The Whole World Knows That the Crown Prince Loves Her

She saw admiration in the monk’s eyes, but it quickly vanished.


Admiration for what?

Admiration for her committing murder?

Huang Quan walked toward the two of them.

She wasn’t worried about Nangong Mian seeing her kill someone. That’s just how she is. She would never let those who hurt her go free, and she had no intention of hiding it. Sooner or later, Nangong Mian would notice her change.

Whether he noticed it early or late didn’t make a difference. She just wondered if he could accept it.

Huang Quan approached Nangong Mian with a bit of worry and said gently, “Third Brother.”

Nangong Mian looked at Huang Quan with complex emotions. He never imagined that one day he would see Quan Quan commit murder.

Quan Quan was so delicate. How could she kill someone? And she had killed someone with the cultivation of a fourth-grade spiritualist!

Nangong Mian’s feelings at this moment were complicated, and he didn’t know what to say as he gazed at Huang Quan.

Seeing Nangong Mian’s silence, Huang Quan lowered her head slightly and asked, “Third Brother, are you angry?”

Nangong Mian wanted to say that he wasn’t angry, but he couldn’t say it at this moment. He just turned to the man beside him and respectfully said, “Venerable Master, this is my sister. Can you take a look at her?”

Huang Quan, upon hearing this, looked at the monk.

From a distance, this monk was incredibly handsome. Up close, he was even more breathtaking.

His facial features were exquisitely refined and sharply defined, like a celestial being’s portrait meticulously painted, more handsome than anyone in the mortal world.

Through the myriad lifetimes, Huang Quan had seen many beautiful female and male spirits, but none of them compared to this man’s beauty. If not for the brief flicker of admiration she saw in his eyes when he witnessed her kill, she would have thought he was a deity who had descended to relieve the suffering of the mortal realm.

Beautiful but not kind, that was Huang Quan’s initial impression of this monk!

As Huang Quan was scrutinising Fo Xin, he furrowed his brow and then turned to Nangong Mian, saying, “Nangong dono, there are some matters I need to attend to. I’m afraid I cannot diagnose your sister at the moment. Please forgive me.” With those words, without waiting for Nangong Mian’s response, Fo Xin quickly walked away.

“Grandmaster Fo Xin!” Nangong Mian called out, surprised by Fo Xin’s abrupt departure.

However, the more Nangong Mian called, the faster Fo Xin walked away.

Huang Quan watched Fo Xin’s departing figure and suddenly noticed a trace of deathly aura!

Seeing this, Huang Quan was taken aback, but upon closer inspection, there was no such aura.

It must have been a mistake…

“Quan Quan.” With Fo Xin gone, unable to help her get checked, and with Qin Qianqian’s corpse still present, Nangong Mian grabbed Huang Quan’s hand and hurriedly said, “Stay in the courtyard. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back soon.”

Huang Quan understood that Nangong Mian’s emotions were very complicated at the moment, so she obediently complied, saying, “Alright.”

Nangong Mian left Huang Quan in the courtyard and quickly departed.

Qin Qianqian was dead, and many people had seen that Huang Quan had killed her. The Qin family wouldn’t let it go. They would undoubtedly send people to seek justice. Regardless of the situation, Nangong Mian couldn’t allow the Qin family to harm Quan Quan!

Watching Nangong Mian’s retreating figure, Huang Quan sighed and muttered, “Silly brother.”

She had killed Qin Qianqian, and the Qin family wouldn’t let it slide. Hiding her away would only enrage the Qin family even more. Moreover, it wasn’t really hiding when everyone knew she was staying in this area.

Once she was sure Nangong Mian had left, Huang Quan lightly stepped and effortlessly flew out of the courtyard.

It was impossible to make her stay in the courtyard. She had to go and see for herself. If the Qin family didn’t take action, she wouldn’t say anything. But if they laid a hand on Third Brother, she didn’t mind killing them all.


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