them through the process of submitting their posts, receiving their identity badges, and entering the Imperial College.

Upon entering, an expansive square greeted their eyes.

Filled with people, the square showcased a spectrum of colors – blue, white, purple robes, indicating the diverse colleges participating in the competition.

“There are so many people,” Nangong Mian remarked.

“The more people, the greater the heights,” the dean explained. “Let’s head over and wait. The competition field will be raised soon.” The students nodded and proceeded toward the square.

As they entered the square, even before taking a few steps forward, four elderly figures descended from the air.

These elders, adorned in white hair and robes, exuded an ethereal presence.

Upon seeing them, the dean introduced the students, “There are twelve nurturing elders in Imperial College. Each elder surpasses the Holy Spirit Master in strength, boasting an exceptionally high cultivation level. The elders are here to initiate the competition.”

The students watched silently as the four elders landed in the middle of the square. Simultaneously, under their control, the center of the square, untouched by anyone, parted, revealing the rising competition field.

The circular field featured a central competition platform surrounded by stepped seats, each marked with names to guide the competing students.

After the competition field emerged, the four elders alighted on the platform. Gazing at the gathering below, they announced, “The competition will commence in half an hour. Competing students, please take your seats and wait.” Though spoken with moderate volume, the elders’ words resonated clearly in every student’s ears due to the infusion of spiritual power.

Upon hearing the announcement, students waiting outside the central square swiftly ascended the competition grounds, finding their designated seats.



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