The Villain’s Daughter Plans To Run Away

Chapter 72


As the carriage shook for a moment, the cherry-colored hair on my shoulder became disheveled.

‘Whoa, it tickles.’

I slowly lifted my closed eyelids.

After that, my brothers were exhausted from crying and fell asleep on my shoulder.

Thanks to that, it was uncomfortable because the hair tickled the area around my cheek, but I felt even more sorry for waking them up when they were sleeping so soundly.

“Billie, you must be tired, so you should sleep.”

As I was watching the moon that had no choice but to follow the carriage, I heard a low sound coming from across the street.

It was Dad.

When I turned my head, the figure in the darkness stared at me.

“I can’t sleep. What about Dad?”

“…I can’t sleep either.”

He mumbled something and turned his head towards the window.

Even though he said that, Dad didn’t seem to have any intention of going to sleep at all.

A strong look was turning around his tired eyes, as if he was planning to protect us immediately if something happened.

“I’ll also sleep after we get back home.”

Cassis silently nodded his head at my words.

I thought he kept his mouth shut because he didn’t want to wake the brothers, but after hesitating for a moment, he asked the question again.

“You slapped Her Imperial Majesty the Empress, didn’t you.”

My head whipped around.


“No, I saw it all, you know.”

Geez. Damn it.

“Hm? what?”

“…What do you think Daddy saw?”


I pretended it wasn’t the case until the end, but when he asked again in a low voice, the question turned into a rabbit’s eyes.

Did he read a lie on my face, I wonder.

Dad, who was chuckling, sighed.

But the unsmiling eyes were seriously urging the truth.

‘I’m ruined.’

I tried my best to ignore Dad’s gaze and eventually gave up.

“… “Where did you start watching that?”

“The way you say that means you really hit her.”

“…No way.”

I opened my mouth wide.

“Dad, did you lie?”

“It’s not a lie. I saw you quickly hide your hand after slapping her face.”

Gasp. No, I guess I really saw it.

In response to the firm response, I quickly folded my hands politely and changed my attitude.

Cold sweat broke out from the top of my head.

There was another reason why I reacted sensitively.

What if Dad overheard the conversation about regression?

In particular, I was worried that Dad might have been hurt by what she said about Mom.

Fortunately, he didn’t seem to have heard the conversation related to the regressor.

“I wonder how coldly I’ve always behaved. Everyone who sees you says it’s ridiculous, telling you that you won’t get my affection, but I can understand your temper tantrum to some extent.”

He was even protecting me.

“…If it were me, I would be angry.”


‘For now, it looks like we have passed the dangerous juncture.’

I was sighing, but my eyes were slightly shaken by the soft voice that followed.

“…To be exact, that would have been the case if it were me before I met you.”

…Dad before he met me.

When I came to my senses, Cassis’ face strangely sank as he observed my expression.

Even as he spoke, he repeatedly narrowed and straightened his eyebrows as if he felt uncomfortable.

As if he was wondering how to explain it so I wouldn’t get hurt.

“Daddy was also emotionally ahead of reason at the time.”


“But Billie. I lost a lot because of that action. Since you look like me, I was worried that my mistakes might be repeated.”

The carefully spoken voice cracked slightly.

Even in the clumsy advice, he was blaming himself for my mistakes.


It was my fault, but why is Dadreminded of his past by my actions?

Suddenly, a part of my heart throbbed.

Only then did I realize the seriousness of the incident and lowered my head.

“…I won’t do that again.”

“Now that you know it, it’s enough.”

Dad also was mixed up by the sincere apology.

There was silence for a while.

He was staring at me and eventually lowered his upper body and stretched out his arms.

“Stop being like that and come here.”

“But the brothers…”

“Leave them behind.”

In response to the cool response, I carefully pushed my brothers towards the wall.

As I went into Dad’s arms, I felt a warm hand on the top of my head.

Just a few months ago, I was worried about Cassis, but these days, it feels like the roles have changed.

‘…I guess he’s really my dad.’

A feeling of security that I have never felt before in my life.

It felt like a strong protective shield was created for me who was desperate to survive.

A person who made me feel like I was no longer anxious even though I was young.

The tip of my nose twitched, but I didn’t want to show it, so I dug into his arms like a mole digging a burrow.

Then I lifted my head up.

Now that I have trust, I’m not afraid to ask questions.

“Dad. Then why did you pretend not to know at the time when you knew everything?”

“You looked like you would cry if someone touched you, but what if I took someone else’s side there back then. Of course I’m on your side.”

When does he say that one shouldn’t be emotionally ahead of reason?

“Then what would have happened if evidence came out that I really hit her.”

“Then it means you’re in danger, so I have to take your side even more.”

“No, then… Uaah.”

I couldn’t understand, so I wriggled my mouth, but my cheek was gently pinched.

When I raised my axe eyes to gesture to him to let go, Dad burst out laughing like I’m the way I am.

“You’re usually shameless and smart, though. Who do you resemble so much that you’re so wary?”

“I wesembwe Dwad.”

“Who do you resemble?”


“Aah. You resemble me.”

Is my face with enlarged cheeks funny?

Dad, with a faint smile on his face, looked at me for a while and eventually took his hand away.

I secretly touched my sore cheek and glared at him.

Of course, he was unharmed and looked down at me proudly, resting his elbow on the window sill and resting his chin on it.

‘Right. I resemble that sight.’

I, who was huffing, made a noise, tch.

I didn’t like having my cheek pinched.

Also, I don’t feel bad because he’s claiming I resemble him with a proud face.

“Anyway, Dad believes in me, right?”


I asked, crossing my arms.

“Then are you going to believe that Her Imperial Majesty planned the building’s collapse?”


His relaxed face froze slightly.

Cassis, whose expression disappeared for a moment, narrowed his brows.

Even if he was on my side, it seemed difficult to give a careless answer about public matters.

“That will have to be decided after further investigation, Billie.”



Anyway, he says he will believe it if there is evidence.

“Baby, come here for a moment.”


When I took the cat doll from the brothers’ lap and placed it on my lap, the innocent doll tilted its head.

“Would you mind telling us just the conversation between Duke Bell and Her Imperial Majesty the Empress?”


At my request, the cat doll went into recording and playback mode.

In the soft, gentle fluff that crackled for a moment, I could hear the conversation between Duke Bell and the Empress, who had planned the kidnapping and collapse of the building.

“…Stop the carriage.”

After hearing the recording, Dad immediately stopped the carriage, and the knight commander and Agasa jumped out of another carriage.

I hummed as I looked at the people who had hurriedly gathered together.

‘Will I boast about the green stone in front of the Empress, who told me I’m crazy?’

Of course, the real one was different.

“What will happen if I make more friends like you?”


I asked while touching the doll’s cheek, and the doll fell into my arms.

It was such a cute and useful friend.


The Imperial Family investigated the incident internally and summoned the nobles involved in the building collapse.

At this point, thanks to the Empress’ divine power, the injured disappeared in just one day, so they had to provide clear compensation to the injured.

This collapse incident was reported to be the worst in history.

At first glance, it’s a situation that could tarnish the image of the Imperial Family, but depending on how you deal with it, it could actually gain favor.

“Are you okay, Marquis Franken?”

It was for the same reason that the Empress herself came down to the stage to greet them.

“Your Imperial Majesty’s divine power has completely healed my injured arm.”

“Thank you. “It’s all thanks to Your Imperial Majesty.”

The Marquis of Franken, who was massaging his healthy arm, lowered his upper body deeply.

Fortunately, there’s a greater possibility that the situation will change from an article about the worst incident to an article about the Imperial Family’s quick response and settlement.

That’s because the Saintess, Empress Isilis, was there.

“Her Imperial Majesty the Empress must have had a very difficult time with the building collapse, and she stayed up late at night taking care of the wounded.”

“I received treatment myself. She was waiting until dawn for treatment, and she said she was sorry that it was rather late.”

“Oh my, please take care of herself… I was in the backseat and only got a scratch on my cheek, and she treated that too.”

“Directly with divine power?”

“Yes. She herself placed her hand on my cheek, and I thought I was going to die of embarrassment, you know?”

“In some ways, the Imperial Family must have been a victim of this building collapse…”

“Seeing how they take responsibility, it seems like the Emperor and the Empress can’t be just anyone.”

“That’s right. Especially if it weren’t for Her Imperial Majesty’s divine power… It’s truly terrible.”

Imperial Palace main hall.

Every time Isilis took her steps and asked how they were doing, praises for her bloomed like a flower path.

If public opinion is at this level, there will be no bother about the building collapsing.

‘That’s a good thing.’

“It seems like there are no injuries, so I feel relieved.”

The Empress, sighing in contentment, offered her well-wishes to the foolish nobles who supported her.

In fact, Isilis’ plan was a failure.

She even caused the building to collapse.

She couldn’t even cast a black spell on the Princess, which she had originally planned, let alone Vallois.

Although she was upset, she still had some income.

‘That kid was a regressor?’

The Empress smiled, trying to hide her hardened face, yet the corners of her eyes didn’t fold as gently as usual.

It was difficult for her to control her facial expression as she remembered her speaking informally to her, calling her a regressor.

Bilisia was like Cassis from beginning to end.

‘God is cruel too.’

He gave the daughter of a sinner who killed people an equal opportunity with a saintess.

“Saintess, no, Your Imperial Majesty. Thank you for saving my life.”

“Your Imperial Majesty. Thank you.”

Upon hearing the nobles’ greetings, the Empress realized again that she was in the hall.

At this level, the situation will be resolved.

As it was time for the Emperor to arrive, she was about to go up to the podium.

“The Vallois family is entering.”

When the huge door of the hall opened, all eyes turned towards the door as the sunlight poured in.

It was Vallois.

Cassis, who appeared holding his daughter with his back to the sunlight, quietly sat in the back seat.

The same was true for the twin princes.

The Vallois family clearly attended as victims, yet anyone could see that they looked like predators who would cause disturbance to the ecosystem.

In particular, the Duke silently stared at the Empress with a keen gaze, as if there was something he was dissatisfied with.

“… Now that the Vallois family has entered, let’s begin in earnest.”

The Empress sneered at the sight.

If you scarily look at me, well, should I be scared?

‘Anyway, public opinion will be on my side.’

It made her feel better to see him glaring at her without any evidence to turn the tables on her.


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